After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

05/23/07 WED:
---I can’t believe it has taken so long, but here is the latest mmpb cataloguings for perhaps package inserting:
14 • • NEW ARRIVALS (& re-arrivals): 6/15/20—5/23/2007 • •
  • Avn S 380 Alter, Robert Edmond PATH TO SAVAGERY, 1/69, (orig; survivors of the great war), fr-g 2.00
  • Signet T4250 Anderson, Poul A CIRCUS OF HELLS, 5/70, (orig; Flandry), g-vg 3.00
  • Signet T4780 Anderson, Poul THE BYWORLDER, 9/71, (orig), vg 4.00
  • Signet Q5479 Anderson, Poul THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND, 5/73, (orig; universal war!), vg+ 3.00
  • Signet Q5713 Anderson, Poul THE QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS and Other Stories, 9/73, (orig), vg-f 5.00
  • Belmont 646 Anonymous (ed) NOW & BEYOND: Eight Great Science Fiction Adventures, 9/65, (orig; Philip K. Dick, Robert Silverberg, Eric Frank Russell, Lester Del Rey, M.C. Pease, Frederik Pohl, George H. Smith), vg $2; vg+ $3; vg-f 4.00
  • Signet 21724 Asaro, Catherine (ed) IRRESISTIBLE FORCES, 1/06, (OA; romantic SF), new 7.99
  • Faw Cr 20411 Asimov, Isaac MURDER AT THE ABA, 6/77 (Canadian printing), (tale of murder in the publishing world), vg-f 4.00
  • Lancer 74721 Barrett, Neal, Jr. THE LEAVES OF TIME, ('71), (orig), vg $4; vg+ 5.00
  • Ace pb 20565 Bayley, Barrington J. EMPIRE OF TWO WORLDS, ('72), (orig), vg+ $3; vg-f 4.00
  • Del Rey 27627 Beagle, Peter S. A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE, 7th(1/78), (Wildly Splendorous Novel of Love and Lost Chances), g 2.00
  • Belmont 627 Binder, Eando ANTON YORK, IMMORTAL, 5/65, (This is a novel of the last world; Do you want to be immortal?), vg+ 2.50
  • Dell 675 Brean, Herbert HARDLY A MAN IS NOW ALIVE, nd, (mystery), g 3.50
  • Gollancz 07627 Brosnan, John MOTHERSHIP, '05, (deep-space SF), vg-f 6.00
  • Ace pbk 01320 Buckner, M.M. WAR SURF, 9/05, (orig; PKD Award winner), new 7.99
  • Pyramid G339 Budrys, Algis WHO?, '58, (orig; cold war SF spy story), p-fr 2.00
  • Corgi 10085 Bulmer, Kenneth (ed) NEW WRITINGS IN SF.25, '76, (OA), vg+ 3.00
  • Avn S 345 Carnell, John (ed) WEIRD SHADOWS FROM BEYOND, 4/69, vg 3.00
  • Avn G- 1178 Collins, Charles M. (ed) FRIGHT, 3rd(10/65), (Six tales of the unknown, calculated to induce fright), g (nick taken out of corner of front cover) 1.50
  • Pocket Star 8073 Cox, Greg UNDERWORLD: Evolution, 1/06, (orig; movie novelization; the war is over, but the true horror has only just begun....), vg-f 3.00
  • Pinnacle 00507 Derleth, August THE CHRONICLES OF SOLAR PONS, 12/74, (#2 in series), vg+ 4.00
  • Ace pbk 01104 Dietz, William C. EARTHRISE, 3rd, (sequel to DeathDay; invasion thriller), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 48040 Dietz, William C. LEGION OF THE DAMNED, 17th, (future warfare), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01409 Dietz, William C. RUNNER, 10/06, (far-future planet-hopping military SF), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 00217 Dietz, William C. THE FINAL BATTLE, 10th, (Legion of the Damned #2; military SF), new 7.99
  • Macfadden 219 Elwood, Roger & Sam Moskowitz (eds) ALIEN EARTH & Other Stories, '69, (orig), vg-f 3.50
  • HarperTorch 51519 Gaiman, Neil ANANSI BOYS, 10/06, (hilarious screwball comedy), new 7.99
  • Manor 12276 Ghidalia, Vic & Roger Elwood (eds) BEWARE MORE BEASTS, '75, (orig; a spellbinding odyssey into the darker reaches of reality), vg+ 3.00
  • Ace pbk 00566 Haldeman, Joe FOREVER PEACE, 14th, (winner of Hugo & Nebula awards), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01343 Haldeman, Joe OLD TWENTIETH, 8/06, (the time machine has become sentient), new 7.99
  • Berkley S1529 Harrison, Harry & Brian W. Aldiss (eds) BEST SF: 1967, 3/68, (orig), g 2.50
  • Avon Eos 57561 Hartwell, David G. & Kathryn Cramer (eds) YEAR'S BEST SF 10, 2nd, (2004 stories), new 7.99
  • Avon Eos 87341 Hartwell, David G. & Kathryn Cramer (eds) YEAR'S BEST SF 11, 6/06, (2005 stories), new 7.99
  • Avon Eos 06453 Hartwell, David G. & Kathryn Cramer (eds) YEAR'S BEST SF 8, 2nd, (2002 stories; a collection of luminous visions that shines more brightly than a newborn sun), new 7.99
  • Signet S1891 Heinlein, Robert A. BEYOND THIS HORIZON, 12/60, p-fr 2.00
  • Belmont 770 Howard, Ivan (ed) NOVELETS OF SCIENCE FICTION, nd, (orig), vg+ 2.50
  • Ace pbk 01397 Lee, Sharon & Steve Miller BALANCE OF TRADE, 6/06, (A Liaden Universe® Novel), new 7.99
  • Del Rey 25800 Leinster, Murray THE BEST OF MURRAY LEINSTER, 4/78, (orig; J.J. Pierce [ed]), g-vg 3.50
  • Jove 13638 Marshall, Michael THE UPRIGHT MAN, 4/04, (You're not being paranoid...), new 6.99
  • Ace pbk 01210 McDevitt, Jack OMEGA, 3rd, (hard SF problem-solving), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01253 McDevitt, Jack POLARIS, 3rd, (wild tour of the distant future), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01375 McDevitt, Jack SEEKER, 2nd, (classy riff on the familiar lost-colony theme), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01301 Metzger, Robert A. CUSP, 2nd, (hard SF at its best; rocketing the Earth to Alpha Centauri), new 7.99
  • Avon Eos 74715 Nix, Garth ACROSS THE WALL: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories, nd (1st Eos pb edn), (novella set in world of trilogy), new 7.99
  • Roc 46105 Pelan, John (ed) ALONE ON THE DARKSIDE: Echoes from the Shadows of Horror, 9/06, (orig; OA), new 7.99
  • Roc 46043 Pelan, John (ed) LOST ON THE DARKSIDE: Voices from the Edge of Horror, 9/05, (orig; OA), new 7.99
  • Orbit pb 256 Reed, Robert THE WELL OF STARS, '04, (return to the epic universe of Marrow), f 6.00
  • Ace pbk 01307 Reynolds, Aiastair CENTURY RAIN, 6/06, (fuses time travel, hard SF, alternate history, interstellar adventure, and noir romance), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01278 Reynolds, Aiastair DIAMOND DOGS, TURQUOISE DAYS, 2nd, (two novellas of interstellar exploration), new 7.99
  • Roc 45888 Rusch, Kristine Kathryn THE DISAPPEARED, 3rd, (A Retrieval Artist Novel), new 6.99
  • Ball 02419 Silverberg, Robert (ed) ALPHA 2, 11/71, (orig), g $2; vg 3.00
  • Ball 02883 Silverberg, Robert (ed) ALPHA 3, 10/72, (orig), g-vg 2.50
  • Ball 02014 Silverberg, Robert (ed) ALPHA ONE, 9/70, (orig), g-vg $2; vg+ $3; vg-f 3.50
  • Monarch 07151 Sohl, Jerry THE ANOMALY, ('71), (orig; a good and beautiful woman miraculously conceives a creature from another planet), g-vg 3.00
  • Pap Lib 52985 Spinrad, Norman THE SOLARIANS, 7/66, (orig), vg-f 5.00
  • Ace pbk 01357 Steele, Allen COYOTE FRONTIER, 12/06, (Coyote #3; Heinleinesque), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01251 Steele, Allen COYOTE RISING, 12/05, (Coyote #2; Earth's first space colonists), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01116 Steele, Allen COYOTE, 4th, (A Novel of Interstellar Exploration), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01415 Stross, Charles ACCELERANDO, 2nd, (post-human Singularity), new 7.99
  • Ace pbk 01296 Stross, Charles IRON SUNRISE, 7/05, (Hollywood thriller with a cyberpunk heart), new 7.99
  • Dell 1st B120 Sturgeon, Theodore THE COSMIC RAPE, 8/58, (orig), vg $5; vg+ 7.50
  • Ace G- 758 Swann, Thomas Burnett MOONDUST, ('68), (orig; a novel of a people older than mankind), g-vg 3.50
  • Zebra 558 Torgeson, Roy (ed) OTHER WORLDS 1, 12/79, (orig; OA), vg-f 3.50
  • Avon Eos 54172 Traviss, Karen THE WORLD BEFORE, 11/05, (orig; sequel to City of Pearl and Crossing the Line), new 7.50
  • Baen 49904 Turtledove, Harry (ed) THE ENCHANTER COMPLETED: A Tribute Anthology for L. Sprague de Camp, 5/05, (orig), vg-f 6.00
  • Del Rey 45847 Turtledove, Harry HOMEWARD BOUND, '06, (alternate history), f 4.00
  • Roc 46054 Turtledove, Stirling, Gentle, Walter Jon Williams WORLDS THAT WEREN'T, 7/05, (four alternate-history novellas), vg-f 3.00
  • Ace pbk 01335 Varley, John MAMMOTH, 3rd, (time travel and ecology), new 7.99
  • Love Spell 52638 Webber, Minda THE RELUCTANT MISS VAN HELSING, 1/06, (orig; paranormal romance; the lady & the vamp), vg-f 2.00

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