After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Wednesday, April 2, 2003

4/1/03 TUES:
---Back to work in the cellar.


CDs played today:
- Stanley Kubrik’s A CLOCKWORK ORANGE soundtrack (vinyl LP)
- Nisse Helberg XTREM (non-extreme George Thorogood in Swedish)
- Bruce Springsteen THE RISING (Xgau: HM) - not near as hyper as the terrific TV concert on CBS a couple weeks ago.
- Fred Frith CLEARING

---I am way bogged down (not to say blogged, though I should) getting next catalog (#145) out.
---Temps in 70s by mid-morning, ran 5 miles in shorts as early as I could get out. It finally got up to a high of 87 degrees--downright hot.
---Won’t have much chance to dwell on words here, because I am so behind on everything. As occasions occur, though...

---Another batch of pbs for next insert sheet:
2 • • NEW ARRIVALS (& re-arrivals): 2/17/2003—4/1/2003 • •
Signet E8525 Andrews, Bart THE TOLKIEN QUIZ BOOK, 2/79, (1001 questions), vg+ 5.00
Condor 028 Arnason, Eleanor THE SWORD SMITH, 5/78, (orig; adult fantasy), vg 3.50
Tor 50880 Bell, Douglas MOJO AND THE PICKLE JAR, 5/91, (orig; fantasy), vg+ 2.50
Jove M4556 Bodelsen, Anders THINK OF A NUMBER, 6/78, (Danish thriller), vg 2.25
DAW 600 Bradley, Marion Zimmer CITY OF SORCERY, 10/84, (Darkover), g-vg 2.25
Baen pb 3583 Chalker, Jack L. MELCHIOR'S FIRE, 1/03, (orig; Three Kings #2), new 7.99
Del Rey 31358 Clarke, Arthur C. 1984: SPRING: A Choice of Futures, 11/84, (nf), vg+ 3.50
Pyramid T2281 Clarke, Arthur C. AGAINST THE FALL OF NIGHT, 6th(8/70), vg-f 2.50
Pocket pb 53817 David, Friedman & Greenberger ST: DSN 20:Wrath of Prophets,5/97, vg 2.00
Carousel 70097 DeBolt, Adriana VOYAGE OF THE TRIGON, ('81), (spacers), g-vg 2.50
Baen pb 3560 Drake, David (creator) FOREIGN LEGIONS, 9/02, (shared-world), new 7.99
Baen 31992 Drake, David LT. LEARY COMMANDING, 6/01, (RCN Series #2), new 7.99
Pop Libr 04614 Eckert, Allan W. SAVAGE JOURNEY, 9/80, (Amazon jungle), vg 2.50
Baen 57814 Friesner, Esther (ed) CHICKS 'N CHAINED MALES, 5/99, (orig), new 6.99
Baen 87867 Friesner, Esther (ed) DID YOU SAY CHICKS?!, 2nd(8/01), (OA), new 6.99
Baen 31950 Friesner, Esther (ed) THE CHICK IS IN THE MAIL, 10/00, (orig; OA), new 6.99
Baen 57868 Gellis, Roberta BULL GOD, 5/00, (when gods still walked the earth), new 6.99
Pop Libr 04245 Gerrold, David DEATHBEAST, 7/78, (orig; savage SF excitement), g-vg 2.25
Pocket 83614 Golding, William THE INHERITORS, 12th, (pre-history novel), vg+ 2.50
Pock Card C207 Goodwin, H.L. THE SCIENCE BOOK OF SPACE TRAVEL, 12/55, vg+ 4.50
Pop Libr 04256 Goulart, Ron INVISIBLE DEATH , 7/78, (Zarkon, Lord of Unknown), vg-f 5.00
Pop Libr 03201 Goulart, Ron THE EMPEROR OF THE LAST DAYS, 4/77, (orig), vg-f 4.50
Baen pb 3585 Greenberg & Tier (eds) GIVE ME LIBERTY, 1/03, (libertarian SF), new 7.99
Dell pb 6668 Harrison, Harry (ed) NOVA 2, 4/74, (OA; Aldiss, Farmer, Anderson), vg-f 3.00
Bantam J2316 Harrison, Harry PLANET OF THE DAMNED, 1/62, (orig), g-vg 3.50
Baen 57848 Ing, Dean FIREFIGHT Y2K, 1/00, (Millenial Retrospective Edition), new 6.99
Avon 71107 Jance, J.A. HOUR OF THE HUNTER, 15th, (Koontzish suspense), new 7.99
Baen pb 3566 Keith, William H., Jr. BOLO STRIKE, 10/02, (created by Laumer), new 7.99
Carousel 70040 Kelly, David J. TOWER OF DESPAIR, ('80), (future battle), g-vg 2.50
Pocket 02424 King, Stephen HEARTS IN ATLANTIS, 3rd, (Sixties novel), new 7.99
Pocket pbk 5596 King, Stephen ON WRITING: A Memoir of the Craft, 2nd, (non-fic), new 7.99
Baen 87713 Lackey, Mercedes (creator) LAMMAS NIGHT, 2/96, (orig; OA), new 5.99
Pinnacle 00901 Lamb, Harold HANNIBAL, 8/76, (history; world's greatest soldier), vg 3.00
Baen pb 3527 Laumer, Keith ODYSSEY, 3/02, 1st combined edn, (2-in-1-plus), new 6.99
Baen 31857 Laumer, Keith RETIEF!, 1/02, 1st unitary edn, (3-in-1; 601 pages), new 6.99
Ace pb 66951 Le Guin, Ursula K. PLANET OF EXILE, nd, g-vg 2.00
Starscape 34568 Lee, Tanith RED UNICORN, 4/03, (enchanting, magical sequel), new 5.99
Pyramid G461 Leinster, Murray MEN INTO SPACE, 10/60, (orig; TV tie), vg+ 5.00
Beagle 95123 Lovecraft, H.P. THE CASE OF CHARLES DEXTER WARD, 8/71, fr-g 2.00
Faw GM d1659 MacDonald, John D. DEADLY WELCOME, nd, (suspense), g 1.75
Faw GM R2005 MacDonald, John D. THE CROSSROADS, nd, (expert chiller), fr 1.50
Faw GM T2443 MacDonald, John D. THE EXECUTIONERS, nd, (tension and terror), vg+ 2.50
Faw GM M2325 MacDonald, John D. THE LONG LAVENDER LOOK, 10/70, (orig), g-vg 2.50
Faw GM d1609 MacDonald, John D. THE PRICE OF MURDER, nd, (suspense), vg 2.50
Timescape 49299 Marshak & Culbreath THE PROMETHEUS DESIGN, 4th, (Star Trek 5), vg 2.00
Pop Libr 00388 Maxwell, Ann THE SINGER ENDIGMA, 7/76, (haunted universe), vg+ 2.50
Dell 1st B110 Merril, Judith (ed) YEAR'S BEST S-F: 2nd Annual Volume, 2nd, vg+ 3.50
Ace pb 73684 Monaco, Richard RUNES, 1/84, (orig; fantasy; Druids vs. Romans), vg 2.50
Pocket 04172 Neiderman, Andrew CURSE, 10/00, (magic or murder?; evil eye), new 6.99
Pocket 02709 Neiderman, Andrew NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH, 1/00, (suspense), new 6.99
Pop Libr 04142 Priest, Christopher THE SPACE MACHINE, 1/78, (martian invasion), vg+ 4.00
Baen 57879 Schmitz, James H. T 'n T: TELZEY & TRIGGER, 2nd(11/01), (#2), new 6.99
Baen 31966 Schmitz, James H. TRIGGER & FRIENDS, 1/01, (Hub #3), new 6.99
Pocket pb 44244 Springer, Nancy THE SILVER SUN, 2nd, (>The Book of Suns; seq), vg+ 2.00
Pocket pb 49564 Starub, Peter JULIA, 15th, (genuinely frightening chiller), vg 2.50
Pop Libr 03173 Wallace, Ian THE SIGN OF THE MUTE MEDUSA, 1/77, (orig), vg 2.50
Baen 31977 Weber, David ASHES OF VCTORY, 3/01, (Honor Harrington #9), new 7.99
Baen pb 3575 Weber, David FLAG IN EXILE, 5th(9/02), (Honor Harrington #5), new 7.99
Baen 87783 Weber, David HONOR AMONG ENEMIES, 5th(7/02), (Honor #6), new 7.99
Baen 57770 Weber, David IN ENEMY HANDS, 5th(8/02, (Honor Harrington #7), new 7.99
Baen 3571 Weber, David ON BASILISK STATION, 8th(2/03), (Honor #1), new 7.99
Baen 57855 Weber, David & others WORLDS OF HONOR, 3/00, (Harrington), new 6.99
Baen pb 3584 Weber, David THE EXCALIBUR ALTERNATIVE, 1/03, (orig), new 7.99
Baen pb 3572 Weber, David THE HONOR OF THE QUEEN, 8th(8/02), (#2), new 7.99
Baen pb 3520 Weber, et al. WORLDS OF HONOR #3: Changer of Worlds, 2/02, new 7.99
Baen pb 3573 Weber THE SHORT VICTORIOUS WAR, 7th(8/02), (Honor #3), new 7.99
Baen 57846 White, Steve EAGLE AGAINST THE STARS, 1/00, (orig), new 6.99
Avon 30973 Zelazny, Roger SIGN OF THE UNICORN, 11/76, (Amber), vg-f 4.50
Avon 33324 Zelazny, Roger THE HAND OF OBERON, 6/77, (Amber #4), vg-f 3.50

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