After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003


CDs played today:
- The Reputation (Xgau: A minus)
- Pat Metheny/Ornette Coleman SONG X (Xgau: A)
- Tom Waits BLOOD MONEY (Xgau: A minus)

---A few days offline here, no fault of the computer, only the spongy softwear of my brain. I have been eager to get back into the routine, however. When others are on vacation hereabouts it is hard for me to not follow suit, even when it is the last thing I should be doing. I have been thinking about lots of things to write here, but if I get started trying to run through the litany--much of which might be all too predictable anyway--the pile that is starting to redevelop on my desk here will become too formidable again.
---Largest pile in front of me now is the shipment from McFarland that has come in:
Joshi, S.T. THE MODERN WEIRD TALE, McFarland ('01), (informal sequel to The Weird Tale; study of many of the leading writers of horror and supernatural fiction since World War II), new 34.95

Muir, John Kenneth HORROR FILMS OF THE 1970s, McFarland ('02), (detailed filmography covers groundbreaking films like The Exorcist, Carrie, Halloween and 225 more; 662 pp), new no dj (pictorial boards) 59.95

Pitts, Michael R. HORROR FILM STARS, McFarland, Third Edition, ('02), (80 horror film stars are covered in this major standard reference work; well-rounded career bios and detailed horror film write-ups, with complete filmographies or genre filmographies; 568 pages; illustrated), new 39.95

Weaver, Tom DOUBLE FEATURE CREATURE ATTACK: A Monster Merger of Two More Volumes of Classic Interviews, McFarland Claaics ('03), (combines 1994’s Attack of the Monster Movie Makers and 1995’s They Fought in the Creature Features; 384+318 pages), new 30.00
---I WAS A MONSTER MOVIE MAKER: Conversations With 22 SF and Horror Filmmakers, McFarland ('01), (actor who was fired by film’s director when he refused to put his head in a working guillotine during a climactic fight scene and other choice tidbits), new no dj (pictorial boards) 38.50
---POVERTY ROW HORRORS!: Monogram, PRC and Republic Horror Films of the Forties, McFarland Classics ('99), (delightful essays and full fimographic data; reprint of 1993 library bound edition; 376 pages), new 25.00
---SCIENCE FICTION CONFIDENTIAL: Interviews with 23 Monster Stars and Filmmakers, McFarland ('02), (312 pp; illus), new no dj (pictorial boards) 38.50

---Back in stock:
Hellekson, Karen L. THE SCIENCE FICTION OF CORDWAINER SMITH, McFarland ('01), (glossary, bibliography, index; 166 pages), new 28.50

Warren, Bill KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES!: American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties, McFarland Classics ('97), (in two volumes bound together), new 35.00

---Another stray thought: If all it takes to muffle dissent is to wage a war then we are in bad shape, because that is something not lost on Government Central Planning.

---New issues of a couple magazines:
PAPERBACK PARADE #59, 4/03, Gryphon, (Ann Bannon interview & more, Jim Thompson’s ‘mind of a killer’, Mexican vintage pbs, British master artist Peff; News; Letters; Ads; More!), new 8.00

PSYCHOTRONIC #38, '03, (Malcolm McDowell, Jan Shepard [Kid Creole], Don Stroud [Bloody Mama], etc.), new 5.95

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