---Some used--though many barely--books catalogued:
Crossen, Kendell Foster (ed) ADVENTURES IN TOMORROW, Greenberg, 2nd(4/51), (preview of what Tomorrow might be like), g-vg in fr dj (in plastic protector) 15.00
Crossen, Kendell Foster (ed) FUTURE TENSE, Greenberg ('52), (1st) g-vg in fr dj (in plastic protector) 15.00
L'Engle, Madeleine A WIND IN THE DOOR, FSG, 4th('75), (Meg Murry fantasy; companion piece, not a sequel, to A Wrinkle In Time), vg+ in dj 8.00
L'Engle, Madeleine A WRINKLE IN TIME, FSG, 26th('69), vg in price-clipped dj 6.00
MacDonald, John D. FREE FALL IN CRIMSON, Harper & Row '81, 1st edn, (Travis McGee mystery), vg in dj $10
McAuley, Paul WHITE DEVILS, Simon & Schuster UK, 2nd, (hard-edged near-future biotech thriller ; thought-provoking heart-stopping white-knuckle ride), vg-f in dj 16.00
Pangborn, Edgar THE JUDGMENT OF EVE: A Novel of Human Inquiry, Simon & Schuster ('66), 1st, (after the Holocaust), ex-libr else g-vg / vg dj $10
Wharton, William BIRDY, Knopf, 3rd(1/79), (boy with extraordinary mind and inspired obsession is focused on his desire for flight and fascination with birds; author's first novel), vg in dj 7.50
book club:
Niven THE RINGWORLD ENGINEERS, vg in dj 3.00
misc. softcovers:
Altman, Steven-Elliot DEPRIVERS, Ace, 12/03, 1st, (beware their touch; SDS--Sensory Deprivation Syndrome--SF), vg-f 8.00
Asher, Neal COWL, Tor UK '04, 1st, (He is the ultimate in human evolution...more vicious than any prehistoric beast), vg-f 15.00
Asher, Neal THE LINE OF POLITY, Tor UK, 2nd, (Visit a planet where you cannot draw breath...even if the horrifying wildlife would let you), vg-f 12.00
Ballantyne, Tony RECURSION, Tor UK '04, 1st, (suave intruder materializes on Herb’s spacecraft; author's first novel), vg-f 12.00
BATMAN: The Complete Knightfall Saga, DC, (full-cast audio drama), 3 CDs, shrinkwrapped, as new 12.00
Ford, Jeffrey THE GIRL IN THE GLASS, Dark Alley '05, 1st edn, (dark and haunting literary thriller; at once a hypnotically compelling mystery and a stunningly evocative portrait of Depression-era New York), publicity release laid in, vg-f 12.00
Gibson, Gary ANGEL STATIONS, Tor UK '04, 1st, (super-scientific culture aeons ago left incomprehensible relics all over the galaxy; author's first novel), vg-f 12.00
Levy, Roger DARK HEAVENS, Gollancz '03, 1st, (...await the Willing Dead; shades of PKD), vg-f 10.00
McIntosh, Fiona MYRREN'S GIFT, Eos '05, 1st US edn, (The Quickening #1; dazzling & remarkable epic fantasy), PR release laid in, f 8.00
Moorcock, Michael GLORIANA or, The Unfulfill'd Queen, Aspect, 8/04, (new afterword by author as well as both the original, controversial ending and the later revised version; a darkly erotic fable; multi-award winner in 1978), publicity release laid in, vg-f 8.00
Moriarty, Chris SPIN STATE, Spectra, 10/03, 1st, (stunning new voice in hard SF; plausible speculative physics), vg-f 8.00
Niffenegger, Audrey THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE, Harvest '04, (soaring celebration of the victory of love over time; a National Bestseller & a Today Show Book Club Selection), vg-f 10.00
Russ, Joanna THE TWO OF THEM, Wesleyan '05, (Sarah LeFanu foreword), press release laid in, f 10.00
Russ, Joanna WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO…, Wesleyan '05, (Delany intro), f 12.00
Sketchley, Martin THE AFFINITY TRAP, Simon & Schuster UK '04, 1st, (set in 24th century; gripping narrative highlights the contrast between what we perceive ourselves to be, and what we really are; author’s first novel), vg-f 12.00
Sullivan, Tricia MAUL, Orbit '03, 1st (UK), (SF novel of sex, shopping & terrorbugs), vg-f 12.00
SUPERMAN LIVES!, DC, (full-cast audio drama), 3CDs, as new (shrinkwrapped) 12.00
Thomson, Amy STORYTELLER, Ace, 12/03, 1st edn, (thoughtful SF by JWC Award winner), vg-f $10
Baen 65640 Heinlein, Robert A. THE MENACE FROM EARTH, 5/87, (Future History stories), vg 2.50---Covershots of the above can be found on my Catalog Data CD in the Images folder in the “Catalogueds 8-26-05” folder.