After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

BOOKCELLAR NOTES (2/25/03 Tuesday):

CDs played today (background, mostly):
- Gossec SYMPHONIES (Chandos, 1998)--good music to work to (competent, accomplished, used to be only for rich people--but we live in a democracy nowadays, don’t we?)
- Pierre-Yves Macé FAUX-JUMEAUX (Tzadik, 2002)--avant garde, soundscape; as with all Tzadik CDs, good exploitation of decent sound-system capabilities.

---Early afternoon: back to work, hopefully, having done a bit of book packing, book pulling, and re-shelving. Desk did get cleared off yesterday but not much else. Some of the thin sheets of paper belied their requirements to be satisfied. Now a few new things on the desktop to cope with. Namely, the shipments from Meisha Merlin and Arkham House.

---Orders to process too. No details available.

---Debate him, Dubya! You will kick his ass! After all, you are the guy with the right God on your side (as you well know). It is good versus evil, after all. You handled sighing Gore with great dispatch, even if you did have to be appointed by the Supremes. Wouldn’t mano-on-mano be preferrable to our sons and daughters as internal-combustion-engine fodder, even if that unemployment rate does need a people reduction?

---Sent out orders to Babbage and Wormhole!

Chris Drumm Books notes

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