After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Monday, August 11, 2003

08/05/03 TUES:
---Shipments from HarperCollins, PGW, Penguin Putnam and VHPS have come in:
Anderson, Poul GOING FOR INFINITY, Tor, 5/05 (sic), (stories; 416 pages), new 14.95

Asaro, Catherine THE MOON'S SHADOW, Tor, 2nd, (Skolian Empire novel), new in dj 25.95

Bear, Greg THE COLLECTED STORIES OF…, Orb, 3/03, (adds intros to stories & reminiscences; 653 pages), {1st edn hc in dj still avail. @ 29.95}, new 17.95

Blaylock, James P. THIRTEEN PHANTASMS and Other Stories, Ace, 4/03, new 14.00

Chiang, Ted STORIES OF YOUR LIFE and Others, Orb, 7/03, (essential SF; multiple-award winning stories), {hc in dj still available @ 24.95}, new 14.95

Dann, Jack JUBILEE, Tor, 1/03, 1st US edn, (stories; 442 pages), new in dj 27.95

Datlow, Ellen & Terri Windling (eds) THE YEAR'S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR: 16th Annual Collection, St. Martin’s Griffin, 8/03, 1st edn, (over 250,000 words of the finest; broadly literate), {hc in dj available @ $35}, new 19.95

De Lint, Charles FORESTS OF THE HEART, Tor, 3rd, (spellbinding novel of magic in two worlds), {1st edn hc in dj still available @ 25.95}, new 14.95

Dozois, Gardner (ed) THE YEAR'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION: Twentieth Annual Collection, St. Martin’s Griffin, 2nd, {1st edn hc in dj avail. @ $35}, new 19.95

Jones, Jeffrey THE ART OF…, Underwood '02, (Cathy & Arnie Fenner [eds]), new in dj 35.00
---one copy came with a razor cut in the front dj. I am pricing it at $18.

Gaiman, Neil CORALINE, HarperCollins, 13th, (frightening novel for all ages), new in dj 15.99

Gorman, Ed EVERYBODY'S SOMEBODY'S FOOL, Carroll & Graf '02, 1st, (A Sam McCain Mystery; set in Iowa), new in dj 24.00

Jones, Diana Wynne THE MERLIN CONSPIRACY, Greenwillow, 3rd, (fantasy), new in dj 16.99

Lethem, Jonathan (ed) DA CAPO BEST MUSIC WRITING 2002: The Year's Finest Writing on Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, & More, Da Capo, 2nd('03), new 15.00

Pratchett, Terry THE LAST HERO: A Discworld Fable, Eos, 1st (US) thus, new 19.95

Simmons, Dan ILIUM, Eos '03, 1st edn, (first part of epic; 576 pages), new in dj 25.95

Van Gelder, Gordon (ed) ONE LAMP: Alternate History Stories from The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Four Walls Eight Windows, 9/03, 1st, new 15.95

Wilhelm, Kate SKELETONS, Minotaur, 8/02, 1st edn, (a novel of suspense), new in dj 24.95

Wright, John C. THE PHOENIX EXULTANT, Tor, 5/03, 1st edn, (Golden Age #2), new in dj 24.95

---For information about their books and authors, Tor’s website suggests:
“If you want information on the authors, titles, series, dates, etc., of works that have already been published, try:
The SF Site
The Library of Congress
and a couple other links that didn’t look too useful or did not work. They also suggest: “The larger online booksellers' sites are also a good source of information.” That leaves me out, but it is advice I follow myself.
---I also like Locus Online, but it is impossible not to get sent off on a tangent by their links to things going on.

---Also, to get more Carroll & Graf title information, go their title search. Links to individual books all have the same URL.

---Back in stock:
Ashley, Mike ALGERNON BLACKWOOD: An Extraordinary Life, Carroll & Graf '01, 1st US edn, (full biography; notes, bibliography, index), new in dj 28.00

Datlow, Ellen & Terri Windling (eds) THE YEAR'S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR: 15th Annual Collection, St. Martin’s Griffin, 8/02, 1st edn, new 19.95

Dozois, Gardner (ed) WORLDMAKERS: SF Adventures in Terraforming, St. Martin’s Griffin, 2nd, (Baxter, Benford, Clarke, Haldeman, Sterling, Zelazny, etc.), new 17.95

Fenner, Cathy & Arnie Fenner (eds) SPECTRUM 8, Underwood '01, 1st, {hc in dj available @ $35}, new 27.00
--- & ---(eds) SPECTRUM 9, Underwood '02, 1st, {hc in dj available @ $35}, new 27.00

Harrison, Harry 50 IN 50, Tor, 6/01, 1st edn, (fifty stories), {trade pb avail. @18.95}, new in dj 29.95

Leary, Timothy THE DELICIOUS GRACE OF MOVING ONE'S HAND: The Collected Sex Writings, Thunder's Mouth('99),1st edn, (will delight & enlighten everyone), new 13.95

Lewis, Matthew G. THE MONK, Grove, 29th('03), (classic horror novel), new 13.50

Lumley, Brian BENEATH THE MOORS, Tor, 2/02, 1st edn, (collection), new / dj 24.95
--- & Stanley Wiater (eds) THE BRIAN Lumley COMPANION, Tor, 11/02, 1st edn, (inclues 8 pages of art and photographs; bibliography; etc.), new in dj 26.95

MacLeod, Ken COSMONAUT KEEP, Tor, 5/01, 1st edn, (#1 in saga), new in dj 25.95

Rucker, Rudy GNARL!, Four Walls Eight Windows, 4/00, 1st, (stories), new 20.00
---SAUCER WISDOM, Forge, 7/99, 1st edn, {trade pb avail. @ 14.95}, new in dj 23.95
---WHITE LIGHT, Axoplasm/Four Walls Eight Windows, 4/01, (Shirley intro), new 13.95

Saberhagen, Fred A COLDNESS IN THE BLOOD, Tor, 10/02, 1st edn, (Dracula #8), new in dj 25.95

Stephenson, Neal IN THE BEGINNING…WAS THE COMMAND LINE, Perennial, 5th('03), (nf), new $10

Van Vogt, A.E. THE WORLD OF NULL-A, Orb, 10/02, (coming race of supermen), new 14.95

Wolfe, Gene CASTLE OF DAYS, Orb, 4/95, (collects GW's Book of Days & The Castle of the Otter; 447 pp), {hc in dj still avail. @ 22.95}, new 14.95
Wolfe, Gene THE FIFTH HEAD OF CERBERUS, Orb, 4/94, (3 novellas), new 12.95
---FREE LIVE FREE, Orb, 2/99, (character-driven SF at its best), new 15.95
---THE ISLAND OF DOCTOR DEATH And Other Stories, Orb, 8/97, new 14.95
---STRANGE TRAVELERS: New Selected Stories, Orb, 1/01, new 14.95

---Music played:
- AWESOME 80s (eMusic compilation)
- Alan Jackson DRIVE (Xgau: HM***)
- Dizzy Gillespie KEN BURNS JAZZ

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