After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Sunday, November 9, 2003

11/09/03 SUN:
---Sent a second batch of listings, this time “miscellaneous softcovers” from up from downstairs for conversion to format that will hopefully be appropriate for upload to
Middleton, Haydn SON OF TWO WORLDS, Available Press/Ballantine, 7/89, (imaginative reconstruction of Celtic saga fragments), new 5.95
MIDNIGHT GRAFFITI #3, spr/89, (Stephen King special section, Rex Miller story) • ---#4, fall/89, (a special look at dinosaurs; Branham, Schow, Lansdale & Bradbury stories; Rice, Nolan features; Sturgeon interview concludes) • ---#5, spr/90, (Ellison, Jeter, Collins, Garris, Campell, Gerrold, Gein) • ---#6, win/90-91, (apocalypso issue; Simmons interview; Somtow, Charnas, Laymon, Brandner, etc.) • ---#7, fall/92, (Garton, Rex Miller, Schow; Matheson interview), new each, 4.95
---win/94-5, (special issue; Barker, Ellison, Matheson, Miller, etc.), new 8.95
MIDNIGHT SHAMBLER #3, 7/96, Necronomicon, (Robert M. Price [ed]) • ---#4, 11/96, (Schwader, Schweitzer, Tierney) • ---#5, Eastertide/97, (Cannon, Schwader, Thomas, Schweitzer) • ---#6, Lammas/97 • ---#7, Hallowmas/97 • ---#8, Eastertide/98 • ---#9, Lammas/98 • ---#10, Hallowmas/98 • ---#11, Eastertide/99, (Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. [ed]), new each, 4.50
MIDNIGHT ZOO, vol. #2, Issue #2, ('92), (Watt-Evans, VanderMeer, Addleman, Wisman, Linda White; Datlow interview), new 4.95
---vol. 3, Issue #1, ('92), (Malis, Saplak, Tilton, Cynthia Ward; Addleman interview), vol. 3, Issue #2, ('92), (Wisman, Higa, Patrick, Goode; Mayhar interview) • ---vol. 3, Issue #3, ('92),(Exciting Horror, SF, Fantasy, & Science Fact) • ---vol. 3, Issue #4, (Boston, Schweitzer, Keith Allen Daniels, Zelazny interview), new each, 4.50
Miéville, China KING RAT, Tor, 2nd, (subterranean London; debut), new 14.95
---PERDIDO STREET STATION, Del Rey, 3/01, 1st US edn, new 18.00
---THE TAIN, PS, 12/02, (M. John Harrison intro; 89 pages), new 14.00
THE MILFORD SERIES: POPULAR WRITERS OF TODAY, Borgo, (author studies): #22, A POETRY OF FORCE AND DARKNESS: THE FICTION OF JOHN HAWKES by Eliot Berry (5/79) • ---#28, THE RAINBOW QUEST OF THOMAS PYNCHON by Douglas A. Mackey (3rd[9/89]), new each, 13.00
(Miller) Winter-Damon, t. REX MILLER: The Complete Revelations, TAL '93, one of 500 SIGNED copies, (interview, bibliography, overview, profile), new 9.95
Miller, Ron BRADAMANT: The Iron Tempest, Timberwolf, nd, (16 hours of the definitive female butt-kicker!), compact discs, as new (shrinkwrapped) 20.00
---another of the prceding, cassette tape version, 11 cassettes in 2 cases, f 15.00
---and another, the CD-ROM version, MP3 and Windows Media, f (probably) 10.00
---BRONWYN #1: Palaces & Prisons, Timberwolf, 2nd edn('01), (fantasy), vg-f 6.00
---FIREBRANDS: The Heroines of Science Fiction & Fantasy, Thunder's Mouth '98, (art book; incisive text by Pamela Sargent), new 19.95
Miller, Sasha LADYLORD, Tor, pre-4/96, ADV. UNCORRECTED PROOF, vg-f 8.00
Millhauser, Steven THE KNIFE THROWER and Other Stories, Vintage, 3/99, new $12
---MARTIN DRESSLER, Vintage Contemporaries, 5th, new 12.00
Milne, John ALIVE & KICKING, No Exit/Four Walls Eight Windows, 9/99, new 10.95
Minatoya, Lydia TALKING TO HIGH MONKS IN THE SNOW: An Asian American Odys-sey, HarperPerennial, 5th('96), (growing up bicultural Americal), new 13.00
Mintz, Catherine FIRST LIGHT, tomorrowsf/Vivisphere ('00), (stories), new 14.00
Misha PRAYERS OF STEEL, Wordcraft Speculative Writers Series #1, '88, (author's first collection of enigmatic prose; pens by Ferret), new 5.00
---RED SPIDER WHITE WEB, Wordcraft of Oregon ('99), Speculative Writers Series #20,1st pb (& 1st US), (this edn adds a brief intro by John Shirley), new 12.00
Mitchison, Naomi SOLUTION THREE, Feminist Press '95, (fascinating visionary novel on ethics of tempering with gender; Susan M. Squier afterword), new 10.95
Mixon, Laura J. PROXIES, Tor, pre-9/98, ADVANCE UNCORRECTED PROOF, f 6.00
Modesitt, L.E., Jr. THE DEATH OF CHAOS, Tor, pre-9/95, (Recluce), PROOF, vg-f $5
---FALL OF ANGELS, Tor, pre-6/96, UNCORRECTED PROOF, vg-f 5.00
---OF TANGIBLE GHOSTS, Tor, pre-10/94, PROOF copy, vg-f 5.00
---THE ORDER WAR, Tor, pre-1/95, UNCORRECTED PROOF, (Recluce), vg-f 5.00
---THE WHITE ORDER, Tor, pre-5/98, UNCORRECTED PROOFS, vg-f 5.00

---This makes some 71 listings, taken straight from my catalog listings.

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