After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.
These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.
Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.
I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.
Monday, July 4, 2005
---Another batch of paperbacks catalogued:
8 • • NEW ARRIVALS (& re-arrivals): 5/25/2005—7/4/2005 • •
Pop Lib 426 Adams, Cleve F. THE BLACK DOOR, 2nd(11/52), (A Hard-Boiled Detective Novel), g-vg 5.00
HarperPrism 05620 Anderson, Kevin J. THE X-FILES: Ground Zero, 12/95, (orig; TV tie), g 2.00
Belmont 606 Anonymous (ed) MASTERS OF SCIENCE FICTION, 10/64, (orig), g 2.00
Del Rey 31389 Asimov, Isaac THE CAVES OF STEEL, 12/83, (A Lije Bailey & R. Daneel Olivaw Novel), vg+ 2.50
Lancer 73702 Asimov, Isaac THE NAKED SUN, 3rd('68), vg 2.00
Pocket 80198 Ball, Brian SPACE 1999: The Space Guardians, 11/75, (TV tie), vg+ 3.00
Berkley S1980 Ballard, J.G. VERMILION SANDS, 4/71, (orig; stories), g-vg 4.00
Dell pb 13999 Benford, Gregory IN THE OCEAN OF NIGHT, 8/78, vg 3.50
Berkley 04173 Benford, Gregory THE STARS IN SHROUD, 8/79, vg+ 2.50
Bantam F3439 Blish, James (adapter) STAR TREK 2, 2/68, (orig; TV tie), g-vg 2.50
Bantam sp 068 Blish, James (adapter) STAR TREK 3, 4/69, (Special Edition edn), vg+ 4.00
Bantam S7364 Blish, James (adapter) STAR TREK 6, 4/72, (orig; TV tie-in), vg+ 3.00
Bantam SP7808 Blish, James (adapter) STAR TREK 9, 8/73, (orig; TV tie-in), g-vg 2.00
Bantam 13312 Brin, David SUNDIVER, 2/80, (orig; the ulitmate voyage), vg+ 5.00
Questar 20314 Budrys, Algis WHO?, 2/87, (classic masterwork), vg-f 3.50
Bal F749 Burroughs, Edgar Rice TARZAN AND THE JEWELS OF OPAR, 7/63, vg 3.00
Bal F745 Burroughs, Edgar Rice TARZAN OF THE APES, 7/63, (Tarzan #1), vg 3.00
Warner 88342 Butterworth, Michael SPACE 1999 #2: Mind-Breaks of Space, 4/77, vg+ 3.50
Bantam F3277 Carr, John Dickson PATRICK BUTLER FOR THE DEFENSE, 2nd(12/66), (murder mystery), g-vg 2.00
Tor 53286 Chalker, Jack L. SOUL RIDER #5: Children of Flux & Anchor, 10/86, vg 2.50
Del Rey 35879 Clarke, Arthur C. 2061: ODYSSEY THREE, 5/89, g-vg 2.00
Dolphin C303 Collins, Wilkie THE WOMAN IN WHITE, nd, (mystery), g-vg 3.00
Faw GM d1549 Conklin, Groff (ed) 5 UNEARTHLY VISIONS, ('65). (novelettes), vg+ 4.00
Roc 45041 Costello, Matthew J. TIME OF THE FOX, 11/90, (Time Warrior #1), vg+ 2.50
Dell pb 9200 Dick, Philip K. UBIK, 5/70, g 3.00
Moby 4502 Doyle, A. Conan SHERLOCK HOLMES and the Case of the Hound of the Baskervilles, ('77), (adaptatiion; Illustrated Classic Edition), g 2.00
Pap Lib 63078 Elwood, Roger (ed) INVASION OF THE ROBOTS, 2nd(3/69), ex-lib, g 1.50
Tor 57069 Farland, David BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF, 9/00, (Runelords #2), vg 3.00
Berkley 04208 Farmer, Philip José RIVERWORLD & Other Stories, 11/79, (orig), vg 3.50
Lancer 74616 Farmer, Philip José TIMESTOP!, nd, (=A Wpmam a Day), vg+ 4.00
Ball 25557 Foster, Alan Dean STAR TREK: Log Nine, 2/77, (orig; cartoon tie), vg+ 3.50
Ball 27212 Foster, Alan Dean STAR TREK: Log Ten, 1/78, (orig; cartoon tie), vg 3.00
HarperPrism 05415 Grant, Charles THE X-FILES: Whirlywind, 6/95, (orig; TV tie), g 2.00
Signet AJ2654 Harvard Lampoon BORED OF THE RINGS, 18th, (parody), g (looks dogbit) 1.50
Dell F 125 Hitchcock, Alfred (presents) 14 OF MY FAVORITES IN SUSPENSE, 2nd(3/61), g-vg 2.00
DAW 1085 Huff, Tanya SUMMON THE KEEPER, 3rd, (the cat and the keeper), vg 3.00
Macfadden 100 Kornbluth, C.M. A MILE BEYOND THE MOON, '62 (stories), g-vg 3.50
Pinnacle 42170 Larson, Glen A. & Roger Hill KNIGHT RIDER, 11/83, (orig; TV tie), vg+ 3.50
Monarch 330 Laurence, Will THE GO GIRLS, 2/63, (orig; A Contemporary Novel; in Women Of The World Fiction Series), vg+ 8.00
HarperPrism 05400 Le Guin, Ursula K. SEAROAD: Chronicles of Klatsand, 11/94, vg-f 4.00
Bantam 20132 Le Guin, Ursula K. THE WIND'S TWELVE QUARTERS, 5th(3/81), (stories), vg-f 3.50
Berkley D3279 Le Guin, Ursula K. THE WORD FOR WORLD IS FOREST, 12/76, vg 2.50
Faw GM s751 Leinster, Murray WAR WITH THE GIZMOS, 3/58, (orig), vg 8.00
Avn S 392 Matheson, Richard A STIR OF ECHOES, 4/69, (unholy presence), g 2.50
Bal F626 Miller, Walter M. CONDITIONALLY HUMAN, ('62), (3 SF novellas), g-vg 3.00
Avn V 2394 O'Donnell, K.M. (=Malzberg) UNIVERSE DAY, 4/71, (orig), vg 4.00
Bal 113 Oliver, Chad ANOTHER KIND, ('55). (orig; stories), fr-g 4.00
Ace pb 65979 PERRY RHODAN #10: THE GHOSTS OF GOL, ('71), (Mahr), vg 2.50
Pocket 83266 Pournelle, Jerry HIGH JUSTICE, 2nd, (interplanetary power play), vg+ 2.50
Ace pb 62686 Powers, Tim ON STRANGER TIDES, 11/88, vg-f 6.00
Bantam 11191 Robeson, Kenneth DOC SAVAGE #93: Tunnel Terror, 2/79, g-vg 2.50
Ace pb 35854 Robinson, Kim Stanley ICHENGE, 10/84, (orig), vg 5.00
Tor 55259 Russo, Richard Paul SUBTERRANEAN GALLERY, 7/89, (orig; day-after-tomorrow SF), vg+ 3.50
Vintage V447 Silverberg BORN WITH THE DEAD: Three Novellas About the Spirit of Man, 6/75, vg 3.00
Penguin 1999 Stapledon, Olaf SIRIUS, '64, (dog born with the mind of a man), g-vg 4.00
Sphere 8117 Steele, Addison BUCK ROGERS #2: That Man on Beta, '79, vg 4.00
DAW 270 Swann, Thomas Burnett CRY SILVER BELLS, 12/77, (orig), vg-f 4.00
Ace pb 13921 Swann, Thomas Burnett DAY OF THE MINOTAUR, 2nd(3/78), vg+ 3.00
Ace sp 81900 Swann, Thomas Burnett THE TOURNAMENT OF THORNS, 7/76, (orig), vg+ 4.00
Bantam A1766 Tenn, William TIME IN ADVANCE, 6/58, (orig; four prophetic novelettes), vg 5.00
Pocket pb 88341 Thompson, W.R. STAR TREK The Next Generation #30: Debtor's Planet, 5/94, vg+ 2.50
Ace A- 4 Tolkien, J.R.R. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, nd, (unauthorized), g-vg 5.00
Zebra 449 Torgeson, Roy (ed) CHRYSALIS 4, 2/79, (orig; OA), vg-f 5.00
Pocket 80184 Tubb, E.C. SPACE 1999: Breakaway, 9/75, (TV novelization; photo section), vg 4.00
Ace F- 240 Wells, H.G. WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES, nd, (Gernsback intro), vg 3.00
Chicago Paperback House B120 Willeford, Charles COCKFIGHTER, ('62), (orig), vg+ 50.00
Laser 9 Wolfe, Aaron (=Koontz) INVASION, '75, (Malzberg intro), vg-f 8.00
Avn S 385 Wollheim (ed) THE 2nd AVON FANTASY READER, 2/69, (orig), g-vg 3.00
Signet Y7080 Zelazny, Roger BRIDGE OF ASHES, 7/76, (orig), vg-f 5.00
Blog Archive
- 07/30/05 SAT:---Here today from Stark House:Blackw...
- 07/26/05 TUE:---Finally an at least temporary brea...
- 07/25/05 MON:---Here today from Talebones:TALEBONE...
- 07/23/05 SAT:---Here today from Darkside:Simak, Cl...
- 07/21/05 THU:---Phonecall from Jacob Weisman at Ta...
- 07/18/05 MON:---Still trying to get out of the vac...
- 07/14/05 THU:---Here today from Small Beer:Link, K...
- 07/13/05 WED:---Here today from TTA (in future to ...
- 07/11/05 MON:---Have received impetus to get an or...
- 07/06/05 WED:---Here today from Sarob:Glasby, John...
- 07/04/05 MON:---Another batch of paperbacks catalo...
- 07/02/05 SAT:---”Weekly” blogmail is being sent fo...