---Sure enough, here today--and only two days Media Mail from San Francisco--from Tachyon Direct (as distinct from their bookstore distributor Independent Press Group):
Bisson, Terry NUMBERS DON'T LIE, Tachyon '05, Special Preview Edition, one of 26 SIGNED & lettered copies, (three tales of Wilson Wu and his “Watson,” Irving, originally published in Asimov’s; collected previously in e-Book format by ElectricStory), new 25.00
---another copy of the preceding, '05, trade edn, SIGNED, as new 15.00
Powers, Tim STRANGE ITINERARIES, Tachyon '05, 1st edn, one of 100 SIGNED Special Preview Edition copies, (comprehensive short fiction collection), new 25.00
---also still have copies of the regular edition available for $15.95.