After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Wednesday, July 9, 2003

06/23/03 MON:
---Kind of humid today, but no thunderstorms yet. Actually things have been on the dry side around here. [Later: no longer the case, for thunderstorms and rainfall, which both have been most plentiful.]

---Sent in a re-order for Night Shade books, notably most of the Wellman volumes, which I am out of. [Later: they have arrived as well as the first volume in their Hodgson series]

---Email update sent:
“Tracking down the publisher Stark House for a customer, I stumbled on the distributor for a couple more hard-to-find (for me) imprints: Aphelion from Australia and Swan Press (which I assumed took a dive long since). But now, a nice little pile of books:
---From Stark House:
Blackwood, Algernon INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES, Stark House, 2nd, (classic fantasy from a master storyteller; intro by Tim Lebbon), new 16.95
---PAN'S GARDEN: A Volume of Nature Stories, Stark House, 4/03, (orig: 1912; Mike Ashley intro), new 17.95

Constantine, Storm CALENTURE, Stark House, 2nd, (© 1994; adds 2001 intro; a fever dream of a book), new 17.95
---THE ORACLE LIPS: A Collection, Stark House ('99), 1st, one of 1000 SIGNED copies, (vivid, exotic imagery; Moorcock intro), new in dj 45.00
---SIGN FOR THE SACRED, Stark House, 1/02, 1st US, (new intro, also the original first draft of the beginning of the novel, when it was called Prophet Dancer; and the opening pages of an aborted sequel titled Death by Sweetness; 557 pages), new 19.95
---THE THORN BOY & Other Dreams of Dark Desire, Stark House, 12/02, new 19.95

---I can’t find a website for Stark House, but you could try Storm Constantine’s for more information.

---From Aphelion:
Broderick, Damien THE SEA'S FURTHEST END, Aphelion '93, 1st, (SF novel), new 10.00

McMullen, Sean CALL TO THE EDGE, Aphelion '92, (nine stories of the near-possible by award winning author), new 10.00
---MIRROR SUN RISING, Aphelion '95, (Souls of the Great Machine pt 1; 306 pp), new 10.00
---VOICES IN THE LIGHT, Aphelion '94, (Souls of the Great Machine pt 2; 332 pp), new 10.00
---at least that is what the above two volumes appear to be. The second one says “Coming Soon: The Miocene Arrow, Book Three of Greatwinter”)

Turner, George A PURSUIT OF MIRACLES, Aphelion '90, (stories), new 10.00

Williams, Sean & Shane Dix THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER, Aphelion Ascendency '95, (The Cogal #1; Prophecy: The Promised Lands; military SF), new 10.00

---And this one I already had in stock:
Hails, Ian McAuley BACK DOOR MAN, Aphelion '92, (near-future Australia), new $10

---These are all described at

---From Swan (and it is great to have a way to get these books again; I just wish there had been more of them):
Effinger, George Alec MAUREEN BIRNBAUM, BARBARIAN SWORDSPERSON: The Complete Stories, Swan, 6/93, 1st edn, (“Preppy SF”; parody; humor; Resnick intro), new 10.00

Barrett, Neal, Jr. SLIGHTLY OFF CENTER: Eleven Extraordinarily Exhilirating Tales, Swan, 10/92, 1st edn, (five never-before-published; Lansdale intro), new 9.50

---A few from Gryphon (as opposed to Golden Gryphon):
Fearn, John Russell THE GENIAL DINOSAUR, Gryphon, 1/03, 1st US, (Dinosaur #2), new 15.00
---A THING OF THE PAST, Gryphon, 1/03, 1st US, (Dinosaur #1), new 15.00

Kurland, Michael IMAGES CONCEITS & LOLLYGAGS: A Motley of Stories, Gryphon, 3/03, 1st edn, (stories; introduction by Richard A. Lupoff), new 20.00
---Described at

---A $40 hc is also available, but I don't have it in stock.

Lovisi, Gary SOUVENIRS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES: Collected Articles on the Canon and the Pastiches, Gryphon, 12/02, 1st edn, (articles that run the gamut of Holmes collectables in book form), new 15.00
---(ed) PULP CRIME CLASSICS, Gryphon, 1/03, 1st edn, (presenting a baker’s dozen of classic hard-boiled pulp stories from the rare and collectable crime digest magazines of the 1950s and 1960s by Morris Hershman, Michael Avallone, Arnold Marmor, Jules Archer, Hal Masur, Tedd Thorney, Dan Sontup, Bruce Cassidy), new 20.00

PAPERBACK PARADE #58, 11/02, (Andrew Vachss & Hal Ellson; Artist Robert Bonfils; Chester Himes & Gil Brewer; News; Letters; Ads; More!) • ---#59, 4/03, (Ann Bannon, Jim Thompson, Mexican vintage pbs, Peff; News; Letters; Ads; More!), new each, 8.00

---Back in stock:
Dent, Lester THE SINISTER RAY, Gryphon, 10/87, 1st, (Lynn Lash, Scientific Detective pulp adventure stories by Creator of Doc Savage), new 9.95

Fearn, John Russell THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE, Gryphon, 8/01, (Golden Amazon #13), new 15.00

Lovisi, Gary THE SEXY DIGESTS: A Survey, Checklist and Value Guide to the Sexy Exploitation Pin-Up Digest Paperbacks of the 1950s, Gryphon, 9/01, 1st edn, new 25.00

Lupoff, Richard A. BARSOOM: Edgar Rice Burroughs & the Martian Vision, Gryphon, 9/01, (reprint of 1976 Mirage Press edn; new intro by author), new 16.00

Tubb, E.C. EARTH SET FREE, Gryphon, 4/99, 1st US edn, (=SPACE HUNGER), new 15.00

Vaughan, Ralph E. PROFESSOR CHALLENGER IN SECRETS OF THE DREAM-LANDS, Gryphon, 5/97, 1st edn, (a science fantasy adventure), new 9.95
---SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE TERROR OUT OF TIME, Gryphon, 1/02, 1st edn, (mix of Doyle and H.P. Lovecraft), new 15.00

Williamson, Jack THE BLUE SPOT & ENTROPY REVERSED, Gryphon, 5/00, 1st edn, (first book edition of two lost classics from 1937 Astounding), new 20.00

---Also just sent another order to Wildside. Last two were filled quite expeditiously. Third time would be a charm. Mainly special orders for customers and a couple replacements for sold out items. But the special orders I ordered extras for the catalog, maybe a dozen more titles.

---Email sent:
“Great to hear from you. I am afraid I don't have those Subterranean books. I have had difficulties with them so I decided not to carry their subsequent publications. Here is what I am sending about it:
“I am not carrying future Subterranean releases, due to their failure to ship a couple of my recent orders and letting books slip out of print without my getting any, despite my having ordered them. They have not responded to several of my emails.”
I still haven't had a catalog since December (#144). E-commerce is keeping me more than busy as it is, it seems, especially with my getting old and slow. Fooling around with my weblog doesn't help, but it is fun and certainly cheaper. But I do regret the loss of contact with non-computer-users.
Here is what I have by Crowley. In hc:
Crowley, John ANTIQUITIES: Seven Stories, Incunabula '93, 1st edn, vg-f in dj $100
---DÆMONOMANIA, Bantam, 8/00, 1st, new in dj 24.95
---NOVELTY: Four Stories, Foundation/Doubleday, 5/89, 1st edn, f in dj 45.00
and I notice that I do have THE TRANSLATOR but never got it catalogued (no wonder it sits on the shelf).
Misc. Softcover:
Crowley, John LITTLE, BIG, Perennial, 2nd('02), (very great fantasy novel), new 15.95
---OTHERWISE: Three Novels by…, Perennial '02, 1st thus, (548 pages), new 15.95
(---) Andre-Driussi, Michael & Alice K. Turner (eds) SNAKE'S HANDS: A Chapbook About the Fiction of John Crowley, Sirius Fiction '01, corrected 2nd printing, (Harold Bloom preface; Ansley, Clute, Disch; interview), new 5.00
(have the Wildside reprint of this last on order now).
Did you get all those C.J. Cherryhs read?”

---Here is that listing I apparently neglected when it came in some months ago (no wonder it hasn’t sold):
Crowley, John THE TRANSLATOR, Morrow '02, 1st edn, new in dj 24.95

---Music played:
- Beethoven “EMPEROR” CONCERTO (Claudio Arrau, Bernard Haitink) - old vinyl LP
- Neil Young ROAD ROCK, Vol. 1 (Xgau: B Plus)
- Benny Goodman KEN BURNS JAZZ
- Stephen Malkmus S/T (Xgau: A Minus)
- Ani Di Franco RECKONING/REVELLING (2 CD) (Xgau: B Minus)

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