After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

01/31/06 TUE:
---Email from Gauntlet:

At the printer now, for release in April is AS TIMELESS AS INFINITY: THE COMPLETE TWILIGHT ZONE SCRIPTS VOL. 3.

AS TIMELESS AS INFINITY offers a unique and definitive look at Rod Serling's landmark Twilight Zone teleplays. The classic scripts are reprinted directly from Serling's personal collection, currently housed in the Special Collections Archive at Ithaca College. As editor, Albarella is working closely with Carol Serling to bring out material that has never before been made available to the public.

The scripts appear in their original format, in an oversized 8 Ũ x 11 book and are not typeset or altered in any way. In some cases this includes Rod's handwritten changes or notations. The Ithaca material also includes many revisions and earlier script drafts that differ, to varying degrees, from the final shooting scripts. We include these variant details where appropriate to document the creative process and track the evolution of the stories.

The Table of Contents for Volume 3 is as follows:

1) "One for the Angels"
2) "Time Enough at Last"
3) "The Four of Us are Dying"
4) "Twenty-Two"
5) "Death's Head Revisited"
6) "The Changing of the Guard"
7) "On Thursday we Leave for Home" -- An hour-long script.
8) "A Kind of Stopwatch" -- Two complete versions of this script are included with the book -- the final shooting script and an earlier, alternate version featuring major alterations in plot and dialogue.
9) "The Long Morrow"

The 500 copy numbered edition, signed by Carol Serling sells for $66.
The 52 copy lettered is signed by Carol Serling, Geroge Clayton Johnson and Earl Hammer. $200

If interested, please tell us how many copies of each book you desire.

Lamont Ingram
Gauntlet Press Dealer Rep
---Still haven’t sent Gauntlet any orders in a long while, but I have had some interest in their books. Hard to figure out the discounts and variation in pricing between their list price and their website price, especially when I don’t respond to their initial-offering email.

Monday, January 30, 2006

01/30/06 MON:
---Straggler from VHPS:
Holland, Cecelia THE SERPENT DREAMER, Forge, 12/05, 1st edn, (third in powerful epic begun in The Soul Thief and continued in The Witches’ Kitchen; historical novel set against the backdrop of the ninth-century Viking invasion of Ireland), new in dj 24.95

Saturday, January 28, 2006

01/28/06 SAT:
---Went to remainder-book liquidation sale in Des Moines. I do not go out of my way to buy remainders, but a friend thought I might find some books I liked there. So we went. This was one of those “up to 80% off” deals that camp out in abandoned storefronts for a while in various places at different times. In this case they were getting ready to pack up and leave for a new location, so there was a liquidation sale going on. I wasn’t thinking that much to buy books to add to inventory, mainly looking at books that I thought I might like to read myself. But I did find a few that I think people might want, as well as ones for myself that I might still offer anyway. I’ve taken their covershots and put them in a couple folders ($2 tpbs and $3 hcs) on the latest iteration of my Catalog Data CD-R. It was exciting to find all these books that I was mainly oblivious to when they first came out five or six years ago, at least in these particular editions. Authors I like or whose work I knew by reputation and would like to read--like (in this case and in no particular order) André Gide, Doris Lessing, John Hawkes, Bruce Sterling, Iain Banks, Joseph Heller, Angus Wilson, Denis Johnson, James Lee Burke, James Salter, Kit Reed, Stuart Kaminsky, Richard Ford, Francine Prose, Michael Swanwick, Cornell Woolrich, Frederick Barthelme, Alfred Bester, Rebecca Ore, Russell Banks, Richard Powers, John Hawkes, Mark Costello, Steve Erickson, Thomas McGrath, Alexander Pope, T.C. Boyle, Michael Moorcock, Henry Roth, Eric Kraft, William Gibson, Richard Dooling, Jack Finney, Melissa Scott, Bradford Morrow, Robert J. Sawyer, Roddy Doyle, Roger L. Simon, Robert B. Parker, V.S. Naipaul, Martin Amis, Guy Davenport, Walter Wangerin Jr., Penelope Lively, Pat Frank, David Long, John Saul, David Means and Frank M. Robinson; published by the likes of Picador USA, Counterpoint, iBooks, Hyperion, Fourth Estate, Thunder’s Mouth, Perennial, Vintage, as well as the usual bigger names--so many books that looked pretty good at this place (former home of belly-up Ultimate Electronics), that I’m sure I could have kept finding books at the rate I was finding them if I had stayed twice or three times as long. As it was I came away with 44 tpbs, 11 hcs and one six-hour and six-CD reading by Tom Wolfe of “Hooking Up”. They are a lot of fun to browse through, even if the author’s won’t be getting too many royalties from this sale.

Friday, January 27, 2006

01/27/06 FRI:
---Here today from Tartarus:
Gaskin, John THE LONG RETREATING DAY, Tartarus '06, 1st edn, SIGNED, one of 450 copies, (ten atmospheric tales; author’s second collection of Tales of Twilight and Borderlands; the first, The Dark Companion, was published in 2001 to critical acclaim), new in dj 50.00

Thursday, January 26, 2006

01/26/06 THU:
---Here today from TTA:
INTERZONE #202, 2/06, (Britain’s longest running SF magazine; special new year issue: 80 pages!; F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre, Terry Pratchett, Richard Calder, etc.), new 7.00

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

01/25/06 WED:
---Email rec’d:
Announcement: Early 2006 Book Release

I am starting up a brand-new publishing outfit called 'The Spectre Library," specializing in reprints of rare literature, in limited edition jacketed hardcovers. TSL's first book release is slated for release early 2006. If you are interested in stocking any copies of TSL's first publication, please reply soonest. The bare bones of the first publication are below. This story was featured as an eleven-part serial in Weird Tales 1926-27, and will be featured for the first time with the missing 12 th installment…

Cordially, Morgan Wallace, of 'The Spectre Library'

Title: The Surgeon of Souls
Author: Victor Rousseau
Publisher: The Spectre Library
Introduction By: Mike Ashley
Price: $40.00
Limitation: 200
Format: Smythe-sewn Hardcover / Dustjacket, short-run printing, not printed by LSI
Cover Art: R.W.S.

Reprinting Victor Rousseau's strange tales from Weird Tales, this edition now features the never-before-read missing 12th installment, a sure-must for WT enthusiasts !!!

Book Description:

He was an expert hypnotist and received delicate cases from all parts of the country; lost and multiple personality, amnesia, agraphia, aboulia, all the odds and ends of neurouses that had been give up in despair by the "regulars." He was at that time professor of nervous diseases at the hospital. Ivan Brodsky, he called himself, and it was said that he was a cross between two races whose blend of shrewdness and mysticism was probably accountable for the production of so remarkable a personality as his own.

Dr. Ivan Brodsky -- The Surgeon of Souls

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

01/24/06 TUE:
---Sent out weekly blogmail actually weekly for once, although I did almost forget.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

01/21/06 SAT:
---Getting an order ready to send to Wesleyan Univ Press now (aka Univ Press of New England). Need to get 25 units for best discount--only had nine books already in order file; but a couple of those might be safe to get in multiples (i.e. About Writing by Samuel R. Delany). Another possibility might be titles in their Early Classics of Science Fiction series.

Friday, January 20, 2006

01/20/06 FRI:
---Email from Gauntlet:
Solicitation for Richard Matheson's THE LINK

Gauntlet Press is now taking orders for a signed limited edition of Richard Matheson's THE LINK, which is expected to ship in late-April.

The Link began as a 557-page outline Richard Matheson wrote for a proposed 20-hour ABC-TV mini-series in the 1970's. Television executives asked him to shorten the series into 7 hours. Later, after Matheson had written three hours of the miniseries the two parted company. Matheson's vision could not be condensed without destroying the essence of the plot and characters. This is that original outline, in narrative form (it reads like a novel), appearing here in publication for the first time. There will be no other version of THE LINK published.

The story follows Robert Allright as he explores his own demons, as he struggles to decipher his father's dying wish to explore an archeological dig in Arizona. His only clue is a mystifying crystal that his father believes is the key to a great discovery.

THE LINK will appear in two forms:

The numbered edition, signed by Matheson, is $50 (the cover price is $55).

The lettered edition, signed by Matheson, will have one of the pages from The Link signed by Matheson, and each book will have a different page to add to its uniqueness. The lettered edition will also contain a portion of the teleplay Matheson wrote for ABC-TV. The cover price is $150.

If interested let us know how many of each version you want to order.

Lamont Ingram
Gauntlet Dealer Rep

Thursday, January 19, 2006

01/19/06 THU:
---Here from Stark House:
Marlowe, Stephen VIOLENCE IS MY BUSINESS / TURN LEFT FOR MURDER: Two Thrillers, Stark House Mystery Classics, 2/06, (new intro by author, who began his career writing SF for the pulps under his natal name, Milton Lesser, and various pen names), new 19.95

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

01/18/06 WED:
---Here today, a great shipment from NESFA Press:
Bujold, Lois McMaster FALLING FREE, NESFA, 9/04, 1st printing, (Nebula winner), new in dj 23.00

de Camp, L. Sprague YEARS IN THE MAKING, NESFA, 2/05, 1st edn, (The Time-Travel Stories; first in series of L. Sprague de Camp volumes), new in dj 25.00

Lucchetti, Stephen C. DOC - FIRST GALACTIC ROAMER: A Complete Bibliography and Publishing Checklist of Books and Articles by and About E.E. “Doc” Smith, NESFA, 9/04, 1st edn, new no dj as issued $21

Merril, Judith HOMECALLING and Other Stories, NESFA, 1/05, 1st edn, (the complete solo short SF of Judith Merril; 559 pages), new in dj $29

Pratchett, Terry ONCE MORE WITH FOOTNOTES, NESFA, 3rd(9/05), (assortment of short stories, articles, introductions, and ephemera that have appeared in books, magazines, newspapers, anthologies, and program books, many of which are now hard to find), new in dj $25

Sheckley, Robert THE MASQUE OF MANANA, NESFA, 8/05, 1st edn, (41 pieces of selected short fiction; David Hartwell intro; 569 pages), new in dj 29.00

Speer, Jack FANCESTRAL VOICES, NESFA, 9/04, 1st edn, (fan history by one of the pioneer historians of fandom, and the first to stress its subcultural aspects), new 17.00

Tenn, William DANCING NAKED: The Unexpurgated…, NESFA '04, 1st edn, (essays and interviews; David Morrell intro; 429 pages), new in dj 29.00

Warner, Harry, Jr. ALL OUR YESTERDAYS: An Informal History of Science Fiction Fandom in the 1940s, NESFA, 9/04, (Wilson Tucker intro), new in dj 25.00

Weston, Peter WITH STARS IN MY EYES: My Adventures in British Fandom, NESFA, 9/04, 1st ed, (GoH book), new no dj as issued (decorative cloth) 23.00

Yolen, Jane ONCE UPON A TIME (SHE SAID), NESFA, 2nd(1/06), (collection of more than 80 stories, poems and articles; Anne McCaffrey intro; 378 pages), new in dj 26.00
---Back in stock:
Bujold, Lois McMaster DREAMWEAVER'S DILEMMA, NESFA, 4th(4/02), (stories & essays; reprint of limited hardcover edition published 2/96), new 12.00

Harness, Charles L. RINGS, NESFA, 12/99, 1st thus, (4-in-1 edn; collects The Paradox Men, The Ring of Ritornel, Firebird and Drunkard’s Endgame; Zebrowski intro; 597 pages), new in dj 25.00

Leinster, Murray FIRST CONTACTS: The Essential…, NESFA, 2nd(7/99), (29 stories covering full spectrum of author's career; Hal Clement intro), new in dj 25.00

Myers, John Myers SILVERLOCK, NESFA, 2/04, 1st edn, (includes The Silverlock Companion; incomparable fun fantasy romp; 510 pages), new in dj 26.00

Powers, Tim POWERS OF TWO, NESFA '04, 2nd corrected edn, (collects early novels The Skies Discrowned and An Epitaph in Rust), new in dj 24.00

Schmitz, James H. THE BEST OF…, NESFA, 3rd(12/00), (includes two never-before published stories & a complete Schmitz bibliography), new in dj 22.00

Silverberg, Robert & Martin H. Greenberg (eds) ROBERT SILVERBERG PRESENTS THE GREAT SF STORIES (1964), NESFA, 12/01, 1st edn, (logical continuation of Isaac Asimov Presents... series), new in dj 25.00

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

01/17/06 TUE:
---Here today from Ash-Tree:
James, M.R. ETON AND KING'S, Ash-Tree '05, (unreprinted since 1926), new in dj 47.50
---Going on the Internet to get the price of this (since my invoice had not yet arrived), I discovered that it was not up at the Ash-Tree website yet. I did find the Ghosts & Scholars website, which is of course heavily devoted to M.R. James. It does not mention the Ash-Tree edition but does say that: “Eton and King's is a very entertaining and highly readable work with many amusing - even laugh-out-loud - moments” and provides an index to the book.

---Sending out blogmail--back on weekly schedule again for once--but that thanks more to a few books having come in to report on than anything else.

Monday, January 16, 2006

01/16/06 MON:
---Uploading another batch of cataloguings to, bringing the alphabetical listings through Spinrad in the alphabet (starting with Mic-), this time including a goodly number of Spectra paperbacks. Next time the listings will stretch through Sterling in the alphabet. I’m trying to make mid-month be the time to at least get that much done, since the first of the month is when I update my catalog data for burning on CD-Rs (a much speedier procedure).

Saturday, January 14, 2006

01/14/06 SAT:
---Here now from VHPS (including back-in-stock items):
Anderson, Poul GOING FOR INFINITY, Tor, 5/05 (sic), (stories; 416 pages), new 14.95

Brust, Steven TO REIGN IN HELL, Orb, 8th, (classic of modern fantasy; Zelazny intro), new 14.95

Chiang, Ted STORIES OF YOUR LIFE and Others, Orb, 2nd, (essential SF; multiple-award winning stories), {hc in dj still available @ 24.95}, new 14.95

Datlow, Ellen, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant (eds) THE YEAR'S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR: Eighteenth Annual Collection, St. Martin's Griffin, 8/05, 1st edn, (over 250,000 words of the finest fantasy and horror), {hc in dj available @ $35}, new 19.95

Dozois, Gardner (ed) THE YEAR'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION: Twenty-Second Annual Collection, St. Martin's Griffin, 7/05, 1st edn, (more than 300,000 words of fantastic fiction), {hc in dj available @ $35}, new 19.95

Hughes, Matthew BLACK BRILLION, Tor, 11/04, 1st edn, (A Novel of the Archonate), new in dj 23.95

Lumley, Brian BENEATH THE MOORS and Darker Places, Tor, 3/04, (includes a complete short novel!), new 14.95

Rucker, Rudy AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, Forge, 11/03, (A Novel of Peter Bruegel), new 14.95

Sawyer, Robert J. HOMINIDS, Tor, 5/02, 1st edn, (Neanderthal Parallax #1), new in dj 25.95

Vance, Jack LURULU, Tor, 12/04, 1st edn, (sequel to Ports of Call), new in dj 22.95

Wolfe, Gene ENDANGERED SPECIES, Orb, 9/04, (stories; an embarrassment of literary riches), new 16.95
---STARWATER STRAINS: New Science Fiction Stories, Tor, 8/05, 1st edn, new in dj 25.95
---THE WIZARD, Tor, 11/04, 1st edn, (Wizard Knight #2), new in dj 25.95
---As always, 30% discount on these. Remember no need to be in discount plan for foreseeable future, as long as I still don’t have the overhead expense of sending out paper catalogs.

Friday, January 13, 2006

01/13/06 FRI:
---Here today from Midnight House:
Pendarves, G.G. THING OF DARKNESS, Midnight House '05, one of 525 numbered copies, (first of two volumes collecting all of author's weird fiction by one of most respected writers for Weird Tales magazine; Mike Ashley [ed & intro]), new in dj 45.00
---Email rec’d:
I was wanting to know if you would like to carry Issue
six of my mag 'Wicked Karnival' ? We sell it for

Let me know.



Thursday, January 12, 2006

01/12/06 THU:
---A day for a couple stragglers, one the first of I’m sure several and the other one I neglected from a bunch of used books, catalogued earlier. The NESFA order has started to arrive, with so far only this one they distribute:
Warner, Harry, Jr. A WEALTH OF FABLE: An Informal History of Science Fiction Fandom in the 1950s, Scifi, 8/92, 1st hc edn, (Wilson Tucker intro), new in dj 25.00
---From the earlier batch (catalogued 11/11/05):
Stanley, John REVENGE OF THE CREATURE FEATURES MOVIE GUIDE: Third Revised Edition (Totally Revised and Updated), Creatures at Large ('88), 1st thus, (almost 4000 genre films capsulized; hundreds of photos; no intelligent horror freak should be without it; 420 pages), vg+ 15.00

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

01/11/06 WED:
---Here from Night Shade:
Hodgson, William Hope THE NIGHT LAND and Other Perilous Romances, Night Shade '05, 1st edn thus, (The Collected Fiction Vol 4; Jeremy Lassen [ed & intro]; 487 pages), new no dj as issued (decorative boards) 35.00
---Still need to get my orders to Night Shade straightened out. It was good to get this, but I know there are other titles I am behind on.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

01/10/06 TUE:
---Sending out blogmail on usual Tuesday for once again, looking to get back on the weekly track. If you’ve stumbled on this blog and want to reach me, my email again is You could sign up to get my blogmailings or send me an order for any books you see here.

Monday, January 9, 2006

01/09/06 MON:
---Here today from Small Beer:
LADY CHURCHILL'S ROSEBUD WRISTLET #17, 11/05, (John Brown, Diana Pharoah Francis, Christian Gholson, Seana Graham , David Connerley Nahm, Philip Raines & Harvey Welles, Deborah Reggie, Alette J. Willis, Marly Youman; 60-pages; folded legal-size-page booklet), new 5.00
---And it is good to see that Neil is now listed as staff (senior developer) at his new job at Advomatic.

Saturday, January 7, 2006

01/07/06 SAT:
---Another batch of paperbacks catalogued for package insert sheet:
12 • • NEW ARRIVALS (& re-arrivals): 12/25/2005—1/7/2006 • •
Monarch 453 Edwards, Norman INVASION FROM 2500, 8/64, (orig), vg+ 5.00
Faw GM s975 Keene, Day & Leonard Pruyn WORLD WITHOUT WOMEN, 2/60, (orig), vg+ 5.00
Dell pb 6216 Kelley, Leo P. MYTH-MASTER, 6/73, (orig; The stealer of lives is driven to a flight from death), vg $3; vg-f 4.00
Belmont 00797 Kelley, Leo P. THE COUNTERFEITS, 11/67, (orig; the aliens were counterfeit humans), vg 3.50
Pap Lib 52127 Kersh, Gerald MEN WITHOUT BONES, 1/62, (fantastic stories), g-vg 5.00
Faw GM R1887 Kersh, Gerald NIGHTSHADE & DAMNATIONS, nd, (stories of the weird, the unspeakable, the bizarre; Harlan Ellison intro), vg 6.00
Bal 268 Kersh, Gerald ON AN ODD NOTE, ('58), (orig; unique stories), vg $5; vg+ 6.00
Pap Lib 52211 Keyes, Noel (ed) CONTACT, 5/63, (orig; man faces extra-terrestrial life), vg 4.00
Bantam F2817 Knight, Damon (ed) 13 FRENCH SCIENCE-FICTION STORIES, 8/65, (orig), g 2.50
Lancer 72672 Knight, Damon (ed) FIRST FLIGHT: Maiden Voyages in Space and Time, '63, (orig), g-vg 3.00
Lancer 73691 Knight, Damon (ed) SCIENCE FICTION INVENTIONS, '67, (orig), vg+ 3.50
Belmont 00082 Knight, Damon (ed) THE METAL SMILE, 10/68, (orig; 12 battles of wits between man and machine; PKD, etc.), vg+ 3.50
Zenith 14 Knight, Damon THE PEOPLE MAKER, 2/59, (orig; Lust and decadence ruled a world gone mad), g-vg $3; vg+ 4.50
Lancer 74601 Knight, Damon WORLD WITHOUT CHILDREN and THE EARTH QUARTER, ('70), vg+ 4.50
Bal 86 Kornbluth, C.M. THE EXPLORERS, ('54), (orig; stories), vg+ 6.00
Dell pb 8731 Kornbluth, C.M. THIRTEEN O'CLOCK and Other Zero Hours, 12/70, (orig; the Cecil Corwin stories), vg+ 5.00
Bal 303K Kornbluth, Cyril M. THE MARCHING MORONS, ('59), (orig; stories), vg+ 6.00
Bal 497K Kuttner, Henry BYPASS TO OTHERNESS, ('61), (orig; stories), g-vg $3; vg $4; vg+ 5.00
Bal F619 Kuttner, Henry RETURN TO OTHERNESS, ('62), (orig; stories), g-vg $4; vg+ 6.00
Pop Lib 2355 Kuttner, Henry THE CREATURE FROM BEYOND INFINITY, ('68), (cosmic terror strikes), vg 5.00
Ace F- 327 Kuttner, Henry THE DARK WORLD, nd, (orig; strange other-world), vg $5; vg-f 7.50
Ace pb 52075 Kuttner, Henry THE MASK OF CIRCE, nd, (fantasy in the grand tradition), vg+ 5.00
Ace F- 356 Kuttner, Henry THE TIME AXIS, nd, (orig; the battle that raged through the core of time), vg 5.00
Ace F- 297 Kuttner, Henry THE VALLEY OF THE FLAME, ('64), (orig; the secret of cosmic power), g-vg $4; vg $5; vg-f 6.00
Ace sp 24590 Lafferty, R.A. FOURTH MANSIONS, '69, (orig; weird over-view of reality), vg 6.00
Ace sp 58050 Lafferty, R.A. NINE HUNDRED GRANDMOTHERS, ('70), (orig; stories), vg+ 8.50
Avn V 2406 Lafferty, R.A. THE DEVIL IS DEAD, 5/71, (orig), vg $5; vg+ 7.50
Berkley X1528 Lafferty, R.A. THE REEFS OF EARTH, 3/68, (orig), vg+ 7.50
Ace pb 06177 Laumer, Keith THE BIG SHOW, 10/72, (orig; stories), vg+ 3.50
Belmont 757 Long, Frank Belknap JOURNEY INTO DARKNESS, 4/67, (orig), vg+ 6.00
Dell pb 5523 Lory, Robert MASTER OF ETRAX, 5/70, (orig; swords & sorcery), vg 3.00
Ball 02094 Norman, John ASSASSIN OF GOR, 12/70, (orig; Counter-Earth #5), vg 3.00
Ball 01765 Norman, John NOMADS OF GOR, 11/69, (orig; Counter-Earth #4), g-vg 2.00
Bal U 6072 Norman, John OUTLAW OF GOR, 12/67, (orig; Counter-Earth #2), vg $3; vg+ 4.00
Bal U 72015 Norman, John PRIEST-KINGS OF GOR, 12/68, (orig; Counter-Earth #3), g-vg 2.00
Ball 02447 Norman, John RAIDERS OF GOR, 12/71), (orig; Counter-Earth #6), vg $3; vg-f 5.00
Bal U 6071 Norman, John TARNSMAN OF GOR, 12/66, (orig; Counter-Earth #1), vg-f 5.00
Bantam 1251 Padgett, Lewis (=Moore & Kuttner) LINE TO TOMORROW, 8/54, (orig; stories), g-vg $5; vg 9.00
Bal F638 Pohl, Frederik & C.M. Kornbluth THE WONDER EFFECT, ('62), (orig; stories), vg 4.00
Bal 335K Pohl, Frederik & C.M. Kornbluth WOLFBANE, ('59), (orig; What are the weird machines that have pulled earth away from the sun?), g-vg $3; vg $4; vg-f 5.00
Belmont 00077 Tenn A LAMP FOR MEDUSA / Van Arnam THE PLAYERS OF HELL, 6/68, (Belmont Double edn), vg 5.00
Bal U 6134 Tenn, William THE SEVEN SEXES, 6/68, (orig; stories), vg 4.00
Bal U 6133 Tenn, William THE WOODEN STAR, 6/68, (orig; stories), vg 4.00
Bantam A1786 Tenn, William TIME IN ADVANCE, 6/68, (orig; four prophetic novelettes), vg 5.00
DAW 51 Van Herck, Paul WHERE WERE YOU LAST PLUTERDAY?, 4/73, (Europa Award novel; translated from Belgian), vg 3.50
Avn V 2386 Van Scyoc, Sydney SALTFLOWER, 1/71, (orig; earth seeded by aliens and producing a strange new breed), vg 3.00
Pap Lib 52515 Van Vogt, A.E. MONSTERS, 2/65, (orig; s-f stories to chill the cockles of your heart; Ackerman [ed]), vg+ 4.00
Ace D- 187 Van Vogt, A.E. THE PAWNS OF NULL-A, ('56), (a titanic saga of galactic conflict; sequel to The World of Null-A), vg+ 5.00
Pap Lib 64512 Van Vogt, A.E. THE PROXY INTELLIGENCE and Other Mind Benders, 1/71, (orig), g-vg $3; vg 5.00
Ace F- 154 Van Vogt, A.E. THE WIZARD OF LINN, ('62), (He tapped the voice for unheard-of powers), vg+ 5.00
Signet 1224 Vernon, Roger Lee THE SPACE FRONTIERS, 8/55, (orig; stories), vg 3.00
Berkley X1750 Vinge, Vernor GRIMM'S WORLD, 10/69, (orig), vg-f 5.00
BallAF 02332 Walton, Evangeline THE CHILDREN OF LLYR, 8/71, (orig), vg 4.00
Curtis 07178 Wayman, Tony Russell DUNES OF PRADAI, ('71), (orig; evil earthquakes invade the holy planet of Pradai), vg 3.00
Bal F602 Wells, Barry THE DAY THE EARTH CAUGHT FIRE, ('61), (orig; the book of the movie), g-vg 2.50
Berkley S2016 Wells, Robert CANDLE IN THE SUN, 6/71, (orig; the sea moaned around with many voices), vg+ 4.00
Avn G 1322 Whitaker, David DOCTOR WHO IN AN EXCITING ADVENTURE WITH THE DALEKS, 7/67, (TV-tie), vg 2.50
Bal U 2224 White, James DEADLY LITTER, 10/64, (orig; when space gets too crowded--what then?), vg+ 4.00
Bal F595 White, James HOSPITAL STATION, ('62), (orig; Sector General #1), vg+ 6.00
Ball 02149 White, James MAJOR OPERATION, 2/71, (orig; Sector General), vg 3.00
Ball 01545 White, James THE ALIENS AMONG US, 3/69, (orig; To live or die--To kill or cure--Which?), g-vg $2; vg 3.00
Ace F- 317 White, James THE ESCAPE ORBIT, ('65), (marooned on a prison planet), vg 3.00
Ball 02150 White, James TOMORROW IS TOO FAR, 2/71, (orig; Perhaps mankind's time space is as limited as his living space...), vg 2.50
Ace G- 551 Wollheim & Carr (eds) WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION: 1965, ('65), (orig; 1964 stories), vg $3; vg+ $4; vg-f 5.00
Ace H- 15 Wollheim & Carr (eds) WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION: 1966, g-vg $3; vg $4; vg+ 5.00
Ace F- 178 Wollheim, Donald A. (ed) MORE ADVENTURES ON OTHER PLANETS, ('63), vg+ 4.00
Ace F- 311 Wollheim, Donald A. (ed) SWORDSMEN IN THE SKY, (Great stories of interplanetary adventure), vg 4.00
Ace S- 183 Wollheim, Donald A. (ed) THE END OF THE WORLD, ('56), (as projected by leading s-f writers), g-vg $4; vg 6.00
Ace D- 354 Wollheim, Donald A. (ed) THE HIDDEN PLANET, ('59), (science-fiction adventures on Venus), vg 4.00

Friday, January 6, 2006

01/06/06 FRI:
---Actually getting an order put together to send to NESFA Press, hopefully later today. (And it was actually sent, too.)

Thursday, January 5, 2006

01/05/06 THU:
---Email rec’d:
Hi there,

Are you interested in stocking any of my books? Please check out here:


Gary Fry
Gray Friar Press
---Looks like good stuff:
Poe’s Progeny
Bernie Hermann’s Manic Sextet
Dark Corners by Stephen Volk
Rain by Conrad Williams
---Printed out applicable pages of postal service PDF I downloaded with new rates. Not only first class, all the others are going up too, including Media Mail and Bound Printed Matter. I don’t see anything about international rates. I will ask at the post office.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

01/04/06 WED:
---New creditcard terminal programmed. The old terminal was obsolete and when it failed to operate properly it wouldn’t take reprogramming, so it had to be replaced. I did investigate lower-cost services than through my local bank, but the ones I talked to had monthly minimums that would have actually increased my cost (although they sucked off a nominally lower percentage).

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

01/03/06 TUE:
---Monthly update of Catalog Data info for CD-R burning.

---Faxed out VHPS order. Sales rep was on vacation.

Monday, January 2, 2006

01/02/06 MON:
---Got that VHPS (St. Martin’s/Tor) order ready to fax. Didn’t check up on new releases to augment what was already in the order file. I was still routinely adding sold-out books for re-ordering. So there were plenty for a decent-enough sized order, although most of them will be older titles that might be less in demand. Lately I haven’t been adding sold-out books to the order file again, unless they might seem to warrant it. So next time I might have to cull around a bit, doubtless coming up with more interesting things. The rate I’m going I wonder when that next time might be.

Sunday, January 1, 2006

01/01/06 SUN:
---I have someone who is interested in the upcoming Incunabula 25th-anniversary limited edition of Little, Big. If I’m to get it and be able to give a discount I’d probably need at least a couple other people interested too. I’m not sure what the current status of their publishing plans is. The website was last updated last March, where it didn’t seem like it would be out any time before 2007. Ought to check out when the actual 25th anniversary is.

---Email rec’d:
Hi Chris,

it has been some months since we had our last contact...

I would like to know if you are still working up an order for me.

I am still waiting for the new edition of Little Big(Crowley)

and the two Best ofs(Datlow .Dozois)which came out summer 05.

There were probably some more things I asked for.Please tell me what is on backorder.

Do I have to try some items elsewhere?

Also can you add me to your e-mail list for new arrivals?

till soon
---My reply:
Sorry about my neglectfulness. I've fallen away from ordering from publishers, especially the larger ones. Might be a good New Year's resolution to try to achieve a little more balance in that direction. Last year I used up a lot of my temporal capital trying to make more of my stored-away used books at least accessible to view (via JPEG covershots) and locatable (via being in boxes that correspond to the folders on the computer containing the JPEGs). Still a lot to do in that direction but it has had a ancilary effect of making my cellar storage area less treacherous and a lot nicer to be down there.
I will go ahead and finally get my order out for the Datlow & Dozois now. I don't know about getting the Little, Big from Incunabula. Looks like I might have to get more copies than I want to get any discount. Doesn't look like it will be out any time too soon. I'll mention it in my blog and if a couple other people want it too I'll go ahead.

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