After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Saturday, April 2, 2005

04/02/05 SAT:
---Another batch of paperbacks catalogued:
• • NEW ARRIVALS (& re-arrivals): 3/14/2005—4/2/2005 • •
Orbit 7889 Aldiss, Brian (ed) EVIL EARTHS: An Anthology of Way-Back-When Futures, '76, vg+ 5.00
Tower 07504 Anvil, Christopher STRANGERS IN PARADISE, ('69), (garden of evil), g-vg $3; vg+ 5.00
Star 39657 Ashley, Mike (ed) WEIRD LEGACIES, '77, (orig; stories from Weird Tales), vg-f 10.00
Roc 45027 Asimov, Greenberg & Waugh (eds) INVASIONS, 8/90, (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction #10), f 5.00
Pyramid R962 Bensen, D.R. (ed) THE UNKNOWN FIVE, 1/64, (orig), vg-f 5.00
Pyramid T2326 Bensen, D.R. (ed) THE UNKNOWN, 2nd(10/70),(Asimov intro; Cartier illo), g 2.00
Ball 02563 Burgess, Anthony MF, 4/72, (outrageous novel), g-vg 2.50
Four Square 1166 Campbell, John W., Jr. (ed) THE FIRST ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION ANTHOLOGY, '64, vg+ 4.00
Bal 186 Clarke, Arthur C. TALES FROM THE WHITE HART, ('57), (orig), vg $5; vg+ 7.00
Bal 519K Clingerman, Mildred A CUPFUL OF SPACE, ('61), (heady brew of science-fiction stories), vg+ 5.00
Belmont 840 Cogswell, Theodore R. THE THIRD EYE, 9/68, (orig; stories), vg+ $4; vg-f 5.00
Bantam 76 Coles, Manning DRINK TO YESTERDAY, 1/47, (spy story), vg+ 6.00
Ace sp 10480 Compton, D.G. CHRONOCULES, ('70), (orig; the day before the future), g-vg $3; vg 4.50
Ball 03056 Coney, Michael G. SYZYGY, 1/73, (orig), vg 3.00
Dell 1st D9 Conklin, Groff (ed) 6 GREAT SHORT NOVELS OF SCIENCE FICTION, ('54), g $4; vg $5; vg+ 6.00
Perma P254 Conklin, Groff (ed) CROSSROADS IN TIME, 10/53, vg $4; vg+ 5.00
Perma M4022 Conklin, Groff (ed) OPERATION FUTURE, 5/55, vg-f 5.00
Pocket 1045 Conklin, Groff (ed) SCIENCE FICTION TERROR TALES, 1/55, (orig), vg 6.00
Dell 1st C111 Conklin, Groff (ed) SIX GREAT SHORT SCIENCE FICTION NOVELS, 11/60, vg $4; vg+ 6.00
Faw GM s989 Coppel, Alfred DARK DECEMBER, 4/60, (orig; last two people on earth thanks to Atomic War), g-vg $3; vg $5; vg+ 7.00
Dell 1st 32 Crossen, Kendell Foster YEAR OF CONSENT, ('54), (security A.D. 1990); g-vg $4; vg+ 6.00
Spectra 26586 Crowley, John LITTLE, BIG, 3rd, (new intro by author; winner of World Fantasy Award), g-vg 3.00
Ace F- 313 Cummings, Ray A BRAND NEW WORLD, ('64), (orig; inhabited planet joins solar system), vg $4; vg+ 6.00
Ace F- 248 Cummings, Ray BEYOND THE STARS, ('63), (trans-cosmic), vg $4; vg-f 6.00
Berkley X1341 Davidson, Avram THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY, 12/66, (orig), vg $4; vg+ 6.00
Pyramid R950 de Camp, L. Sprague (ed) SWORDS & SORCERY, 12/63, (orig; stories of heroic fantasy; Finlay illus), vg-f 8.00
Pyramid R1621 de Camp, L. Sprague (ed) THE FANTASTIC SWORDSMEN, 5/67, (orig), f 6.00
Pyramid R1192 de Camp, L. Sprague (ed) THE SPELL OF SEVEN, 6/65, (orig), vg-f 6.00
Ball 24379 de Camp, L. Sprague LOST CONTINENTS: The Atlantis Theme, 2/75, (nonfiction), vg+ 5.00
Ace pb 69190 de Camp, L. Sprague THE PURPLE PTERODACTYLS, 4/80, (The Adventures of W. Wilson Newbury, Ensorcelled Finacier), g 3.00
Berkley 04288 Dick, Philip K. THE GOLDEN MAN, 2/80, (orig; stories), g 4.50
Tor 50198 Drake, David THE JUNGLE with CLASH BY NIGHT by Henry Kuttner, 9/91, (orig), f 4.50
Avon 24129 Falk, Lee THE CURSE OF THE TWO-HEADED BULL, 7/75, (The Phantom #15), g-vg 2.50
Pyramid R993 Godwin, Tom THE SPACE BARBARIANS, 4/64, (orig; Ragnarok #2), g 3.50
Signet J9317 Gunn, James E. THE MAGICIANS, 7/80, (a deadly covention), g 3.50
NEL 012972 Haining, Peter (ed) BEYOND THE DARK CURTAIN, new edn(11/72), g-vg 5.00
Everest 877 Haining, Peter (ed) THE UNSPEAKABLE PEOPLE, '75, (horrible horror stories), vg-f 6.00
Sphere 4258 Haining, Peter (ed) WEIRD TALES Vol. 1, '78, (feast of fear), f 6.00
Pop Lib 2376 Hamilton, Edmond OUTLAW WORLD, nd, (Captain Future), fr-g 2.00
Berkley S1567 Harrison, Harry (ed) SF: AUTHOR'S CHOICE, 6/68, (masters select their best stories), g 2.00
Signet G2435 Le Carré, John CALL FOR THE DEAD, 2/64, (spy thriller), g 2.00
Tor 51296 Leiber, Fritz CONJURE WIFE & OUR LADY OF DARKNESS, 8/91, (Tor Double #36), f 6.00
BallAF 23208 Lindsay, David A VOYAGE TO ARCTURUS, 3rd(9/73), (Loren Eiseley intro), g 3.00
Pyramid R1029 Margulies, Leo (ed) WEIRD TALES, 5/64, (orig), vg-f 5.00
Pocket 262 Maugham, W. Somerset THE SOMERSET MAUGHAM POCKET BOOK, 5th(3/50), (Cakes and Ale complete; more), g-vg (some underlining) 5.00
Pyramid T2312 Moskowitz, Sam (ed) FUTURES TO INFINITY, 9/70, (orig), vg 4.00
Mayflower 7172 Nolan, William F. (ed) THE PSEUDO-PEOPLE, '67, (androids in SF), vg 4.00
Roc 45195 Nolan, William F. & Martin H. Greenberg (eds) THE BRADBURY CHRONICLES: Stories In Honor of Ray Bradbury, 12/92, (OA), vg 3.00
Pyramid T2393 Norton, Alden H. & Sam Moskowitz (eds) THE SPACE MAGICIANS, 1/71, vg-f 5.00
Star 39767 Pangborn, Edgar DAVY, '76, (winner of International Fantasy Award), g-vg 3.00
Ace G- 762 Panshin, Alexei THE THURB REVOLUTION, ('68), (Anthony Villiers #2), g-vg 2.50
Star 31569 Pattrick, William (ed) MYSTERIOUS RAILWAY STORIES, '85, vg+ 7.50
Star 39672 Pendragon, Eric (ed) SAVAGE HEROES: Tales of Sorcery & Black Magic, '77, vg+ 7.50
Tor 52510 Relling, William, Jr. BRUJO, 12/86, (orig; forces of nature rise up to destroy the works of man), g-vg 3.00
Bantam H4810 Robeson, Kenneth DOC SAVAGE #44: The Sea Magician, 1/70, fr-g 1.50
Bantam 02239 Robeson, Kenneth DOC SAVAGE #84: The Mountain Monster, 9/76, g-vg 1.75
Ace sp H72 Russ, Joanna PICNIC ON PARADISE, ('68), (orig; Alyx), g 3.00
Bal U 5063 Saberhagen BERSERKER, 1/67, (orig; stories), g 2.00
Bantam Pathfinder EP169 Serling, Rod MORE STORIES FROM TWILIGHT ZONE, 9/66, g-vg 2.50
Ace pb 64240 Shaw, Bob OTHER DAYS, OTHER EYES, 7/72, (orig; expansion of Light of Other Days), g-vg 2.00
Pyramid T2195 Smith, E.E. "Doc" CHILDREN OF THE LENS, 6th(4/70), (Lensman #6), g 2.00
DAW 182 Swann, Thomas Burnett THE MINIKINS OF YAM, 2/76, (orig; neo-romantic fantasy), g-vg 2.50
Perma P291 Tenn, William (ed) OUTSIDERS: Children of Wonder, 5/54, vg 8.50
Pocket 80546 Van Vogt, A.E. THE BEST OF A.E. VAN VOGT, 7/76, (orig; Malzberg intro), g 2.50
Ace H- 92 Van Vogt, A.E. THE FAR-OUT WORLDS OF..., ('68), (orig; author's first new collection in fifteen years), g-vg 4.00
NEL 2536 van Vogt, A.E. THE WEAPON MAKERS, 2nd(6/70), vg-f 5.00
Bal 550 Vidal, Gore (ed) BEST TELEVISION PLAYS, 6th(6/63), (eight complete one-hour dramas), vg 3.50
Signet Q5056 Wilson, Robin Scott (ed) CLARION II, 6/72, (orig; stories & criticism), vg+ 3.00
Signet Q4664 Wilson, Robin Scott (ed) CLARION: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction and Criticism from the Clarion Writers' Workshop, 6/71, (orig), vg+ 2.50

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