After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Monday, January 10, 2005

01/10/05 MON:
---A straggler here today from Galaxy Press/Bridge:
Hubbard, L. Ron HOT LEAD PAYOFF, Bridge Audio ('94), (abrIdged western bristling with excitement; read by actor Geoffrey Lewis; TT: appox. 90 minutes), cassette, new (shrinkwrapped) 9.95
---Snailmail rec’d:
I hope you will try to get a paper catalog out soon. I am disappointed to see that, considering the number of books I have on consignment with you, almost nothing has sold during the last year. If you are unable to get things moving, I expect I will be pulling most of my stuff out soon.
---Here are listings for the books from that consigniornor, if anyone want to make both of us happy by buying any (I notice a few that I know are already sold--maybe from previous years than last):
Card, Orson Scott HOMEBODY, HarperCollins '98, 1st edn, remainder mark, vg-f in dj 10.00
Hartwell, David G. & Kathryn Cramer (eds) THE ASCENT OF WONDER, Orbit '94, 1st UK, (990 pages), vg-f in dj $30
Machen, Arthur THE CHILDREN OF THE POOL and Other Stories, Ayer '87, (photo-reprint of 1936 Hutchinson edn), vg+ no dj as issued 25.00
Serling, Carol, Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg (eds) ROD SERLING'S NIGHT GALLERY READER, Dembner ('87), (the original stories), vg in dj $15
Spark, Muriel THE STORIES OF…, Dutton '85, 1st edn, vg+ in dj 10.00

misc. softcovers:
Ballard, J.G. THE ATROCITY EXHIBITION, Re/Search, 2nd, vg-f 15.00
Barron, Neil ANATOMY OF WONDER: Science Fiction, Bowker '76, (ref), g-vg 10.00
---ANATOMY OF WONDER Second Editioin: An Historical Survey and Critical Guide to the Best of Science Fiction, Bowker '81, vg 20.00
Brown, Fredric HOMICIDE SANITARIUM, Dennis McMillan, 2nd(5/87), (in Detective Pulps 1), vgf $15
Collier, John FANCIES AND GOODNIGHTS, Time-Life, 2nd('80), (stories), vg 5.00
Day, Bradford M. (ed) THE COMPLETE CHECKLIST OF SCIENC-FICTION MAGAZINES, S-F & F ('61), (charts the periodicals that published super-imaginative fiction), vg+ $15
Dick, Philip K. THE MAN WHOSE TEETH WERE ALL EXACTLY ALIKE, Ziesing '84, vg-f 20.00
Farmer, Philip José INSIDE OUTSIDE, Avon/Equinox, 3/75, (SF Rediscovery #7), vg 8.00
Farmer, Philip José STRANGE RELATIONS, Avon/Equinox, 11/74, (SF Rediscovery #1), vg 10.00
Farmer, Philip José THE GRAND ADVENTURE, Berkley, 11/84, (A Masterworks Edn), vg 18.00
Herbert, Frank THE ILLUSTRATED DUNE, Berkley Windhover, 8/78, (Schoenherr illus), vg+ 17.50
Knapp, Lawrence (compiler) THE FIRST EDITIONS OF PHILIP JOSE FARMER, David G. Turner, 6/76, 1st edn, (lists uncollected stories, series), vg-f 10.00
Leiber, Fritz THE GHOST LIGHT, Berkley, 4/84, (MasterWorks Edn; new novella, more), vg $15
Moorcock, Michael GLORIANA or The Unfulfill'd Queen: Being a Romance, Avon, 4/79, vg+ 6.50
O'Reilly, Tim (ed) THE MAKER OF DUNE: Insights of a Master of Science Fiction, Berkley, 5/87, 1st, (the definitive guide; essays, articles, interviews), vg+ $12
Perret, Patti THE FACES OF SCIENCE FICTION: Intimate Portraits of the Men and Women Who Shape the Way We Look At the Future, Bluejay, 10/84, (photos), vg+ 35.00
Pierce, Hazel PHILIP K. DICK, Starmont Reader's Guide, 9/82, 1st edn, vg+ 15.00

Disch, Thomas M.THE DREAMS OUR STUFF IS MADE OF: How Science Fiction Conquered the World, Free Press ('98), 1st, (tough love survey), vg-f in dj $15
Heinlein, Robert A. SIXTH COLUMN, Amereon House, nd, (80-copy edition; facsimile reprint), f 20.00
Savage, William W., Jr. COMIC BOOKS AND AMERICA 1945-1954, Oklahoma ('90), 1st edn, (includes bibliographical references and index; illus), f in dj 20.00

misc. softcovers:
Anderson, Ken COINCIDENCES: Chance or Fate?, Blandford '95, (true), vg-f 7.50
Ash. Brian (ed) THE VISUAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION, Harmony '77, 1st US (pb variant), (personal commentaries by authors; much more), vg+ $18
Blish, James (as Atheling), MORE ISSUES AT HAND, Advent, 2nd pb(2/74), vg-f 7.50
Bloch, Robert LOST IN TIME AND SPACE WITH LEFTY FEEP Vol. One, Creatures At Large ('87), 1st edn (pb variant), (Fantastic Adventures stories), vg-f 20.00
Brizzi, Mary T. PHILIP JOSE FARMER, Starmont Reader's Guide #3,('80), vg+ $10
Brown, Fredric BEFORE SHE KILLS, Dennis McMillan, 12/86, (Vol. 2), f 15.00
Brown, Fredric PARDON MY GHOULISH LAUGHTER, Dennis McMillan, 9/87, (Vol. 7), f 15.00
Brown, Fredric THE FREAK SHOW MURDERS, Dennis McMillan, 12/86, (Vol. 5), vg-f 15.00
Brown, Fredric THIRTY CORPSES EVERY THURSDAY, Dennis McMillan, 8/86, (Vol. 6), vg-f 15.00
Budden, Albert UFOs: Psychic Close Encounters, The Electromagnetic Indictment, Blandford '95, 1st, (serious reassessment of alien intelligence), vg-f 7.50
Carter, Angela SHADOW DANGE, Penguin '96, (in US as Honeybuzzard), f 7.50
Chalker, Jack L. ECHOES OF THE WELL OF SOULS, Del Rey, 5/93, 1st edn, vg-f $6
Clareson, Thomas D. ROBERT SILVERBERG, Starmont Reader's Guide #18, 5/83, 1st edn, (chapters on novels; primary & secondary biblio), vg-f 12.00
Crowley, John AEGYPT, Bantam, 3/89, (philosophical romance), vg+ 12.50
Crowley, John LITTLE, BIG, Bantam, 9/81, 1st edn, vg 25.00
Dahl, Roald (ed) ROALD DAHL'S BOOK OF GHOST STORIES, Noonday, 14th('96), f 8.50
Farrand, Phil THE NITPICKER'S GUIDE FOR NEXT GENERATION TREKKERS, Dell, 3rd, (bloopers, flubs, technical screw-ups, discrepancies), vg-f 5.00
Finney, Jack ABOUT TIME, Fireside '86, 1st, (time travel stories), vg-f 15.00
Frane, Jeff FRITZ LEIBER, Starmont Reader's Guide #8, ('80), vg+ 10.00
Gardner, John GRENDEL, Vintage, 4th, (Beowulf tells his own side of the story), vg-f 6.00
Jerome, Jerome K. AFTER SUPPER GHOST STORIES and other tales, Alan Sutton '90, (splendidly illustrated but little-known collection by comic-master), vg 8.50
Kafton-Minkel, Walter SUBTERRANEAN WORLDS: 100,000 Years of Dragons, Dwarfs, the Dead, Lost Races & UFOs from Inside the Earth, Loompanics ('89), (Symmes's Hole, Shaver, Agharti, Snake People, Nazis, etc.), vg-f 9.50
Keel, John A. OPERATOIN TROJAN HORSE, IllumiNet ('96), (=UFOs), f 6.00
Kelly, Walt POGO Volume 9, Fantagrphics, 6/98, (comic strip collection), vg-f 7.50
King, Stephen DANSE MACABRE, Berkley, 5/82, (anatomy of horror; nonfiction), vg+ 8.50
Krauss, Lawrence M. THE PHYSICS OF STAR TREK, Basic Books, 8th('96), f 6.00
Lessing, Doris THE FIFTH CHILD, Vintage International, 5th, (hair-raising tale), vg-f $6
Lovecraft, H.P. SUPERNATURAL HORROR IN LETERATURE, Dover ('73), (Bleiler intro), vg+ 7.50
Machen, Arthur THE HILL OF DREAMS, Dover '86, (facsimile of '07 edn), vg-f 8.00
McCloud, Scott UNDERSTANDING COMICS, Kitchen Sink, 2nd(7/93), f 8.00
PULP VAULT #10, ('92), (Heritage of Death pt. 2; more), vg-f $5
Randles, Jenny STAR CHILDREN: The True Story of Alien Offspring Among Us, Sterling '95, 1st, (representatives of a brighter future awaiting trigger), vg-f $5
Randles, Jenny STRANGE & UNEXPLAINED MYSTERIES OF THE 20th CENTURY, Sterling '94, 1st US, (in UK as The Unexplained; fully illustrated), f 7.50
Read, Herbert THE GREEN CHILD, New Directions, 9th, (utopian novel), vg-f 7.50
Schweitzer, Darrell (ed) DISCOVERING CLASSIC HORROR FICTION I, Starmont '92, vg+ 15.00
SELECTIONS FROM THE DONALD WANDREI LIBRARY, Rulon-Miller and Pepper & Stern Rare Books ('88), (catalog with prices; Pepper intro), vg 3.50
Shea, Robert & Robert Anton Wilson THE ILLUMINATUS! TRILOGY, Dell,11th,vg+ $8
Steiger, Brad THE AWFUL THING IN THE ATTIC and Other Scary, True Stories of Ghosts, Strange Disappearances, and UFOs, Galde '95, 1st edn, f 6.00
Stevenson, Robert Louis THE ESSENTIAL DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE: The Definitive Annotated Edition of…, Plume/Penguin, 9/95, (Leonard Wolf [ed]; major new introduction), vg-f 8.50
Sturgeon, Theodore THE GOLDEN HELIX, Bluejay Special Edition, 1/85, (stories), vg 7.50
Teets, Bob WEST VIRGINIA UFOs, Headline ('95), (documented), vg-f 4.00
Van Gulik, Robert THE HAUNTED MONASTERY and THE CHINESE MAZE MURDERS: Two Chinese Detective Novels, Dover ('77), (classics), f 10.00
Van Vogt, A.E. REFLECTIONS OF…, Fictioneer '75, 1st edn, (autobiography; biblio), g-vg 15.00
Vonnegut, Kurt SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE or The Children's Crusade, Delta, 10/85, f 7.50
White, Matthew & Jaffer Ali THE OFFICIAL PRISONER COMPANION, Warner, 2nd, (guide to the most original and innovative TV series of all time), vg+ 7.50
Williams, Charles ALL HALLOWS' EVE, Eerdmans, 2nd(6/89), (T.S. Eliot intro), vg+ $6
Wilson, Colin EXISTENTIALLY SPEAKING: Essays on the Philosophy of Literature, Borgo, 9/89, 1st edn, (on genre fiction, literary themes, etc.; 144 pp), vgf $15
Wilson, Robert Anton REALITY IS WHAT YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH: An Illustrated Screenplay, Dell, 5/92, 1st, (consciousness-raising experience; comedy, rage & truth), vg+ $9

Abe, Kobo BEYOND THE CURVE, Kodansha '91, 1st edn, (stories), vg-f in dj 15.00
Abe, Kobo THE BOX MAN, Knopf, 2nd(3/75), (translated from Japanese), vg in dj 10.00
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES, North Point'86,(Kenna photos), vg+/dj $15
Hynes, James PUBLISH AND PERISH, Picador USA, 6th, (three tales of tenure and terror; stylish, unsettling, and funny on every page), f in dj 20.00
Mager, Gus SHERLOCKO THE MONK: 1910-1912, Hyperion Library of Classic American Comic Strips ('77), (introduction by Bill Blackbeard), vg-f 25.00
Nesbit, E. THE MAGIC CITY, Books of Wonder '96, (with original H.R. Millar illus), vg-f indj $25
Robertson, Morgan THE GRAIN SHIP, McClure's Magazine and Metropolitan Magazine, nd, (sea tales; some supernatural), vg 25.00
---another bookseller’s description from Sea tales, including supernatural: the excellent horror yarn "From Darkness and the Depths" with an invisible octopus, and an amusing fantasy "Extracts from Noah's Log."

misc. softcovers:
BARE•BONES #1, 12/97, (Super-Science Fiction; Bill Warren interview), f 3.50
CULT TV: For a Cooler Kind of Couch Potato #2.2, 2/98, (slick UK magazine), f 4.00
DREAMWATCH #42, 2/98, (slick UK magazine; XENA episode guide, more),f 4.00
Everson, William K. CLASSICS OF THE HORROR FILM, Citadel, 7th, (illus), vg-f 7.50
FEMME FATALES,12/95, (the luscious ladies of horror, fantasy & SF; Elvira) • ---6/97, (Sci-fi's Sexy 50) • ---8/97, (Trek's Sexy Fifty) • ---12/97, (Starship Trooper Dina Meyer) • ---2/98, (Bond Girls) • ---5/98, (Gillian Anderson), • ---7/98, (Jeri Byan Borg Babe), vg or better each, 4.00
---Here’s a Bud Plant description lifted from A slick color magazine devoted exclusively to seductive sex queens of horror, fantasy, and science fiction films. Packed with on- and off-screen cheesecake, and some full nudes. Interviews and sizzling photos. Due to its frequency we stopped handling every issue--but these two had special features we could not resist. Can you? Cinefantastique. Publisher's prices remain $8.00 and up for all back issues. 1998.
---4/98, (double issue; Bettie Page, 50's Erotica, Angie Dickinson, etc.), f 7.50
---Also Bud Plant: First double issue with an exclusive 1997 interview. Art by Robert Blue, Bettie look-alikes, Kiss Me Deadly, Russ Meyer.
Hodgson, William Hope AT SEA, Necronomicon, 10/93, 1st, (four adventures), f $10
---BEYOND THE DAWNING: The Poems of…, Hobgoblin, 2nd(1/98), boolet, f 10.00
---DEMONS OF THE SEA, Necronomicon, 3/92, 1st, (previously uncollected), f $12
---THE UNCOLLECTED… Volumes One & Two: NON-FICTION & FICTION, Hobgoblin, 8/95, 1st, booklets, f the pair, 25.00
Kaminsky, Stuart M. MURDER ON THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD, ibooks, 5/00, f 5.00
Kelley, Thomas P. I FOUND CLEOPATRA, FAX Collector's Editions ('77), vg-f 10.00
Klinefelter, Walter SHERLOCK HOLMES IN PORTRAIT AND PROFILE, Schocken, 2nd('75), (various artist depictals; Vincent Starrett intro; illus), vg-f 8.50
Lester, Colin (ed) THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE FICTION YEARBOOK 1979, Quick Fox ('78), (ultimate book of SF information), g (cracked binding) 7.50
Maturin, Charles Robert MELMOTH THE WANDERER, Bison, 2nd(3/63), vg+ 7.50
Muller, Marcia & Bill Pronzini (eds) CHAPTER AND HEARSE: Suspense Stories About the World of Books, Morrow '85, 1st edn (but no price so is probably QPBC), vg 7.00
Parente, Audrey AUDREY'S PRIVATE HAUNTS, Strange Co. ('87), (horror), as new $4
Resnick, Mike OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE FANTASTICS, House of Collectibles ('76), (1st), g-vg $10
Riley, Dick & Pam McAllister THE BEDSIDE, BATHTUB & ARMCHAIR COMPANION TO SHERLOCK HOLMES, Continuum '99, (unique guide; illus), vg-f 12.00
SHIVERS: The Magazine of Horror Entertainment #51, 3/98, (slick; UIK), f 4.00
XPOSE: The Fact and Fiction of the Unexplained #17, 12/97, (Duchovny talks), f 4.00
Powers, Tim LAST CALL, Morrow, 3rd, vg-f in dj $15

misc. softcovers:
Ashley, Mike (ed) THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF LOCKED-ROOM MYSTERIES AND IMPOSSIBLE CRIMES, Carroll & Graf '00, (J.D. Carr, Hoch, Pronzini, Block, etc.), f 8.50
ASTOUNDING, 6/42, (novelets by Asimov, Robert Moore Williams, del Rey & Abernathy), stories by Hubbard, Clement, others), g (loose covers but otherwise vg) 15.00
Dibdin, Michael CABAL, Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, 9/00, (Aurelio Zen), vg-f 7.50
---VENDETTA, Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, 4th, (Aurelio Zen mystery), f 8.00
Emerson, Willis George THE SMOKY GOD Or The Voyage To the Inner World, Book Tree '99, (photo-reprint of rare 1908 Hollow Earth story), f 12.00
FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES, 5-6/40, (Sunken Cities by Douglas Newon; Merritt, Hall & Flint pt. 3, Kuttner), vg $8 • ---12/52, (Skull-Face by Howard), vg $6
FANTASTIC NOVELS, 5/48, (Merritt & Giesy fantasy classics), vg 10.00
Highsmith, Patricia THE BOY WHO FOLLOWED RIPLEY, Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, 3rd, (psychologicially intricate and hauntingly perverse masterwork), f 9.00
---RIPLEY'S GAME, Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, 4th, f 9.00
---RIPLEY UNDER GROUND, Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, 4th, f 9.00
---THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY, Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, 9th, (introduces Tom Ripley), f 9.00
Naylor, Grant RED DWARF: Primordial Soup, Penguin '93, (The Least Worst Scripts; including Emmy Award-winning Gunmen of the Apocalypse; photos), vgf $10
---RED DWARF: Son of Soup, Penguin '96, (A Second Serving), vg-f 10.00
Tiedemann, Mark W. ASIMOV'S MIRAGE, ibooks, 4/00, 1st, (robot mystery), f 10.00
Anderson, Jean THE HAUNTING OF AMERICA: Ghost Stories from Our Past, Houghton Mifflin '73, 1st, (unofficial guide to "ghostly Americana"), vg+ in dj 15.00
Beerbohm, Max A CHRISTMAS GARLAND, Heinemann '50, (new edn), vg in g dj $20
Beerbohm, Max ZULEIKA DOBSON, Folio Society '66, (illus by author), vg+ 20.00
Benét, Stephen Vincent THE LAST CIRCLE: Short Stories and Poems, Farrar Straus '46, (1st), (previously uncolected; in Bleiler Checklist), vg in p-fr dj 15.00
Chandler, Raymond THE RAYMOND CHANDLER PAPERS: Selected Letters and Nonfiction, 1909-1959, Atlantic Monthly '01, 1st US edn, vg-f in dj 15.00
Corelli, Marie BARARRAS: A Dream of the World's Tragedy, Lippincott, 1894, (©1893), g 25.00
---THE MASTER CHRISTIAN, Dodd Mead '00, 1st, fr-g 8.00
---THE SORROWS OF SATAN or THE STRANGE EXPERIENCE OF ONE GEOFFREY TEMPEST, MILLIONAIRE: A Romance, Lippincott, 1896, (in Bleiler Checklist), g-vg 14.00
Croly, George TARRY THOU TILL I COME or SALATHIEL, THE WANDERING JEW, Funk & Wagnalls, 5/1901, (1st), (Thulstrup Illustrated Edition), g-vg 16.00
Crowley, John ANTIQUITIES: Seven Stories, Incunabula '93, 1st edn, vg-f in dj $100
Crowley, John NOVELTY: Four Stories, Foundation/Doubleday, 5/89, 1st edn, f in dj 45.00
Freeman, R. Austin THE RED THUMB MARK, The Seagull Library of Mystery and Suspense/Norton ('67), 1st thus, (first Thorndyke mystery), vg+ in dj $15
La Farge, Oliver A PAUSE IN THE DESERT and Other Stories, Houghton Mifflin '57, 1st, (title story an original; some supernatural elements), vg in dj 45.00
Langguth, A.J. JESUS CHRISTS, Harper & Row '68, 1st edn, vg-f in dj 75.00
Ley, Willy EXOTIC ZOOLOGY, Viking '59, 1st, (extinct, rare, unknown animals), vg $18
---THE LUNGFISH, THE DODO & THE UNICORN: An Excursion into Romantic Zoology, Book Club, (nonfiction science; 1948 revised edition), vg 7.50
---SALAMANDERS AND OTHER WONDERS: Still More Adventures of a Romantic Naturalist, Viking, 8/55, 1st, (odd tidbits of zoology and botany), vg 18.00
Nesbit, E. WHEREYOUWANTOGOTO and Other Unlikely Tales, Barefoot '93, v. small, vg-f $6
Robertson, Morgan DOWN TO THE SEA, Harper & Bros., ('05), (1st?), g 12.00
Robinson, B. Fletcher & J. Malcolm Fraser THE CHRONICLES OF ADDINGTON PEACE and THE TRAIL OF THE DEAD, Battered Silicon, 7/98, vg-f in dj $25
Starrett, Vincent SEAPORTS IN THE MOON, Doubleday '28, 1st edn, vg 30.00
Van Vogt, A.E. THE BATTLE OF FOREVER, Author's Co-Op '78, vg-f in dj 16.00

misc. softcovers:
ANALOG magazine, 3/63, 2/64, 4/64, 6/63, (bedsheet size), vg+ each, 7.50
Coblentz, Stanton A. LORD OF TRANERICA, Wildside, nd, (1966 classic), vg-f 10.00
Kelly, Walt POGO: Volume Eleven, Fantagraphics, 6/00, (cartoon collection; introductions by R.C. Harvey), f 8.00
Lindsay, David THE HAUNTED WOMAN, Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy, 3/75, g-vg $8
Locke, George (ed) AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MURKINESS and Other Parodies, Ferret Fantasy '73, (Ferret Ephemerae #1; title story by Arthur C. Clarke), vg-f $35
SATELLITE SCIENCE FICTION, 2 & 3/59, (bedsheet-size issues), vg each, 7.50
TWILIGHT ZONE MAGAZINE, 8/85, (Gahan Wilson Battles HPL's Monsters), vg+ 5.00
WEIRD TALES #294, fall/89, (Special Karl Edward Wagner Issue), vg-f 7.50
Bato, Joseph THE SORCERER, McKay ('76), (1st), (stone-age youth), vg in dj 12.00
Chappell, George S. THROUGH THE ALIMENTARY CANAL WITH GUN AND CAMERA: A Fascinating Trip to the Interior, Stokes '30, (1st), g-vg in fr dj $65
Dikty, T.E. (ed) GREAT SCIENCE FICTION STORIES ABOUT THE MOON, Fell ('67), (1st), (Asimov, Binder, Hamilton, Frank M. Robinson, etc.), vg+ in dj 20.00
Gardner, Martin THE NIGHT IS LARGE: Collected Essays, 1938-1995, St. Martin's, 6/96, 1st edn, (definitive work of great intellect; 587 pages), vg-f in dj 25.00
Hammett, Dashiell NIGHTMARE TOWN: Stories, Knopf, 2nd(9/99), vg-f in dj 15.00
Healy, Raymond J. & J. Francis McComas (eds) FAMOUS SCIENCE FICTION STORIES (Adventures in Time and Space), Modern Library Giant, nd (looks to be a later printing; $2.95 price on dj, but no statement of printing on ©-page and enpapers are plain), (997 pages), vg-f in g-vg dj 18.00
Matheson, Richard COLLECTED STORIES, Dream, 9/89, 1st edn, one of first 500 (SIGNED) leather copies, (899 pages), vg-f (except hing starting) no dj as issued 135.00
Maturin, Charles Robert MELMOTH THE WANDERER, Bison, 3rd, vg (rebound) 7.00
Pate, Janet THE GREAT VILLAINS, Bobbs-Merrill ('75), 1st US, (illus), vg in dj 15.00
Quiller-Couch, A. THE HORROR ON THE STAIR and Other Weird Tales, Ash-Tree '00, 1st, (the finest of author's weird tales; Joshi [ed & intro]), f in dj 40.00
Van Vogt, A.E. THE HOUSE THAT STOOD STILL, Greenberg ('50), 2nd printing, vg in dj 25.00
Wilson, F. Paul THE BARRENS and Others, Forge, 12/98, 1st edn, vg-f in dj 25.00

misc. softcovers:
Bizony, Piers 2001: Filming the Future, Aurum, 3rd('96), (Clarke foreword; illus), f $10
Cawthorn, James & Michael Moorcock FANTASY: THE 100 BEST BOOKS, Carroll & Graf '91, (provocative collection of analysis and opinion), vg $5
Frissell, Bob NOTHING IN THIS BOOK IS TRUE, BUT IT'S EXACTLY HOW THINGS ARE: The Esoteric Meanings of the Monuments on Mars, Frog, 4th('95), vg-f $6
Jones, Stephen & Kim Newman (eds) HORROR: 100 BEST BOOKS, Carroll & Graf '90, (contributions by 100 top Horror writers), vg $5
Osier, John COVENANT AT COLDWATER, St. Luke's ('84), (author's first novel), vg+ 5.00
Pringle, David MODERN FANTASY: The Hundred Best Novels, Bedrick '89, vg 10.00
Pringle, David SCIENCE FICTION: THE 100 BEST NOVELS, Carroll & Graf '85, vg+ $6
Vesco, Renato & David Hatcher Childress MAN-MADE UFOs, 1944-1994: 50 Years of Suppression, Adventures Unlimited, 9/94, 1st edn, (illus), vg-f 7.50
Cohen, Karl F. FORBIDDEN ANIMATION: Censored Cartoons and Blacklisted Animators in America, McFarland ('97), f no dj as issued 25.00
Costello, Peter THE REAL WORLD OF SHERLOCK HOLMES: The True Crimes Investigated by Arthur Conan Doyle, Carroll & Graf '91, vg+ in dj 10.00
Cozzens, James Gould S.S. SAN PEDRO, Harcourt Brace ('31), 1st edn (stated), vg+ 6.00
Dunning, John DEADLINE, Cahill '95, SIGNED, (crime; 1981 pb), vg-f in dj 28.00
Heinlein, Robert A. REQUIEM, Tor, 2/92, 1st edn, (New Collected Works by Heinlein and Tributes to the Grand Master), ex-libr else vg+ in vg+d j $6
McCall, Robert THE ART OF…: A Celebration of Our Future In Space, Bantam, 10/92, 1st, (Ray Bradbury intro), oversize, vg-f in dj 30.00 (originally $60)
Morley, Christopher (ed) MURDER WITH A DIFFERENCE: Three Unusual Crime Novels, Random House ('46), 1st, (collects The Murder of My Aunt by Richard Hull, A Taste for Honey by H.F. Heard & Hangover Square by Patrick Hamilton), vg+ 10.00
Quinn, Seabury ROADS, Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 5/02, (prev: Arkham House '48), f in dj $20

misc. softcovers:
Beerbohm, Max SEVEN MEN, NYRB. 11/00, (John Updike intro), f 8.00
Howard, Robert E. NAMELESS CULTS: The Cthulhu Mythos Fiction of…, Chaosium/Call of Cthulhu Fiction, 10/01, 1st edn, (Price [ed ]), f 10.00
ILLUSTRATON Magazine #1 & #2, 10/01 & 1/02, (slick; color), f the pair, 15.00
Society for the Study of Human and Aerial Phenomena (compilers) REPORTS AND REFLECTIONS FROM NORTHWEST ARKANSAS, SSHAP ('95), vg-f 20.00
---I guess there are a few here I’ve been sitting on!

---Not necessarily my reply but precipitated by the prod:
I know my motivation has been lacking the past couple years, but all the while I have been gestating a new approach (for me) to selling books. The endless cycling through of the alphabet in printed catalogs was becoming less appealing, even as it seemed more of my business seemed to be coming from emails. People without Internet I lament being cut off from, and I can’t tell them to get with it, because the expense of buying a computer and maintaining a connection, and hassling with the set-up and the maintaining of set-up, is something I can easily see why might be forgone. I wish I were closer to getting another catalog out--and doing so regularly. But with how things have been going online lately, I’m still having trouble reaching that point even though I think my motivation is coming back. One factor is that I am now doing most of my work above ground instead of down in the cold cellar. I have retired my old PowerMac G3 in favor of doing everything the past few weeks on the upstairs (family) eMac. This has been going well, except for the oddball glitches that are probably familiar to any computer user. Lastest case was a “kernel panic” attack that I mistook for a virus, where every time I signed off from AOL a message draped down over the screen informing me that I “must restart” the computer. Since the mouse and keyboard were no longer usable that is exactly what I had to do--every time I signed off from AOL. Several times. Until, of course, we hauled the eMac down to the local Apple Store and had them try it. Then it worked fine and it has worked fine since. Now we think it may have had something to do with the phone line being messed up from the 12-inch snowstorm we had last week. Times we tried talking on the phone that day the connection was very bad. Maybe just unplugging and plugging the phone line back in was all it took to remedy the situation. Or maybe it was the 20-mile car ride and breath of frigid fresh air for the computer. Whatever it was I am still a little apprehensive when I sign off from AOL, lest that ominous screen might reappear.
---The Apple Store trip did set in motion my finally popping for a new computer. I have opted for the lowest-end iBook (12” screen, slowest processor, smallest hard drive) but equipped with somewhat beefed-up RAM and with Bluetooth to enable cordless keyboard and mouse. I hope to be able to hook it up to the old monitor in the basement, using freed-up keyboard to somewhat emulate the set up I had before down there--with the added ability to bring the business upstairs and go anywhere I want in the house and get gobs of work done all over the place. If I can ever find a WiFi hotspot anywhere maybe I might even get a highspeed Internet connection with the thing (it comes with AirPort Extreme Card installed). For now, though, I’ll have to make do with a long telephone cord for my usual dial-up connection. I just hope when all this stuff arrives (new printer too), it won’t be a big problem hitting the ground running. That kernel panic attack was plenty of an impedence. I daresay good for a couple new gray hairs too.

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