After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

11/30/05 WED:
---Here today from Tartarus:
WORMWOOD #5, aut/05, Tartarus, (Literature of the fantastic, supernatural and decadent; unpublished story by Aickman, Joel Lane on Bradbury, Jeff Gardiner on Blackwood, Richard McNeff on Victor Neuburg, Lykiard on Lowry, Stephen Sennitt on Poe & Hoffman, Adam Daly on Blaise Cendrars), new 15.00

Monday, November 28, 2005

11/28/05 MON:
---A few used books catalogued:
book club ($3 each):
misc. softcovers:
ALGOL/STARSHIP, 21-issue run, #18 (5/72) to #38 (spr/80), (The Magazine About Science Fiction; evolving from mimeo fanzine into slick semiprozine; edited by Andrew Porter; lots of big-name authors), vg-f the set, 50.00
Hoban, Russell RIDDLEY WALKER, Washington Square Press, 6/82, (tour-de-force), vg+ 7.00
Lethem, Jonathan GUN, WITH OCCASIONAL MUSIC, Tor, 3/95, (tech noir; audaciously assured first novel), vg-f 7.00
---Maybe I ought to make the blogmail biweekly instead of weekly, since I seem to be skipping weeks more often than not. But I still hope to be adding more content more regularly--and I don’t want blogmails to be overly long. Maybe next week I can start getting back to the plan. And thanks to all who have offered commiseration over my bad back. Many of you have had the same experience, as have I off and on over the years. By now mine is almost completely better, but still there are still twinges. No longer can I really use it as an excuse for my laziness. I’ll have to find another one now!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

11/27/05 SUN:
---Our Thanksgiving meal today, because Neil didn’t get in until late Friday--airline ticket prices dictating the schedule. My mother-in-law (Neil’s grandmother) showed up too. It was very nice.

Friday, November 25, 2005

11/25/05 FRI:
---Here today from Tor:
Pohl, Frederik PLATINUM POHL: The Collected Best Stories, Tor, 12/05, 1st edn, (A Sci Fi Essential Book; first comprehensive compilation of the best of author’s short fiction; a memorable and unique collection of thought-provoking and entertaining science fiction; Frenkel intro; 464 pages), new in dj 27.95
---Still haven’t placed an order for new Tor books in quite a while. This was from backorder. Seems I double--even triple--ordered it, so there are more copies than I can probably sell. But at least it looks like a good title. Special price, in light of my oversupply: $18.

Monday, November 21, 2005

11/21/05 MON:
---Here today from Sarob:
Copper, Basil SOLAR PONS: The Final Cases, Sarob '05, 1st, one of 275 total copies, (definitive text), new no dj as issued (pictorial boards) 49.50

Crowe, Catherine GHOSTS AND FAMILY LEGENDS, Sarob '05, one of 175 copies, (much-overdue resurrection of long-neglected volume; originally published in 1859; edited & introduced by Richard Dalby), new in dj 45.00

Thursday, November 17, 2005

11/17/05 THU:
---Here today from TTA:
INTERZONE #201, 12/05, (slick UK magazine; Richard Calder novella; Di Filippo, etc.), new 7.00

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

11/15/05 TUE:
---12:05 PM: Snowflakes falling outside. Winter weather advisory has been issued. Blizzard conditions (winds 50-55 mph) expected tonight. We missed the tornadoes on Saturday that skipped by and hit towns 20-30 miles away, but it looks like this might be inescapable.

Monday, November 14, 2005

11/14/05 MON:
---The back is feeling better but it still bothers me to sit at the computer for longer than a twenty-minute stretch--or, of course, to move too many heavy boxes around. Unfortunately, these two things are integral to my job description. So, I’m still not up to par, although I feel fine lying down reading a book or listening to music.
---I missed sending out last week’s blogmail, mainly because there was very little content to send. When new books are not coming in, I try to at least get some of the used books catalogued. Those are always here. But I couldn’t quite get that done in time either.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

11/12/05 SAT:
---Here from Necro:
Lee, Edward COVEN, Necro '05, SIGNED, (reprint of 1991 horror novel), new 19.95
---From TOTU Ink:
TALES OF THE UNANTICIPATED #26, 10/05-7/06, (Bigger Words! Bigger Pages!; new subtitle: The Anthology of TOTU Ink), new 8.50

Friday, November 11, 2005

11/11/05 FRI:
---Here is a very well-maintained collection of well-chosen books I have finally managed to catalog:
Amis, Kingsley & Robert Conquest (eds) SPECTRUM, Harcourt Brace & World '62, 1st US, (A superlative collection by ten masters of science fiction), vg in g dj (price sticker) 15.00
Blaylock, James P. IN FOR A PENNY, Subterranean, 8/03, 1st edn, one of 802 SIGNED copies, (stories, highlighted by never-before-published novella; 182 pages), vg-f in dj 38.00
Blaylock, James P. THIRTEEN PHANTASMS, Edgewood '00, 1st edn, (stories), vg-f in dj 20.00
Bloch, Robert THE EARLY FEARS, Fedogan & Bremer '94, 1st, (brings together all the stories from author’s first two story collectoins, plus three prevously uncollected stories), vg-f in dj 30.00
Boucher, Anthony & J. Francis McComas (eds) THE BEST FROM FANTASY and SCIENCE FICTION, Little Brown '52, 1st edn, vg-f in dj (exceptionally nice copy) 25.00
Boucher, Anthony & J. Francis McComas (eds) THE BEST FROM FANTASY and SCIENCE FICTION: Second Series, Little Brown ('53), 1st edn, vg-f in dj (an exceptionally nice copy) 20.00
Chesterton, G.K. THE FATHER BROWN OMNIBUS, Dodd Mead '83, 1st thus, (all 51 famous detective stories; new preface by Auberon Waugh; 993 pages), vg+ in price-clipped dj 15.00
Counselman, Mary Elizabeth HALF IN SHADOW, Arkham House '78, (1st), (author’s finest spectral fiction), vg-f in dj $35
Davidson, Avram THE ADVENTURES OF DOCTOR ESZTERHAZY, Owlswick ('90), (expansion of 1975 Warner pb; Wolfe foreword; afterword by author), vg-f in dj 45.00
Dick, Philip K. I HOPE I SHALL ARRIVE SOON, Doubleday '85, 1st edn, (uncollected stories; Mark Hurst & Paul Williams [eds]), vg-f in dj 35.00
Everett, Percival AMERICAN DESERT, Hyperion '04, 1st edn, (satirical novel; ultimately a meditation on what it is to be alive), f in dj 15.00
Hawthorne, Julian THE ROSE OF DEATH and Other Mysterious Delusions, Ash-Tree '97, 1st, INSCRIBED (by ediotor), (supernatural tales by son of Nathaniel Hawthorne; Jessica Amada Salmonson[ed]), f in dj 50.00
Israel, Peter I'LL CRY WHEN I KILL YOU, Mysterious2/88, 1st, (mystery about the murder at a science fiction convention of an obnoxious author, who purportedly was modeled after Robert Heinlein), vg-f in dj $15
Keller, David H. THE FOLSOM FLINT and Other Curious Tales, Arkham House '69, (1st), one of 2000 copies, (by way of being a memorial collection; contains author’s three best known and frequently reprinted stories and a cross section of hitherto uncollected tales), vg+ in dj 45.00
Lewis, Matthew THE MONK, Oxford World Classics, 2nd, (cult classic renowned as the definitive Gothic Horror novel; Stephen King intro), f in dj $12
Mead, Leon THE BOW-LEGGED GHOST and Other Stories: A Book of Humorous Sketches, Verses, Dialogues, and Facetious Paragraphs, Werner (1899), g-vg (decorative cloth) $25
Mines, Samuel (ed) STARTLING STORIES, Cassell '54, 1st UK, (Heinlein intro), g-vg 10.00
Oliver, Chad ANOTHER KIND, Ballantine ('55), (1st), (truly exceptional science-fiction stories), vg (no dj, but I have laid in a photo print of covershot of paperback edition) 20.00
Powers, Tim NIGHT MOVES, Subterranean, 1/01, 1st edn, one of 1526 SIGNED copies, (all of author's short fiction), vg-f in dj 40.00
Rucker, Rudy AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, Forge, 11/02, 1st edn, (A Novel of Peter Bruegel), f in dj $12
Salmonson, Jessica Amanda (ed) TALES BY MOONLIGHT, Garcia '83, (1st), (original stories, mainly by new writers; Stephen King intro), vg-f in dj $12
Salmonson, Jessica Amanda JOHN COLLIER AND FREDRIC BROWN WENT QUARRELLING THROUGH MY HEAD, Ganley '89, 1st, SIGNED, (stories), vg-f in dj 26.00
Vance, Jack THE AUGMENTED AGENT and Other Stories, Underwood-Miller '86, 1st edn, f in dj 45.00
Verne, Jules MAGELLANIA, Welcome Rain, 1/02, 1st edn in English, (The First English-Language Edition Ever of the Original “Lost” Manuscript; Intro by Olivier Dumas, President of the Jules Verne Society), vg-f in dj 15.00
Wodehouse, P.G. THE PURLOINED PAPERWEIGHT, Paperweight '86, (wonderfully zany story), vg-f in dj $12
misc. softcovers:
CLASSIC "PULPS", Sperry Mini-Mags '92,101 trading cards - one set, (cute little things; includes an extra of #93: Fantastic Story Magazine, fall/54), f 20.00
Jakubowski, Maxim & Malcolm Edwards THE SF BOOK OF LISTS, Berkley, 11/83, (1st), (A totally biased and delightfully irreverent reference guide to 100 years of science fiction and fantasy), vg+ 7.50
Jerome, Jerome K. FUNNY GHOST STORIES, Little Blue Book No. 1170, nd, very small booklet, vg 8.00
Lansdale, Joe DUCK-FOOTED, Subterranean '03, 1st edn, one of SIGNED copies, 28-page chapbook, f 15.00
LITTLE LULU™: Lulu Goes Shopping, Dark Horse, 11/04, 1st edn, (America’s sweetheart in the comic books; every cartoon story from issues six through twelve of Marge’s Little Lulu), f 12.00
Lobdell, Jared THE WORLD OF THE RINGS: Language, Religioin, and Adventure in Tolkien, Open Court '04, 1st, (eccentric and compelling product of fifty years’ cogitation), f 15.00
Merritt, A. THE MOON POOL, Bison '01, 1st thus, (Commemorative Edition; Silverberg intro; Review of the first edtition; Glossary of the Murian language), f 8.00
Salmonson, Jessica Amanda HAG'S TAPESTRY, Haunted Library ('84), (stories), booklet, vg+ 10.00
Solammen, Doc TANGY BONANZA!, Bedlam/Necro, 9/01, 1st edn, one of 352 SIGNED copies, (freaked-out), f 10.00
Trevanian THE EIGER SANCTION, Three Rivers ('05), (superior suspense), vg-f 10.00
Van Vogt, A.E. THE PLAYERS OF NULL-A, Ariel, nd, (The science fiction classic), vg-f 6.00
---JPEG covershots of the above are on my Catalog Data CD-R (included with shipped orders). Previous folder name: Cataloguings 9-24-05. Current folder name: Catalogueds 11-11-05.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

11/10/05 THU:
---Here today from CD Publications:
CEMETERY DANCE #53, '05, (Michael Cadnum story, Stephen King excerpt, Robert McCammon & Melanie Tem interviews, etc.; 120 pages), new 5.00
---And from PS Publishing:
Erikson, Steven FISHIN' WITH GRANDMA MATCHIE, PS, 9/05, 1st edn (pb variant), one of 900 SIGNED copies, (Graham Joyce intro; 90 pages), {hc edn available @ $50}, new 18.00

Ford, Jeffrey THE COSMOLOGY OF THE WIDER WORLD, PS, 8/05, 1st edn (pb variant), one of 800 SIGNED copies, (Jeff VanderMeer intro; 173 pages), new $18

Nazarian, Vera THE CLOCK KING AND THE QUEEN OF THE HOURGLASS, PS, 10/05, 1st edn (pb variant), SIGNED, (Charles de Lint intro; 124 pages), new 18.00

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

11/02/05 WED:
---Email rec’d from Tartarus:
Dear Chris,
Our new Guide to First Edition Prices is now out.
Would you like any copies?
All the best
---Tried to post to blog and send blogmail yesterday, but Internet wasn’t working. Probably something wrong with AOL.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

11/01/05 TUE:
---Monthly updating of catalog data files for CD-R burning.

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