After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.
These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.
Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.
I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
---Pasted up an updated 8-page New Arrivals for photocopying and inserting with books in packages. I need to change the title from New to Recent, because the list includes books from as much as almost a year ago, when last print catalog went out. The list changes virtually daily as books come and go. There is another page-worth that could be printed too, but nine is such an odd number. I wanted to see how expeditiously I could get the paste-up done, and it only took the length of time for ten songs to play on the Stax-Volt Singles collection that was on--and those were short songs. That included getting a batch photocopied and cut in half and folded. Now I can get my day's packaging done. Tomorrow is some kind of holiday--a good time to give thanks to anyone who bothers to read this stuff and especially ones who bother to order books based on what they find here.
---No books here today, but I did hear from NESFA that my order is in hand and all books should be available (hopefully first printings). Also, I sent one to Wheatland for Polyphony 3, the Waldrop book and the other one (probably the best of the lot).
Monday, November 24, 2003
---Here today from Necro:
Lee, Edward & Patrick Lestewka MOTHER BITCHFIGHT, Necro's Dark Duets IV, 10/03, one of 452 SIGNED copies, (story each by two authors; illustrated; big print), 60-pg chapbook, new 9.95---Back in stock from Hippocampus:
---In the mood for a(nother) gut-punch?
Smith, Clark Ashton THE BLACK DIAMONDS, Hippocampus ('02), 1st edn, new $15---Email rec’d:
Hi, Chris,---My reply:
How sad to see that our old friend Lafferty seems to have become one of the
great forgotten authors of our time. I'm very sorry to see that no one is
stepping in to do more than a few reprints. Do you know if Virginia Kidd
still handles things for his estate? If no one else is willing to do so, I'm
thinking of trying to publish some of his unpublished work, if it can be
made in any way financially feasible.
I am afraid I have not been keeping up on the Lafferty front, but your idea about publishing some of his unpublished work is certainly a welcome one. As far as I know Virginia Kidd or her office is still the agent for his estate. I did get an inquiry from the husband of Ray’s executor a while ago about an idea of selling all the rights to his work in one lump, because apparently it is hard to disperse a relatively small amount of money coming in from royalties among the many of his distant relatives who apparently have claims, since Ray did not have any close heirs. I am afraid I could not be of much help. If you would like this person’s email address, I think I could track it down. I am entangled in the minutiae of this book business. There are lots of greater things I am sure I could be doing, many of them exceeding my grasp if not my reach; but I keep finding myself with ever more to do, even without sending catalogs out any more. Not always exactly what I want to do, but close enough, I guess.---Disc Log:
- my new CD COMP 11 - Neil’s always leaving the eMac tuned in to OS-X causes me to sweep up my little iTunes projects more often than I might otherwise - this one is kind of draggy a bit here and there, but there is always next time; and the first couple tunes, at least, should have a Parental Advisory notification.
- Björk GREATEST HITS (Xgau: A Minus)
---The upstairs eMac always starts up in OS-X in the morning when Neil is home. I only fool around with iTunes or open an email with too much html garbage with OS-X. I still try to hang on to the applications I am used to using that run on OS-9. And for some reason the Internet hookup is twice as fast in Nine. But since the computer started up in Ten, I fooled around with my iTunes stuff a little bit. Made five more CD COMP 9 so I could trash out those songs. I make about ten copies total of the various compilations I come up with, for free dispersal to the wishing and the occasional unwitting. And I now have a test copy of CD COMP 11 to listen to. That gets me off to a pretty slow start for the day. But it was only twelve degrees with windchill down to zero outside this morning when we got up, so I am not looking forward to my bicycle treck to post office a quarter mile away, with outgoing boxes bungee-corded to the carrying rack.
---CD COMP 11:
Supergirl 2:43 The Fugs Electromagnetic Steamboat - The Reprise Recordings (Disc 2) Rock 2001
My Dad's Gone Crazy 4:27 Eminem The Eminem Show Hip Hop/Rap 2002
Wang Dang Doodle 4:24 Koko Taylor Deluxe Edition Blues 2002
Londende 9:35 Orchèstre Vévé Vintage Verckys World
Everything Hits At Once 4:04 Spoon Girls Can Tell Rock 2000
Sad Girl 3:33 Amy Allison Sad Girl Country
Daylight 4:25 Aesop Rock Daylight Hip Hop/Rap 2001
Elephant De Roxanne 4:13 Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor Moulin Rouge Soundtrack 2001
Swingin' 3:58 Blu Cantrell So Blu R&B 2001
The Hangman's Song 3:55 Puerto Muerto The Executioner's Last Songs Volume 1 Country 2002
Venus In Furs [live] 5:17 The Velvet Underground The Bootleg Series, Volume 1: The Quine Tapes [2] Rock 2001
Bard 6:15 Issa Bagayogo Timbuktu World 2001
The Third Bleeding 4:47 Burnt Sugar: The Arkestra Chamber Blood On The Leaf - Opus No. 1 Jazz
Ex Lion Tamer 2:19 Wire Pink Flag Alternative & Punk
Somehow, Someday 4:24 Ryan Adams Gold Rock 2001
---I sent paperbacks through Par- (by publisher) up for processing to go in my listings. This is the first significant number, with the Paperback Libraries, so I will get a taste of how it will be when I run up against publishers like Tor and Ace.
---Stayed up to 2AM picking Neil up at the bus station in Des Moines last night, home from Illinois for Thanksgiving break. That is way past when I usually get to bed, so I was tired today. Neil promises to spend most of his waking time working on the computer systems at the Dean headquarters in DM. It looks like he survived most of another semester of the college life.
---I did manage to get packaging done to have outgoing ready for the post office before 9:30, when the desk closes. Also, later, I made it up to 658 entries at, taking me to Park in the alphabet.
Friday, November 21, 2003
---I now have 518 listings up on, comprising Mic- to Obr- in the alphabet. I also changed the shipping template to reflect my actual shipping charges (for non-discount-plan orders).
---I edited the post for Monday to reflect that day's new-arrivals and whatnot.
Thursday, November 20, 2003
---Here today:
WORMWOOD #1, Tartarus Press '03, (A journal dedicated to writings about fantasy, supernatural and decadent literature; articleson Meyrink, Eddison, Bramah, Ligotti, etc.), new $13
---Disc Log:
- Handel TAMERLANO (3 CD)
- The Fever PINK ON PINK (Xgau: A Minus, but no link that I could find on Christgau’s website yet)
---Those listings on are slippery beasts. I noticed a bunch of tabs I left out between title and description, causing the price field to register as zero. I found a bloc of listings that were afflicted, but I have little confidence I found all the problem spots. I can't get so caught up in that project again today. I have lots of longstanding business I really ought to make a major effort to get caught up on. But it is fun to finally be getting the catalog on-line. So far only Mic- to Nix- has been uploaded, though--424 items. It looks like 14,000 may have been a conservative estimate for an eventual number. One problem for future work: titles that start with 'the' come up under 't'. I wish articles like 'the' and 'a' could be ignored when listings for books starting with certain title letters are brought up. Well, it is certainly a work in progress.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
---Excellent shipment here today from Small Beer and Old Earth:
Clute, John SCORES: Reviews 1993-2003, Beccon '03, 1st edn, (428 pages; index), new $27
Davidson, Avram LIMEKILLER, Old Earth ('03), 1st, (the Jack Limekiller stories; Shepard & Beagle intros), new in dj $30
Emshwiller, Carol THE MOUNT, Small Beer, 2nd, (allegorical novel; alien invasion), new 16.00
---REPORT TO THE MEN'S CLUB, Small Beer ('02), 1st edn, (stories), new 16.00
Gorodischer, Angélica KALPA IMPERIAL: The Greatest Empire That Never Was, Small Beer ('03), 1st edn, (translated by Ursula K. Le Guin), new 16.00
Link, Kelly (ed) TRAMPOLINE: An Anthology, Small Beer ('03), 1st edn, (OA), new 17.00
---Back in stock:
Smith, Edward E., Ph.D. CHILDREN OF THE LENS, Old Earth, 2nd('01), new 15.00
---GALACTIC PATROL, Old Earth, 2nd('01), (in Lensmen series), new 15.00
---GRAY LENSMAN, Old Earth, 4th('02), (Lensman #4; Clute foreword), new 15.00
---SECOND STAGE LENSMEN, Old Earth, 2nd('01), (#5; Clute foreword), new 15.00
Steele, Allen ALL-AMERICAN ALIEN BOY, Old Earth ('96), (stories), new 15.00
---RUDE ASTRONAUTS, Old Earth '93, 1st US pb, (stories), new 15.00
Vukcevich, Ray MEET ME IN THE MOON ROOM: Stories, Small Beer '01, 1st edn, (weird, wonderful; by turns whimsical and unsettling; unique), new 16.00
---Disc Log:
- Madonna AMERICAN LIFE (Xgau: HM**)
- my CD COMP 4 - now starting to wear out its welcome a little bit, except a few ever-pleasers
---It was starting to get to be a bit of a thankless chore logging onto my information at to see if my book uploads had become listed, always finding a blank. But now there are listings! I guess I can proceed--gradually--to continue with the remaining 13-or-14-thousand-plus that could eventually go up. For now I just have Mic- to Mye- in the alphabet (and the rest of the M's in publishers for paperbacks) uploaded, but if it is working out I look forward to putting up more. Hopefully I won't become obsessed by the project. There are already too many things off by the wayside that should be being taken care of.
Monday, November 17, 2003
---Here from Earthling:
Clark, Simon & Tim Lebbon EXORCISING ANGELS, Earthling, 10/03, 1st edn, one of 776 SIGNED copies, (original horror novella; 87 pages), new in dj 35.00
Smith, Michael Marshall MORE TOMORROW & Other Stories, Earthling, 10/03, 1st edn, one of 1026 SIGNED copies, (Stephen Jones intro; 487 pages), new in dj 40.00
---And from TTA in the UK, finally catching up a bit with my forsaken standing order, except unfortunately TTA #32 came and went before it ever got here:
CRIMEWAVE #7: The Last Sunset, TTA '03, (head and shoulders above every other mystery magazine in look, content and tone; cutting-edge; Sallis, Christopher Fowler, etc.), new 12.00
THE FIX: The Review of Short Fiction #4, TTA '02, (the world’s only dedicated review of short fiction; Ed Gorman, Brian Aldiss) • ---#5, '02, (Van Pelt, di Filippo) • ---#6, '03, (interviews, new publishers, commentary) • ---#7, '03, (which writers are the best in bed; more), new each, $5
THE THIRD ALTERNATIVE #31, sum/02, (Alan Moore, Michael Marshall Smith, Jeffrey Ford interviews) • ---#33, win/03, (Aldiss story & interview) • ---#34, spr/03, (Alan Wall) • ---#35, sum/03, (John Connolly, China Miéville) • ---#36, aut/03, (Lucius Shepard novella, etc.), new each, 7.00
---Good to see TTA has been getting even better without me the past couple years. I guess they had a few problems with USA distribution, causing my standing order to lapse. All at once, now, this is an impressive-looking batch.
---This has been here for a while, but I criminally neglected to catalog before now:
Boston, Bruce SHE WAS THERE FOR HIM THE LAST TIME, Miniature Sun/Aphelion ('02), one of 200 SIGNED copies, (15-page poem), attractive booklet, new 5.00
---another, one of 26 lettered copies, new 7.00
---This has arrived too, courtesy of Skeptics Society & Skeptic Magazine (Devoted to the Investigation of Extraordinary Claims and Revolutionary Ideas and the Promotion of Science and Critical Thinking):
Helms, Randel McCraw WHO WROTE THE GOSPELS?, Millennium, 2nd, new 14.95
---A return from a customer who writes: “I was somewhat disappointed with the quality of the books. I guess at the price involved I expected something more. These are more on the order of what you would expect to receive from the SF Book Club.”:
Farmer, Philip José THE WORLDS OF TIERS, Tor, 12/96 & 12/97, the two, vg-f in djs 45.00
---List price for the pair would be $57.90. Maybe that is too much, but you do get all six novels. If these are shoddy bookmaking, then all Tor books are crummily made; because these look okay to me. Not exactly Tartarus Press, maybe, but this is mass-market bookmaking. The paper-covered boards maybe could take a cloth shelf-back to make them better-looking. I would still list these copies as new, but in my mind they are now used copies. They are probably not still available from the publisher anyway, but I would be less shocked if they were than if they were bound with cloth shelf-backs.
---Disc Log:
- CD COMP 10 - just compiled, my own thing of some of the music I have heard recently, available free by request
---Still no inventory showing up on I wonder if there is a problem with the way my listings were formatted. [Later: it finally all came up; looks good for a start]
---Here today from PS Publishing:
Bisson, Terry DEAR ABBEY, PS, 8/03, 1st edn, one of 800 SIGNED copies, (novella; introduction by Brian W. Aldiss), {hc in dj available @ $40}, new 16.00
Hand, Elizabeth BIBLIOMANCY: Four Novellas, PS, 10/03, 1st edn, one of 700 SIGNED copies, (Lucius Shepard intro), new in dj 50.00
Jones, Stephen (ed) BY MOONLIGHT ONLY, PS, 9/03, 1st edn, (new "Not at Night" series, vol. 2; 10 stories strange and deadly), new in dj 50.00
Shepard, Lucius FLOATER, PS, 9/03, 1st edn, one of 900 SIGNED copies, (short novel; introduction by Jeffrey Ford), {hc in dj available @ $40}, new 16.00
---From Night Shade:
Smith, Clark Ashton RED WORLD OF POLARIS: The Adventures of Captain Volmar, Night Shade ('03), limited edn, (for completist; 115 pages), new in dj 35.00
---This is sold out at the publisher, but it looks like at the moment I may have a couple copies yet unspoken for. One was released from reserve because the customer considered this too juvenile and unworthy a work, a scraping too deep from the steamer trunk of unpublished CAS. On the other hand, you could look at it as a future difficult title for the CAS completist that will certainly fetch higher prices. Indeed, I would not be surprised if it didn’t already have listings higher than the published price.
VanderMeer, Jeff (ed) ALBUM ZUTIQUE #1, Ministry of Whimsy ('03), (surreal & decadent), new 12.99
---Back in stock:
VanderMeer, Jeff VENISS UNDERGROUND, Night Shade ('03), 1st edn thus, one of 750 SIGNED copies, (adds afterword and new story), new in dj 40.00
Wagner, Karl Edward MIDNIGHT SUN: The Complete Stories of Kane, Night Shade '03, 1st edn, (companion to Gods In Darkness, which collects the novels), new in dj 35.00
---Also today, I bagged and shelved those miscellaneous softcover new arrivals I listed a couple days ago. I hope I can find them again if and when they get ordered.
---Disc Log:
- THE BYRD EDITION 6: The Cardinall’s Musick - dirgy
- The Go-Betweens SPRING HILL FAIR (2CD) (Xgau: A Minus) - new “expanded” version
- Bettie Serveert LOG 22 (Xgau: A Minus)
Saturday, November 15, 2003
---Saw myself listed as one of five new booksellers on for about half a day, before more booksellers came on to take my place. My upload was still not showing any books in their system, however. Word is it might take as many as 72 hours. Once I get something up there that will be fine. I go months without a print-catalog "upload" and somehow the older catalogs can hold up pretty well as far as still having inventory listed that I still have in stock.
---CD COMP 10:
My Ride's Here 3:41 Warren Zevon My Ride's Here Rock 2002
Wogs Will Walk 4:53 Cornershop Handcream For A Generation Alternative & Punk 2002
Evergreen (Love Theme from"A Star Is Born") 3:06 Barbra Streisand The Essential Barbra Streisand (Disc 1) Pop 2002
Birdland [live] 9:42 Patti Smith Land (1975-2002) (Disc 2) Alternative & Punk 2002
Fantastic Voyage 2:58 David Bowie Lodger Rock 1979
Love Over & Over 4:07 Kate & Anna McGarrigle Love Over And Over Rock 1982
City Song 2:28 Imperial Teen On Alternative & Punk 2002
Siri 5:06 Samba Mapangala & Orchestra Virunga Ujumbe World
You're My Girl 4:41 Neil Young Are You Passionate? Rock 2002
Like A Kiss That Never Ends (Como Un Beso Que Nunca Se Acaba) 12:48 David Murray Like A Kiss That Never Ends Jazz 2000
Turn On / Tune In / Drop Out 4:44 The Fugs Electromagnetic Steamboat - The Reprise Recordings (Disc 1) Rock 2001
Nullarbor Song 4:27 Kasey Chambers Barricades & Brickwalls Country 2002
What A Wonderful World 2:23 Joey Ramone Don't Worry About Me Alternative & Punk 2002
Thursday, November 13, 2003
---Just added posts to Monday and Tuesday of this week. Have now prepared 220 listings from prospective Catalog 145--giving them inventory numbers and and inserting tabs, but at this point not changing anything else much. This ought to be enough to see if I can get started with an account on
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
---I tell you what, I am enjoying the idea of putting my catalog text out there in cyberspace more than the prospect of issuing another printed version. Where the titles could possibly be googled by anyone who might actually be after them is where I would like them to be--out there, at least somewhere. It may be a little bit of extra work right now, but I am hoping it will be worthwhile. Thusfar I have 186 items from prospective Catalog 145 ready to upload--just shy of the 200 required to get started on
---About ten seconds before Amy left the house this morning I mentioned what I am doing and showed her the text I had so far, and she quickly surmised that I am doing it all wrong--that I am using software that is outdated; that I don’t have it in the proper format and if I did it won’t work right the way I am doing it. No doubt I will have hurdles to try to negotiate that I am not now aware of. I admit I am not the pointiest arrow in the quiver, but I still have hopes I can get a decent start here pretty soon.
---Still working on the inexhaustible pile of small press magazines and chapbooks. Am up to 136 items ready to upload to And some14,000 to go. Wouldn’t it be easier to come out with a new catalog? More profitable too, I get the feeling.
---Well, here is the list of what I just finished newly cataloguing:
misc. softcovers:
ASIMOV'S SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE, 10-11/01, (Double Issue; Silverberg serial, part 1 of 3; Jack Williamson, Swanwick, Steele, William Sanders, Simon Ings, Andy Duncan, Robert Reed, Charles Stross, Cherry Wilder), vg-f 2.50
ASIMOV'S SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE, 7/02, 8/02, vg or better each, 1.25
BARE BONE #1, '01, (fiction; Derek M. Fox, Yvonne Navarro, etc), perfectbound, f $5
Breiding, G. Sutton HALLUCINATING JENNY, Perihelion Broadside #2, Miniature Sun ('00), unsigned PC copy, (2-page poem), f 1.50
DARKLING PLAIN: Speculative Fiction #2, fall/01, (Simmons interview; Alan Dean Foster, Bruce Boston, Martha A. Hood, Jeff Carlson and Nikolai Gogol), vg-f 6.00
De Winter, Corrine A DARK RIDE, Black Arrow ('01), (poetry), booklet, vg-f 2.50
DREAMS & NIGHTMARES #61, 1/02 • ---#62, 5/02, (speculative poetry), vg-f each, 2.00
FANTASIA: An Anthology of Fantastic Fiction and Poetry, Springbeach'98, (UK publication; 60 pages), bklt, vg $3
FOUNDATION #58, sum93, (featuring John Clute on The Encyclopedia of SF), vg-f 5.00
FRISSON: Disconcerting Verse #22, sum/01, vg-f 2.50
FUTURES: The Anthology of Short Tales for Story Lovers #26, 12/01-1/02, vg-f 3.00
---4-5-6/02, also listed as Issue #26, (Hitchcock fiction by Henry Slesar, more), vg-f $3
HADROSAUR TALES #5, ('98), (SF stories, poetry; Keith Allen Daniels, Lenora K. Rogers, Wayne James, etc.; 136 pages), perfectbound, vg-f $4
Hensley, Chad WHAT THE CACODAEMON WHISPERED, Flesh & Blood, 5/01, chapboo, f 4.00
HORROR GARAGE #4, ('01), (Sex, Death, Rock ‘n’ Roll; Original Dark Fiction by John Shirley, Lorelei Shannon, Bruce Holland Rogers, Gerard Houarner, C.A. Gardner; nonfiction by NormanPartridge; more), vg+ 5.00
HORROR WRITERS ASSOCIATION, THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF…, 2/01 • ---4/01 • ---6/01, (market reports, shoptalk, etc.), vg each, 2.00
HWA NEWSLETTER, 3/01, (Richard Laymon memorial issue), vg-f 5.00
Jacob, Charlee SKIN, Perihelion Broadside #3, Miniature Sun, ('00), unsigned PC copy, as new $1
Kiernan, Caitlin R. CANDLES FOR ELIZABETH, Meisha Merlin, 5/98, 1st, bklt, vg-f $4
Link, Kelly & Ray Vukcevich 2 CREEPY STORIES, Small Beer, 4/02, (ltd. edn), bklt, vg+ 6.00
MAIN STREET RAG, sum/01, (gritty; Gwendolyn Brooks interview, more), vg-f 3.50
MOOREEFFOC #5, fall/01, (Fiction in the mythic tradion; Spooky Issue), vg+ 3.00
NOT ONE OF US #14 (9/95), John Benson, (stories and poems outside the norm; radical empathy issue), vg+ 2.50
Pronzini, Bill NOTHING BUT THE NIGHT, Walker '00, 1st pb, (psychological suspense), vg-f 7.50
Ragan, Jacie DEADLY NIGHTSHADE, Flesh & Blood '01, 1st edn, INSCRIBED, booklet, vg-f 3.00
REALMS OF FANTASY, 10/99, (medieval gaming, Gahan Wilson on HPL), vg+ 4.00
RHYSLING ANTHOLOGY, THE 2001… , SFPA, (‘01), (Best SF, F & H Poetry of 2000),vg- f $5
SCHUYLKILL, spr/01, (Creative and Critical Review from Temple University), f 2.00
Schwader, Ann K. WEREWOMAN, Nocturnal ('90), (poems), booklet, vg+ 3.00
SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF AMERICA BULLETIN, THE… #153, spr/02, (Case of the Missing Paperbacks) • ---#154, sum/02, (Nebula Awards Issue), vg each, 3.00
SPACE AND TIME #96, fall/02, (SC Lofton, Trey Barker, Kendell Evans, Charlee Jacob; Goingback interview), vg-f 4.00
STAR*LINE: Newsletter of the Science Fiction Poetry Assoc., #25.4, 7-8/02, vg-f 1.00
STAR*LINE: Newsletter of the Science Fiction Poetry Assoc., 24.4, 7-8/01, vg or better, f 1.00
TALEBONES #22, fall/01, (Van Pelt; Simmons interview) , vg-f 3.50
TALEBONES #24, spr/02, (William Barton, Van Pelt, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Sallis; Turtledove interview), vg-f 3.00
TWINK #23, ('01), (fine fanzine; Religion in SF, part 2; listings, LOCs, etc.), vg+ 2.00
VanderMeer, Jeff LYRIC OF THE HIGHWAY MARINER, Nocturnal ('91), (poems), booklet, vg+ 6.00
WEIRD TALES #323, spr/01, (Keith Taylor), vg+ 3.00
winter-damon, t. & randy chandler MAN CRUEL, Cyber-Psychos AOD, pre-release edn for World Horror ‘00, INSCRIBED, bklt, vg-f $5
WORLD HORROR CONVENTION 1999, (program book; Campbell, Bishop), vg-f 8.00
WORLD HORROR 2000, (convention program book; Ellison, Straub, etc.), vg-f 8.00
---Disc Log:
- Shania Twain THE WOMAN IN ME (Xgau: HM*)
- Lou Reed THE RAVEN (Xgau: B Plus)
- Derek and the Dominos LAYLA (Xgau: A Plus)
---Here today:
Brown, Alice THE EMPIRE OF DEATH, Ash-Tree '03, 1st, (strange stories; Salmonson intro), new in dj 45.00
White, Jon Manchip ECHOES AND SHADOWS, Tartarus Press '03, 1st, (tales of the supernatural), limited to 300 copies, new in dj 45.00
---Prometheus Books has sent a couple nonreturnable sample books I will offer here:
Harris, Melvin INVESTIGATING THE UNEXPLAINED, Prometheus '03, 1st, promo-tional edn, (Psychic Detectives, The Amityville Horror-Mongers, Jack the Ripper, and Other Mysteries of the Paranormal; reveals the unromantic truth), f 5.00
Nickell, Joe LOOKING FOR A MIRACLE: Weeping Icons, Relics, Stigmata, Visions & Healing Cures, Prometheus, 2nd('03), promotional edn, (fair minded and raises important questions about truth and religious belief), f 5.00
---Worked a bit more on getting up to 200 entries for an initial account. That is with two catalog-pages worth of material converted. When all is said and done, it might be 13 or 14,000 listings. Hmmm. What am I getting myself into this time?
---Disc Log:
- Barbra Streisand THE ESSENTIAL… - thought maybe I ought to have one disc by this icon of kitsch--and I will admit to having some fun listening to this
- The Fugs ELECTROMAGNETIC STEAMBOAT: The Reprise Recordings (3CD) - lots of fun listening to this
Sunday, November 9, 2003
---Posting that info from a catalog page, I found it took a while for Blogger to assimilate the input. So, I do not think I will keep that up. Soon enough, I hope, the results will be available on Then, if it works out initially, I hope I can keep adding stuff on a regular basis, until maybe I can get everything put there. I fear, however, that the massiveness of the undertaking will manifest itself before I get very far along.
---Sent a second batch of listings, this time “miscellaneous softcovers” from up from downstairs for conversion to format that will hopefully be appropriate for upload to
Middleton, Haydn SON OF TWO WORLDS, Available Press/Ballantine, 7/89, (imaginative reconstruction of Celtic saga fragments), new 5.95
MIDNIGHT GRAFFITI #3, spr/89, (Stephen King special section, Rex Miller story) • ---#4, fall/89, (a special look at dinosaurs; Branham, Schow, Lansdale & Bradbury stories; Rice, Nolan features; Sturgeon interview concludes) • ---#5, spr/90, (Ellison, Jeter, Collins, Garris, Campell, Gerrold, Gein) • ---#6, win/90-91, (apocalypso issue; Simmons interview; Somtow, Charnas, Laymon, Brandner, etc.) • ---#7, fall/92, (Garton, Rex Miller, Schow; Matheson interview), new each, 4.95
---win/94-5, (special issue; Barker, Ellison, Matheson, Miller, etc.), new 8.95
MIDNIGHT SHAMBLER #3, 7/96, Necronomicon, (Robert M. Price [ed]) • ---#4, 11/96, (Schwader, Schweitzer, Tierney) • ---#5, Eastertide/97, (Cannon, Schwader, Thomas, Schweitzer) • ---#6, Lammas/97 • ---#7, Hallowmas/97 • ---#8, Eastertide/98 • ---#9, Lammas/98 • ---#10, Hallowmas/98 • ---#11, Eastertide/99, (Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. [ed]), new each, 4.50
MIDNIGHT ZOO, vol. #2, Issue #2, ('92), (Watt-Evans, VanderMeer, Addleman, Wisman, Linda White; Datlow interview), new 4.95
---vol. 3, Issue #1, ('92), (Malis, Saplak, Tilton, Cynthia Ward; Addleman interview), vol. 3, Issue #2, ('92), (Wisman, Higa, Patrick, Goode; Mayhar interview) • ---vol. 3, Issue #3, ('92),(Exciting Horror, SF, Fantasy, & Science Fact) • ---vol. 3, Issue #4, (Boston, Schweitzer, Keith Allen Daniels, Zelazny interview), new each, 4.50
Miéville, China KING RAT, Tor, 2nd, (subterranean London; debut), new 14.95
---PERDIDO STREET STATION, Del Rey, 3/01, 1st US edn, new 18.00
---THE TAIN, PS, 12/02, (M. John Harrison intro; 89 pages), new 14.00
THE MILFORD SERIES: POPULAR WRITERS OF TODAY, Borgo, (author studies): #22, A POETRY OF FORCE AND DARKNESS: THE FICTION OF JOHN HAWKES by Eliot Berry (5/79) • ---#28, THE RAINBOW QUEST OF THOMAS PYNCHON by Douglas A. Mackey (3rd[9/89]), new each, 13.00
(Miller) Winter-Damon, t. REX MILLER: The Complete Revelations, TAL '93, one of 500 SIGNED copies, (interview, bibliography, overview, profile), new 9.95
Miller, Ron BRADAMANT: The Iron Tempest, Timberwolf, nd, (16 hours of the definitive female butt-kicker!), compact discs, as new (shrinkwrapped) 20.00
---another of the prceding, cassette tape version, 11 cassettes in 2 cases, f 15.00
---and another, the CD-ROM version, MP3 and Windows Media, f (probably) 10.00
---BRONWYN #1: Palaces & Prisons, Timberwolf, 2nd edn('01), (fantasy), vg-f 6.00
---FIREBRANDS: The Heroines of Science Fiction & Fantasy, Thunder's Mouth '98, (art book; incisive text by Pamela Sargent), new 19.95
Miller, Sasha LADYLORD, Tor, pre-4/96, ADV. UNCORRECTED PROOF, vg-f 8.00
Millhauser, Steven THE KNIFE THROWER and Other Stories, Vintage, 3/99, new $12
---MARTIN DRESSLER, Vintage Contemporaries, 5th, new 12.00
Milne, John ALIVE & KICKING, No Exit/Four Walls Eight Windows, 9/99, new 10.95
Minatoya, Lydia TALKING TO HIGH MONKS IN THE SNOW: An Asian American Odys-sey, HarperPerennial, 5th('96), (growing up bicultural Americal), new 13.00
Mintz, Catherine FIRST LIGHT, tomorrowsf/Vivisphere ('00), (stories), new 14.00
Misha PRAYERS OF STEEL, Wordcraft Speculative Writers Series #1, '88, (author's first collection of enigmatic prose; pens by Ferret), new 5.00
---RED SPIDER WHITE WEB, Wordcraft of Oregon ('99), Speculative Writers Series #20,1st pb (& 1st US), (this edn adds a brief intro by John Shirley), new 12.00
Mitchison, Naomi SOLUTION THREE, Feminist Press '95, (fascinating visionary novel on ethics of tempering with gender; Susan M. Squier afterword), new 10.95
Mixon, Laura J. PROXIES, Tor, pre-9/98, ADVANCE UNCORRECTED PROOF, f 6.00
Modesitt, L.E., Jr. THE DEATH OF CHAOS, Tor, pre-9/95, (Recluce), PROOF, vg-f $5
---FALL OF ANGELS, Tor, pre-6/96, UNCORRECTED PROOF, vg-f 5.00
---OF TANGIBLE GHOSTS, Tor, pre-10/94, PROOF copy, vg-f 5.00
---THE ORDER WAR, Tor, pre-1/95, UNCORRECTED PROOF, (Recluce), vg-f 5.00
---THE WHITE ORDER, Tor, pre-5/98, UNCORRECTED PROOFS, vg-f 5.00
---This makes some 71 listings, taken straight from my catalog listings.
Saturday, November 8, 2003
---Word from Wheatland Press:
“Dear Chris,
I wanted to let you know that I have three new titles
Polyphony 3
Greetings From Lake Wu (Stories by Jay Lake with
illustrations by Frank Wu)
Dream Factories and Radio Pictures - Howard Waldrop
(This is a collection of most of Waldrop's film and
television stories; it originally appeared as an eBook
from Electric Story in 2001, but this is the first
print edition)
Full information, including tables of contents, are
available at the Wheatland Press Website at
Best wishes,
Deborah Layne”
---Sent my listings for next hardcover page after the last one in Catalog 144 up to the Internet (home) computer for conversion to format appropriate for listing at least that is my hope. They want at least 200 books to start with. I now have forty. I had to add inventory numbers and separate the author, title, and description with tabs. It was not too tough a process, but it would be more involved if I were to re-consult the books to amplify listings. I might have more to say about certain books and give fuller descriptions when listing on-line. But for now I will just try to get enough listed as quickly as possible, and maybe add more information later. Looks like it will be a fun process. I am not sure how successful this foray will be, but at least it will enable me to have the books’ availabilty be known somewhere.
---Just edited 08/13/03 post to add then-newly arrived book listings.
Thursday, November 6, 2003
---My inquiry with Tartarus Press if my standing order included their new journal Wormwood, received this reply:
“Dear Chris,
You are very welcome to copies of Wormwood as a part of your standing order.
We get copies next week and I'll put them in the post for you.
I'm not sure whether it will have people beating down your door for copies,
but the "Times Literary Supplement reviewed "The House of the Hidden Light"
---Email from Japan:
---My reply:
“Good to hear from you. Sorry about not putting out catalogs at all lately. I have hopes of getting back to it next year. No sense taking out a bulk mail permit for this year, since I haven't bought one yet so far. It should be about the size as #144, since that is the size that weighs exactly the right amount for optimum postage-cost efficiency. But if I still have all the things hanging over me that still need to get done, who knows. Maybe I am transitioning into complete e-commerce. It probably would not be too tough to get all my inventory on-line and searchable, and that is something you might have expected me to have done already.”
---Email from Germany:
“ The day befor yesterday the second M-bag from you arrived (you shipped them
four weeks apart, but they got here only seven days apart. Hmm, was there a
race on the Atlantic ocean? What happened out there?). Too my big surprise
you included a CD ("COMP 7" - stands for CHRIS' OMINOUS MUSIC PROJECT -
maybe?). I really like the songs, even if I don't know the performing
artists - not one. Thanks!”
---Comp equals simply compilation or complimentary or complimentary compilation. Free by request or if I am sent a disc it can be my way of reciprocation. Not very creative, but I enjoy them, and I enjoy sharing them. CD stands for compact disc or Chris Drumm. Pretty slick, eh?
---Just added a few more books I didn't know what to do with otherwise to my listings. This ought to do it for the ones I had sitting around out in the open. I will be on the lookout for more books squirrelled away somewhere, as well as overstocks. Mainly, I guess, this will involve new books. For used and collectible books maybe I should look into getting an ABE or Bibliofind account--as the transition seemingly continues into cyberspace.
---Disc Log:
- Jon Langford and His Sadies MAYORS OF THE MOON (Xgau: A Minus)
- Koffi Olomide BEST OF KOFFI OLOMIDE (2CD) (Xgau: A Minus)
- The Go-Betweens BRIGHT YELLOW BRIGHT ORANGE (Xgau: B Plus)
Wednesday, November 5, 2003
---Just added a bit of info to Monday listing, mentioning my newly restored listings on And I just added another ten titles. These are not the kind of books I usually sell, but if you want to check them out, go to
---I have now added even more to the Monday (11/03/03) listing, as well as one for 10/30/03 now too.
---Here today:
Bailey, Dale THE RESURRECTION MAN'S LEGACY, Golden Gryphon '03, 1st edn, (literary fantasies; author's first story collection; Malzberg intro), new / dj 24.95
---Email rec’d from Canada:
“Hello Chris,
it has been quite a while since I received a e-mail update (not to mention a
paper catalogue of course).
Have you stopped sending updates and are now relying solely on your weblog
or have I been dropped from you mailing list?
---My reply:
"No, of course, you haven't been dropped at all. I am just getting lazier and more easier distracted as time goes along. And yet orders keep piling up somehow. I think I will try to send email updates again and more regularly. Just short ones to indicate books as they come in, starting with the above. Perhaps I will try to work some in retroactively as well, but I will dispense with the pastes from publishers websites. When these go up on my weblog they will have links to their official descriptions, if I can find any."
---Disc Log:
- Lyrics Born LATER THAT DAY
- NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL MUSIC 14 - since I don’t listen to hit radio, this, with its 20 Chart-Topping Hits, serves as my footdip into what is going on. Maybe it is aimed at a different target audience than what I am a part of, but I would rather indulge in this stuff than try to gain pleasure from, say, the latest Songbook entry from Rod Stewart. At least that’s the theory. After listening, I can’t say I couldn’t have done without it, but a few tunes do stick in the head. Maybe that is not such a good thing, though. Certainly better than the brief forays into the Country Music Awards during commercials watching West Wing (while taping The O.C.).
Monday, November 3, 2003
11/03/03 MON:
---Here today:
Baker, Kage THE ANGEL IN THE DARKNESS, Golden Gryphon Chapbook #3, '03, 1st edn, (Company novella; 82 pp), one of 500 SIGNED copies, (new 15.95
Duncan, Dave IMPOSSIBLE ODDS, Eos '03, 1st edn, (Kings Blades), new in dj 24.95
Grinspoon, David LONELY PLANETS: The Natural Philosophy of Alien Life, Ecco '03, 1st edn, (our quest for connection with the cosmos), new in dj 25.95
Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay LADY KILLER/MIASMA: Two Complete Mystery Novels, Stark House, 10/03, (1929 & '42 psychological suspense; intro), new 19.95
Maguire, Gregory MIRROR MIRROR, Regan/HarperCollins '03, 1st edn, (fairy tale novel), new in dj 24.95
---Resuscitating my moribund bookseller account with, I already received a couple orders. Here I am now listing books I don’t carry ordinarily that have happened to come in, usually gratuitously. Formerly I tried it with a few overstocked titles. These didn’t particularly sell, but I don’t know how long they had me “on vacation”. We’ll see if this is something I continue with. ---I am informed that:
“You can now recommend buyers visit This link will take buyers to a new and improved page where only your items are showcased. Build customer loyalty by directing them to your personal Shop!”
---I am seeing about ordering a book for a customer from Heavy Metal, called PROHIBITED BOOK.
---Fighting a losing battle to keep up this blog with the entries I propose to post, I just added an easy one--some info to the 10/20/03 posting--with three books catalogued that day (two from Eos and one Night Shade).
---Disc Log:
- Samba Mapangala & Orchestre Virunga UJUMBE (Xgau: A Minus)
- Kasey Chambers BARRICADES & BRICKWALLS (Xgau: A Minus)
- Eminem THE EMINEM SHOW (Xgau: A Minus)
---Here from PGW:
Ashley, Mike (ed) THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF LOCKED-ROOM MYSTERIES AND IMPOSSIBLE CRIMES, Carroll & Graf '00, (J.D. Carr, Hoch, Pronzini, Block, etc.; 532 pages), new 11.95
---This is technically maybe a re-arrival. The last copy I had was listed as used.
Moorcock, Michael THE LIVES AND TIMES OF JERRY CORNELIUS: Stories of the Comic Apocalypse, Four Walls Eight Windows, 9/03, (adds new intro by author), new 15.00
Sturgeon, Theodore AND NOW THE NEWS…: Volume IX: The Complete Stories of…, North Atlantic '03, 1st, (Foreword by David G. Hartwell), new in dj 35.00
---It doesn’t look like there is a link to info about the book at the publisher’s website at the present moment, but there are links to the other volumes available (that I probably still have too).
---From Sarob Press:
Maynard, L.H. & M.P.N. Sims THE SEMINAR, Sarob Press, 9/03, 1st, (weird horror story; 116 pp), new in dj 37.50
---And this back in stock, although it is OP (the publisher happened across an extra copy just when I belatedly tried to re-order it; I guess he thought my timing meant that I was supposed to get it):
Gift, Theo NOT FOR THE NIGHT-TIME, Sarob Press, 8/00, (Dalby intro), new in dj 32.00
---and at somewhat lower a price than what I had it listed at earlier ($39.95). But only this one copy here to sell.
Blog Archive
- 11/26/03 WED: ---Pasted up an updated 8-page New A...
- 11/25/03 TUE: ---No books here today, but I did he...
- 11/24/03 MON:---Here today from Necro:Lee, Edward ...
- 11/23/03 SUN: ---I sent paperbacks through Par- (b...
- 11/21/03 SAT: ---Stayed up to 2AM picking Neil up ...
- 11/21/03 FRI: ---I now have 518 listings up on bib...
- 11/20/03 THU: ---Here today: WORMWOOD #1, Tartarus...
- 11/19/03 WED: ---Text to follow?
- 11/18/03 TUE: ---Excellent shipment here today fro...
- 11/17/03 MON: ---Here from Earthling: Clark, Simon...
- 11/16/03 SUN: ---Text to follow?
- 11/14/03 FRI: ---Here today from PS Publishing: Bi...
- 11/15/03 SAT:---Saw myself listed as one of five n...
- 11/13/03 THU: ---Just added posts to Monday and Tu...
- 11/12/03 WED: ---I tell you what, I am enjoying th...
- 11/11/03 TUE: ---Still working on the inexhaustibl...
- 11/10/03 MON: ---Here today: Brown, Alice THE EMPI...
- 11/09/03 SUN: ---Posting that info from a catalog ...
- 11/09/03 SUN: ---Sent a second batch of listings, ...
- 11/08/03 SAT: ---Word from Wheatland Press: “Dear ...
- 11/07/03 FRI: ---Here today (on sale the tenth): C...
- 11/06/03 THU: ---My inquiry with Tartarus Press if...
- 11/05/03 WED: ---Just added a bit of info to Monda...
- 11/04/03 TUE: ---Here today: Bailey, Dale THE RESU...
- 11/03/03 MON: 11/03/03 MON: ---Here today: Baker, ...
- 11/02/03 SUN: ---Text to follow?
- 11/01/03 SAT: ---Text to follow?
- 10/31/03 FRI: ---Text to follow?
- 10/30/03 THU: ---Here from PGW: Ashley, Mike (ed) ...
- 10/29/03 WED: ---Text to follow?
- 10/28/03 TUE: ---Text to follow?