After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Monday, February 28, 2005

02/28/05 MON:
---Email sent to Midnight House:
I sure hope you were able to send my copies of HORRIBLE IMAGININGS. I notice it is listed as Out of Print now on your web site.

---Reply rec’d:
Your books will be shipping this week.
---Good news. Last week or the week before would have been better, but at this point I will be happy just to get enough to take care of the people I have waiting for this book. (It is kind of slowing down my order-fulfillment because it seems everything I try to do needs that book--and since it has seemed to be on the verge of arrival I have been thinking that just one more day might do it. Now I guess it won’t be until next week--but hopefully for sure then.)

---Here today from Tor:
De Lint, Charles TRADER, Orb, 1/05, (urban fantasy; a novel of loss, identity, and, in the strangest of places, hope), {hc in dj still avail. @ 24.95}, new 14.95
---Successfully uploaded new batch of records to my listings alluded to in yesterday’s post.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

02/27/05 SUN:
---Worked on long-delayed further upload to listings, bringing to it everything in the alphabet from Mic- to She- (plus Tor mmpbs). The misc. softcovers starting with Sci- (all those magazines) were a bit daunting of a task, but when I finally got around to tackling it (whilst not-watching the Kansas-Oklahoma State basketball game--should have done the same with Oscar Awards telecast), it went fairly well and not as time-consuming as I expected, leaving plenty of the rest of the day to actually goof off. I am sure there are tons of errors, but I think I caught plenty of them. When I finally get the entire catalog up there, maybe I can embellish with further information beyond the laconic of what had been composed for page-conserving print catalogs.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

02/24/05 THU:
---Here are a few nominally-used but basically new books I have just catalogued:
Brown, Fredric FROM THESE ASHES: The Complete Short SF of…, NESFA, 2/01, 1st edn, (Barry N. Malzberg introduction; 693 pages), vg-f in dj 30.00
Verne, Jules TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA, THE COMPLETE..., Visions/Indiana '91, 1st thus, (new translation with intro & notes by Emanuel J. Mickel), f in dj $27
Wolfe, Gene THE BOOK OF THE SHORT SUN, SFBC, 3/01, 1st thus, (3-in-1; collects On Blue's Waters, In Green's Jungles & Return to the Whorl), vg-f in dj 12.50
misc. softcovers:
Anderson, Kevin J. HORIZON STORMS, Simon & Schuster '04, 1st UK, (Saga of Seven Suns #3; titanic war between the elemental alien hydrogues and faeros continutes to sweep across the Spiral Arm; 659-page doorstop), f 8.00
Baird, Alison THE EMPIRE OF THE STARS, Aspect, 11/04, 1st, (Dragon Throne #2; crisp and lucid fantasy), f 5.00
Delany, Samuel R. STARS IN MY POCKET LIKE GRAINS OF SAND, Wesleyan ('04), (20th Anniversary Edition; foreword by Carl Freedman), publicity release laid in, f 20.00
Howard, Madeline THE HIDDEN STARS, Eos '04, 1st edn, (Rune of Unmaking #1; a marvelous fantasy author’s debut novel; high epic fantasy), publicity release laid in, f $7
Nicholls, Stan THE COVENANT RISING, Eos '05, 1st US edn, (The Dreamtime #1; powerful epic fantasy filled with spectacular magic, adventure, and political intrigue), publicity release laid in, f 7.00
Swainston, Steph THE YEAR OF OUR WAR, Eos '05, 1st US edn, (author’s debut; fantasy that breaks out of the elvish straitjacket and takes over the asylum), PR release laid in, f 8.00
Wilson, Robert Charles THE PERSEIDS and Other Stories, Tor, 7/01, (author’s first story collection), remainder mark, vg-f 4.50
Warner Aspect 61155 Benford, Gregory GREAT SKY RIVER, 8/04. (Galactic Center #3), vg-f 4.00
Spectra 58658 Budz, Mark CLADE, 12/03, (orig; bioengineered tomorrow that may come startlingly true), f 4.00
Warner Aspect 61429 Buettner, Robert ORPHANAGE, 11/04, (orig; military SF), f 4.00
Del Rey 61333 Eddings, David & Leigh Eddings THE ELDER GODS, 10/04, (The Dreamers #1), f 3.00
HarperTorch 57297 Harrison, Kim THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UNDEAD, 2/05, (orig; witch bounty-hunter Rachel Morgan), f 4.00
Spectra 58379 Kenyon, Kay THE BRAIDED WORLD, 2/03, (orig; the most disturbing aliens are in humanity's image...), vg-f 3.50
Orbit pb 224 MacLeod, Ken NEWTON'S WAKE, '05, (A Space Opera), f 6.00
Warner Aspect 61342 McArthur, Maxine LESS THAN HUMAN, 10/04, (orig; gripping thriller of identity, artificial intelligence, and murder in a near-future Japan), f 3.50
Orbit pb 168 Moon, Elizabeth TRADING IN DANGER, '03, 1st UK, (Vatta's War #1), f 6.00
Gollancz 07584 Morgan, Richard MARKET FORCES, '04, (orig; fast-forward thriller), vg-f 6.00
Orbit pb 125 Reed, Robert SISTER ALICE, '03, 1st UK, (far-future epic of god-like humans and their colossal blunders), f 6.00
Spectra 58499 Williams, Liz NINE LAYERS OF SKY, 9/03, (orig; profound and provocative look at human nature), f 4.00

---Experimented with making digital photos of the covers of the above books. I have scheduled myself to update the CDR of catalog data on the first of the month, so by Tuesday I hope to have a folder with JPEGs of these images (and perhaps others) to include with updated burnstuff.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

02/23/05 WED:
---Still waiting on shipments from Midnight House and HarperCollins, as well as more from Night Shade. It gets to seem like I am being overlooked by a shipping-clerk conspiracy or something, but everything will probably come in all at once yet this week. To keep the pump primed I am working on another order to Wildside. There are also several book shipments I need to send out myself--I seem to be letting myself get too lazy and distracted again.

Monday, February 21, 2005

02/21/05 MON:
---I am happy to say that I finally figured out I was using the wrong email address to contact Midnight House, and they were not receiving the couple of messages I sent regarding my order for Horrible Imaginings. Ordinarily I have a standing order for a small number of copies of their titles; but for the Fritz Leiber books, which tend to sell better, I order more. My augmented order never reached them, but now I get word that the number I want will be shipping after all. So, those of you depending on me, we should be able to set our minds at ease now.

---Word from Night Shade:
Hi all, bunch of news for you, so let's get started.

In a pretty amazing turn of events, Night Shade has acquired the US rights to Iain M. Banks' new science fiction novel, The Algebraist. Frankly, this isn't the kind of project that often gets handed to a small press, so we're pretty excited about it. Due out in September in two editions, a $24.95 trade hardcover and a $49 signed/limited leatherbound edition. This is a 500+ page novel, so $24.95 is quite a bargain!

In August, we'll be releasing a new novel from Lucius Shepard, Trujillo. For those that are going to ask, no, this isn't the same as the collection released by PS Publishing last year (although we highly recommend that volume). This is just the novel, although "just" isn't the word we'd use for this novel. Pure Lucius, doing what he does best.

A couple of updates for you as well.

The Collected Jorkens vol. 3 is at the printer, and due to ship in the next few weeks.

Letters from New York : The Lovecraft Letters vol. 2 is also at the printer, and should ship early in March.

We've just delivered The Boar to the printer, and it should be out in mid-to-late March, along with Dead in the West. Nothing like a Lansdale double-feature to get you going. If all goes well, we should have copies of both books at the World Horror Convention in April, where Joe is a guest of honor.

Regarding our favorite subject, Wellman slipcases. We're just waiting on the binder to give us a quote, and then we're off to the races. If all goes well, we should also be getting the other Wellman slipcases as well, for the Giants from Eternity/Strangers on the Heights limited edition. Once we get those all taken care of, we'll move on to the Jorkens slipcases.

That's about it for now, although we should have some exciting news coming soon.

Jason Williams
Night Shade Books

Friday, February 18, 2005

02/18/05 FRI:
---A consignment of used books I have managed to get catalogued:
Effinger, George Alec RELATIVES, Harper & Row '73, 1st edn, (novel), remainder mark, vg+ in dj 15.00
Effinger, George Alec THE BIRD OF FIRE, Doubleday '86, 1st edn, (#2), vg-f in dj $20
Effinger, George Alec THE NICK OF TIME, Doubleday '85, 1st edn, (first in time-travel series), vg-f / dj $20
Jeter, K.W. BLADE RUNNER 2: The Edge of Human, Spectra, 11/95, 1st, vg-f/ dj $15
Kress, Nancy BEGGARS AND CHOOSERS, Tor, 10/94, 1st edn, (Beggars #2), vg-f in dj 12.00
Kress, Nancy BEGGARS RIDE, Tor, 11/96, 1st edn, (Beggars #3), vg-f in dj 10.00
Le Guin, Ursula K. DANCING AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD: Thoughts On Words, Women, Places, Grove '89, 1st edn, (nonfiction from an authentic wise woman), vg-f in dj 20.00
Le Guin, Ursula K. FOUR WAYS TO FORGIVENESS, HarperPrism '95, 1st, (intimately interconnected novellas), vg-f in dj 20.00
Sterling, Bruce THE HACKER CRACKDOWN: Law and Disorder On the Electronic Frontier, Bantam, 11/92, 1st, (evaluation of high-tech crime), vg+ in dj 15.00
Sturgeon, Theodore THE COMPLETE STORIES OF…: Vols. I-IV, North Atlantic '95-7, 1sts (except Vol. 1, which is a 2nd printing), (uniform editions; first four of projected ten-volume set), vg-f in djs, as a set the four, 85.00

misc. softcovers:
ASIMOV'S SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE, 12/96, 4/98, 8/98 (sold), 6/99, 8/99, 12/99, 2/00, 5/00, 7/00, 8/00, vg or better each, 1.25
Datlow, Ellen & Terri Windling (eds) THE YEAR'S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR: 12th Annual Collection, St. Martin's, 8/99, 1st edn, vg-f 12.00
FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION, THE MAGAZINE OF…, 12/85, 7/99, 9/99 (sold), vg-f each, 1.50
Dozois, Gardner (ed) THE YEAR'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION collection, 15 of first 16 volumes (missing only Vol 2), Bluejay 4/84 to St. Martin's 6/99, (a chance to play rapid catch-up if you were away during these years), mostly vg-f 165.00

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

02/16/05 WED:
---Here today from Night Shade:
Wellman, Manly Wade GIANTS FROM ETERNITY, Night Shade ('04), 1st edn, (in Lost Wellman series; two SF pulp adventures from 1939 & 1947), new in dj 25.00
---STRANGERS ON THE HEIGHTS, Night Shade ('04), 1st edn, (in Lost Wellman series also; weird menace pulp stories from 1944 & 1939; later published as Bests from Beyound and abridged as The Dark Destroyers), new in dj 25.00
---Good to see I am finally starting to get some of the Night Shade books I have had on order. I expect more to be here shortly--or maybe I should say eventually.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

02/15/05 TUE:
---Acquired a digital camera. Spent too much of the day figuring out some of its functioning. Seems like it might become quite useful, especially if I ever get that .mac membership activated. For now I can add some images to the catalog-data CDR I slip in with orders going out--which already contains a lagniappe in my MP3 stab at an oral reading of Pharsalia--one attempt to utilize the capabilities my new iBook offers.

Monday, February 14, 2005

02/14/05 MON:
---Thinking about dropping membership fee for discount plan, but then if I can manage to get printed catalogs started back up, those fees might be needed to cover increase in overhead, because the discounts don’t allow for a whole lot of slack. For now, until catalogs do come out, I will treat all orders responding to blogmail--or blog per se or from copies of my catalog files (on disc or hopefully soon on-line, when I can ever get my .mac membership activated and utilized)--as discount orders. This is all kind of a moot point, though, since most regular customers now are members/subcribers in good standing anyway. But who knows when some wider audience might find my little backwater of bookselling activity.

---I notice too, now "good news for commenters" that you no longer need to have a blogger account to add comments. Maybe that is why no one ever adds any comments here. Or maybe there is another reason!

Wednesday, February 9, 2005

02/09/05 WED:
---Here today from Golden Gryphon:
Baker, Kage BLACK PROJECTS, WHITE KNIGHTS, Golden Gryphon '04, (brings together the early Company stories), {hc in dj still available @ 24.95}, new 15.95

---Another batch of pbs catalogued for a new insert sheet:
• • NEW ARRIVALS (& re-arrivals): 1/30/2005—2/9/2005 • •
Signet Y6883 Aldiss, Brian STARSWARM, 5th, (10,000 brave new worlds), vg-f 2.50
Signet E8575 Aldiss, Brian THE LONG AFTERNOON OF EARTH, 4th, vg 2.00
Sphere 10960 Aldiss, Brian THE SALIVA TREE and Other Strange Growths, 2nd('71), vg 4.50
Ace pb 06225 Anthony, Piers BIO OF AN OGRE The Autobiography To Age 50, 10/89, vg+ 4.00
Avon 59568 Blish, James BLACK EASTER, 6/82, (Hartwell afterword), vg-f 2.50
Avon 60335 Blish, James DOCTOR MIRABILIS, 8/82, vg+ 3.00
Avon 59527 Blish, James THE DAY AFTER JUDGMENT, 6/82, (Hartwell afterword), vg-f 3.00
Bantam 20760 Brin, David SUNDIVER, 3rd(11/81), vg-f 2.50
Bantam 25704 Brin, David THE POSTMAN, 11/86, (post-nuclear holocaust yarn), vg-f 3.50
Legend 49870 Carroll, Jonathan BONES OF THE MOON, '87, (author's pièce de résistance), f 7.50
Legend 39260 Carroll, Jonathan THE LAND OF LAUGHS, '89, (staggering debut), vg-f 4.00
Arrow 37780 Carroll, Jonathan VOICE OF OUR SHADOW, '84, (1st UK; a magic show of chilling terror), vg-f 8.00
BallAF 03309 Carter, Lin IMAGINARY WORLDS: The Art of Fantasy, 6/73, (orig), vg-f 10.00
DAW 593 Cherryh, C.J. FORTY THOUSAND IN GEHENNA, 9/84, (in Downbelow Station universe), vg-f 4.00
DAW pb UE1682 Cherryh, C.J. SERPENT'S REACH, 3rd, vg-f 2.50
DAW 521 Cherryh, C.J. THE DREAMSTONE, 3/83, (orig; last defense of Faery), vg-f 5.00
DAW 464 Cherryh, C.J. THE PRIDE OF CHANUR, 1/82, (Chanur), vg-f 5.00
Signet AE2034 Clarke, Arthur C. THE CITY AND THE STARS, 13th, vg-f 2.00
Ace pb 22830 Compton, D.G. FAREWELL, EARTH'S BLISS, ('71), (revised US edn), vg-f 4.50
Berkley 19545 Cussler, Clive WHITE DEATH, 9/4, (a novel from the Numa files; spine-tingling adventure on the high seas), vg+ 2.00
Ace pb 20571 Delany, Samuel R. THE BALLAD OF BETA-2 and EMPIRE STAR, nd, vg 4.00
AvoNova 71876 Denton, Bradley BUDDY HOLLY IS ALIVE AND WELL ON GANYMEDE, 12/92, vg-f 3.50
Pocket 82837 Disch, Thomas M. ECHO ROUND HIS BONES, 11/79, vg-f 3.00
Signet T4913 Disch, Thomas M. FUN WITH YOUR NEW HEAD, 2/72, (stories), vg-f 5.00
Bantam 22667 Disch, Thomas M. THE MAN WHO HAD NO iDEA, 11/82, (orig; stories), vg-f 6.00
Berkley 04854 Farmer, Philip José THE MAGIC LABYRINTH, 5/81, (Riverworld #4), vg+ 3.00
Warner 60400 Graziunas, Daina & Jim Starlin PREDATORS, 7/97, (thriller; =Thinning the Predators; soon to be a major motion picture), vg 2.00
Tor 34741 Hagberg, David TERMINATOR 3: Rise of the Machines, 7/03, (novelization), vg 2.50
Avon 47183 Harrison, Harry BILL, THE GALACTIC HERO, 11/79, SIGNED, vg-f 3.00
HarperTorch 05754 Lawhead, Stephen R. BYZANTIUM, 8th, (historical novel; 870 pgs), vg 2.50
Ace pb 75440 Lundwall, Sam J. SCIENCE FICTION: What It's All About, ('71), vg-f 5.00
Ace sp 56941 MacGregor, Loren J. THE NET, 6/87, (orig; in New Ace SF Specials series edited by Terry Carr), vg 4.00
Ball 02246 McCaffrey, Anne DRAGONFLIGHT, 2nd(5/71), (Pern #1), vg+ 2.50
Bantam 24266 McQuay, Mike JITTERBUG, 8/84, INSCRIBED, (orig; in-depth look at the Arab world of the 22nd century; searing epic of the future), vg-f 4.00
Avon 75705 McQuay, Mike LIFEKEEPER, 7/80, SIGNED, (orig; author's first), vg-f 4.00
Spectra sp 28178 McQuay, Mike THE NEXUS, 5/89, SIGNED, (orig), vg-f 6.00
Timescape 83412 Moorcock, Michael THE WAR HOUND AND THE WORLD'S PAIN, 11/82, vg-f 4.00
Ace pb 14879 Powers, Tim DINNER AT DEVIANT'S PALACE, 1/85, (orig; the L.A. of the future), vg-f 10.00
Tor 54973 Powers, Tim FORSAKE THE SKY, 4/86, (=The Skies Discrowned; revised), vg+ 6.00
Ace pb 62686 Powers, Tim ON STRANGER TIDES, 11/88, (freshly bizarre fantasy), vg+ 8.00
Ace sp 88870 Robinson, Kim Stanley THE WILD SHORE, 3/84, (orig), vg-f 10.00
Ace pb 23516 Rucker, Rudy THE 57th FRANZ KAFKA, 1/83, (orig; stories), vg+ 6.00
AvoNova 71844 Rucker, Rudy THE HACKER AND THE ANTS, 5/95, (near-future cyberpunk extravaganza), vg+ 4.00
Spectra 27975 Shiner, Lewis DESERTED CITIES OF THE HEART, 3/89, vg-f 3.50
Del Rey 32497 Simak, Clifford D. HIGHWAY OF ETERNITY, 6/88, (the monster from 1,000,000 A.D.), vg-f 2.50
Del Rey 29139 Simak, Clifford D. PROJECT POPE, 2/82, (robots, romance & religion), vg+ 2.50
Ace pb 50485 Steele, Allen LUNAR DESCENT, 10/91, (orig), vg-f 4.00
Ace pb 53382 Sterling, Bruce (ed) MIRRORSHADES: The Cyberpunk Anthology, 7/88, g-vg 3.00
Ace pb 37423 Sterling, Bruce ISLANDS IN THE NET, 3/89, (high-tech Candide), vg-f 3.50
Ace pb 75400 Sterling, Bruce SCHISMATRIX, 6/86, (An Epic Space Adventure), vg-f 3.50
Collier 025580 Strugatsky, Arkady & Boris Strugatsky PRISONERS OF POWER, '78, (in Best of Soviet SF series; Sturgeon intro), vg-f 4.00
Ace pb 80180 Tiptree, James, Jr. TEN THOUSAND LIGHT-YEARS FROM HOME, 6/73, (orig; stories), vg-f 6.00
Berkley 03880 Tiptree, James, Jr. UP THE WALLS OF THE WORLD, 1/79, vg+ 4.00
Ball 24380 Tiptree, James, Jr. WARM WORLDS AND OTHERWISE, 2/75, (orig), vg+ 7.50
Bantam Q7139 Vidal, Gore MESSIAH, 3/72, (strange, sinister, prophetic novel of a California death cult!), vg-f 4.00
Ace sp 80557 Waldrop, Howard THEM BONES, 11/84, (orig), vg-f 10.00
Ball 24210 Walton, Evangeline THE CHILDREN OF LLYR, 2nd(11/74), (the Welsh Mabinogion), vg+ 4.00
Lancer 74586 Wilhelm, Kate LET THE FIRE FALL, '69, (Earth, planet of hatred), vg-f 5.00
Tor 55813 Wolfe, Gene FREE LIVE FREE, 11/86, vg+ 4.00
Pocket 82824 Wolfe, Gene THE ISLAND OF DOCTOR DEATH and Other Stories and Other Stories, 6/80, (orig), vg-f 10.00
Del Rey 30289 Wyndham, John TROUBLE WITH LICHEN, 3rd(4/82), (terrifying novel of the search for eternal youth), vg 2.00
Pocket 83294 Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn ARIOSTO, 4/80, (orig), vg-f 5.00
Tor 48539 Zelazny, Roger & Fred Saberhagen COILS, 11/82, (orig; Ron Miller illus), g-vg 2.50
Del Rey 30625 Zelazny, Roger DILVISH, THE DAMNED, 11/82, (orig), vg+ 5.00
Ball 24867 Zelazny, Roger MY NAME IS LEGION, 4/76, (orig), vg+ 5.00
Del Rey 25388 Zelazny, Roger ROADMARKS, 8/80, vg-f 5.00
Del Rey 25389 Zelazny, Roger THE CHANGING LAND, 4/81, (orig), vg 5.00
DAW 117 Zelazny, Roger TO DIE IN ITALBAR, 9/74, vg+ 5.00
Baen 72057 Zelazny, Roger WIZARD WORLD, 2nd(11/90), (collects Changeling & Madwand), vg+ 4.50

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

02/08/05 TUE:
---I am working on an order to send to HarperCollins now. Also I emailed Midnight House again wondering about my copies of Horrible Imaginings by Fritz Leiber. I see that DreamHaven lists it with their books in hand in their February catalog. I don't know when it may have actually shipped, but I am starting to wonder.

---Trying to be more sedulous, I have a few more used books catalogued:
Dick, Philip K. THE DIVINE INVASION, Timescape '81, 1st, vg-f in dj 45.00
Dick, Philip K. THE TRANSMIGRATION OF TIMOTY ARCHER, Timescape ('82), 1st, vg+/dj $45
Eddison, E.R. STYRBIORN THE STRONG, Boni '26, 1st (US), g-vg (pretty good) $75
Lafferty, R.A. LAFFERTY IN ORBIT, Broken Mirrors '91, 1st edn, vg-f in dj 15.00
Silverberg, Robert UNFAMILIAR TERRITORY, Scribners ('73), 1st, (stories), vg+ in dj 35.00
Tolkien, J.R.R. THE HOBBIT, Houghton Mifflin, 28th, (illus by author), vg+ in dj with $4.95 price $20
Walton, Evangeline THE VIRGIN AND THE SWINE: The Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi, Willett Clark '36, 1st, (author's first book), vg 25.00
Walton, Evangeline WITCH HOUSE, Arkham House '45, vg (no dj) 45.00

book club ($3 each):

misc. softcovers:
AMAZING STORIES, 6/76, (Big All New All Star issue; Asimov, Leiber, Del Rey, Malzberg, Ellison, Ted White, Benford, Dann, Young, Neville; more), vg-f 3.50
ANALOG, 5/79, (Card novelette; Delany on SF and literature), vg 1.00
ANALOG, 6/62, (The Weather Man by Theodore Thomas; more), vg 2.00
Auster, Paul IN THE COUNTRY OF LAST THINGS, Penguin Contemporary American Fiction '88, (one of the better modern attempts at describing hell), vg+ 12.00
Banks, Iain CANAL DREAMS, Abacus, 10th('94), vg-f 12.00
Banks, Iain ESPEDAIR STREET, Futura '88, (funniest, truest rock biopic yet), vg-f 10.00
Banks, Iain WALKING ON GLASS, Futura '88, (inexorably powerful feast of horrors, variously spiced with incest, conspiracy, and cheerful desriptions of torture...fine writing), vg-f 10.00
Bishop, Michael COUNT GEIGER'S BLUES, Orb, 6/94, (darkly comic tale of low culture--and high adventure), vg-f 8.50
Dick, Philip K.FLOW MY TEARS, THE POLICEMAN SAID, Vintage, 3rd, vg-f $8
Ellison, Harlan THE ESSENTIAL ELLISON: A 35-Year Retrospective, Morpheus, 5th(3/96), (1022 pages), f 20.00
FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION, THE MAGAZINE OF…, 1/73 to 7/77, 53 of 55 issues (missing 3/75 & 1/77), (includes Pohl, Silverberg, Knight & Ellison special issues; 25th Anniversary and other Oct anniversary issues; as well as a great deal else), vg+ or better the set, 125.00
Lafferty, R.A. various stories, five magazines with stories by Lafferty: Galaxy 12/62 & 11/73, F&SF 12/71, Fantastic 8/75 & Amazing/Fantastic 9/83, mostly vg+ as a set, 15.00
Lovecraft, H.P. SUPERNATURAL HORROR IN LETERATURE, Dover ('73), (unabridged and corrected republicatin of 1945 edition; new intro by E.F. Bleiler), vg+ 6.50
Moorcock, Michael GLORIANA or The Unfulfill'd Queen: Being a Romance, Avon, 4/79, f 8.50
Moorcock, Michael THE DANCERS AT THE END OF TIME, Millennium '93, (Eternal Champion #7; collects An Alien Heat, The Hollow Lands & The End of All Songs; 538 pages), vg-f 20.00
WEIRD TALES #290, spr/88, (Special Gene Wolfe Issue; others), vg+ 6.50

Monday, February 7, 2005

02/07/05 MON:
---Word from PS Publishing:
Hi there!
Here's the latest schedule for PS Publishing, taking us up to mid-2006. There may be a couple of titles that we'll be adding in the first half of next year but, in the main, any new projects purchased from here on in will be scheduled for July 2006 onwards.

One final point: please note that interest in the super-deluxe Bradbury set is high. We're also experiencing a lot of interest in the deluxe edition of Stephen Jones's new anthology in the Not At Night series, DON'T TURN OUT THE LIGHT (it's signed by all contributors, including Ray Bradbury and both Mathesons).

I think that's about it for now. Please let us have your up-to-date orders list as soon as you're able.

Many thanks.

Best wishes

Pete Crowther


POSTSCRIPTS # 3 (Spring 2005)

Cover by Edward Miller

March 2005


£6/$10 paperback

£50/$80 signed hardcover (same ISBN)

DON’T TURN OUT THE LIGHT edited by Stephen Jones (anthology)

March 2005

Cover by Les Edwards

Deluxe -- 1-904619-27-4 £60/$90 signed by ALL contributors

Trade -- 1-904619-26-6 £35/$50 hardcover, signed by Jones

THE DEVIL DELIVERED by Steven Erikson (novella)

March 2005

Cover by Edward Miller

Intro by Paul McAuley

Deluxe -- 1-904619-15-0 £25/$45 signed by Erikson and McAuley

Trade -- 1-904619-14-2 £10/$18 signed by Eriskon

LITTLE MACHINES by Paul McAuley (collection)

March 2005

Cover by Chesley Bonestell

Intro by Greg Bear

Deluxe -- 1-902880-93-5 £60/$90 signed by McAuley and Bear

Trade -- 1-902880-94-3 £35/$50 signed by McAuley


THE WANDERING SOUL compiled and edited by Jane Frank (Hodgson) (non-fic)

April 2005

Cover of a Hodgson photograph

Intro by Mike Ashley

Deluxe -- 1-904619-31-2 £60/$90 signed by Jane Frank and Mike Ashley, and including book of poetry

Trade -- 1-904619-30-4 £35/$50


April 2005

Cover by Edward Miller

Intro by Ian Watson

Deluxe -- 1-904619-35-5 £25/$45 signed by Brown and Watson

Trade -- 1-904619-34-7 £10/$18 signed by Brown

NIGHT OF KNIVES by Ian Cameron Esslemont (novel)

April 2005

Cover by Edward Miller

Intro by Steve Erikson

Deluxe -- 1-904619-19-3 £60/$90 signed by Esslemont and Erikson

Trade -- 1-904619-18-5 £35/$50 signed by Esslemont

A REVERIE FOR MISTER RAY by Michael Bishop (non-fic)

Cover by Jamie Bishop

April 2005

Intro by Jeff VanderMeer

Deluxe -- 1-902880-88-9 £60/$90 signed by Bishop, VanderMeer and Michael Hutchings (who edited the book)

Trade hardcover -- 1-902880-87-0 £25/$45 signed by Bishop


TWOC by Graham Joyce (novel)

May 2005

Cover by Oliver James

Intro by Rob Grant

Deluxe -- 1-904619-36-3 £60/$90 signed by Joyce and Grant

Trade -- 1-904619-37-1 £25/$45 signed by Joyce


May 2005

Cover by

Intro by
Charles de Lint

Deluxe -- 1-904619-23-1 £25/$45 signed by Nazarian and de Lint

Trade -- 1-904619-22-3 £10/$18 signed by Nazarian

DESPERATE MOON by R. Andrew Heidel (collection)

Cover by Chris Erkmann

May 2005

Intro by Harlan Ellison

Deluxe -- 1-904619-29-0 £60/$90 signed by Heidel and Ellison

Trade -- 1-904619-28-2 £35/50 signed by Heidel


POSTSCRIPTS # 4 (Summer 2005)

June 2005

Cover by Edward Miller


£6/$10 paperback

£50/$80 signed hardcover (same ISBN)

R IS FOR ROCKET by Ray Bradbury (collection)

June 2005

Cover by Joe Mugnaini

Intro by Ray Harryhausen

Afterword by Mike Marshall Smith

Deluxe -- 1-904619-78-9 £75/$120 signed by Bradbury

Trade -- 1-904619-77-0 £25/$45

S IS FOR SPACE by Ray Bradbury (collection)

June 2005

Intro by Sir Arthur C. Clarke

Cover by Joe Mugnaini

Afterword by Tim Powers

Deluxe -- 1-904619-81-9 £75/$120 signed by Bradbury

Trade -- 1-904619-80-0 £25/$45

L IS FOR LEFTOVERS by Ray Bradbury (collection)

June 2005

Cover by Carol Heyer

Single edition only, available as part of a special 100-copy set along with the deluxe edition of ROCKET and SPACE-- 1-904619-79-7 and included in a specially artwork-blocked slipcase: £295/$475 signed by Bradbury, Ray Harryhausen, Michael Marshall Smith, Arthur C. Clarke and Tim Powers

NOWHERE NEAR AN ANGEL by Mark Morris (novel)

June 2005

Cover by Seamus A. Ryan

Intro by Steve Gallagher

Deluxe -- 1-902880-22-6 £60/$90 signed by Morris and Gallagher

Trade -- 1-902880-99-4 £35/$50 signed by Morris


THE COSMOLOGY OF THE WIDER WORLD by Jeffrey Ford (novella)

July 2005

Cover by Kim Deitch

Intro by Jeff VanderMeer

Deluxe -- 1-904619-83-5 £25/$45 signed by Ford and VanderMeer

Trade -- 1-904619-82-7 £10/$18 signed by Ford

THE PERIODIC TABLE OF SCIENCE FICTION by Michael Swanwick (collection)

July 2005

Cover by

Intro by Theodore Gray

Deluxe -- 1-904619-01-0 £60/$90 signed by Swanwick and Gray

Trade -- 1-904619-00-2 £25/$45 signed by Swanwick

FINE CUTS by Dennis Etchison (collection)

July 2005

Cover by J.K.Potter

Intro by Pete Atkins

Deluxe -- 1-902880-82-X £60/$90 signed by Etchison and Atkins

Trade -- 1-902880-81-1 £35/$50 signed by Etchison


SANITY AND THE LADY by Brian W. Aldiss (novel)

August 2005

Cover by

Intro by Ian R. MacLeod

Deluxe -- 1-904619-25-8 £60/$90 signed by Aldiss and MacLeod

Trade -- 1-904619-24-X £35/$50 signed by Aldiss

STREAKING by Brian Stableford (novel)

August 2005

Cover by

Intro by Storm Constantine

Deluxe -- 1-904619-41-X £60/$90 signed by Stableford and Constantine

Trade -- 1-904619-40-1 £35/$50 signed by Stableford

STREETCAR DREAMS by Richard Bowes (collection)

August 2005

Cover by

Intro by Jeffrey Ford

Deluxe -- 1-904619-39-8 £60/$90 signed by Bowes and Ford

Trade -- 1-904619-38-X £35/$50 signed by Bowes


POSTSCRIPTS # 5 (Autumn 2005)

September 2005

Cover by J.K.Potter


£6/$10 paperback

£50/$80 signed hardcover (same ISBN)

CINEMA MACABRE edited by Mark Morris (non-fic)

September 2005

Cover by

Intro by

Deluxe -- 1-904619-45-2 £60/$90 signed by ALL contributors

Trade -- 1-904619-44-4 £35/$50 signed by Morris

20the CENTURY GHOSTS by Joe Hill (collection)

September 2005

Covers by: Vincent Chong, James Hannah and J.K.Potter

Intro by Chris Golden

Trade pb -- 1-904619-46-0 £15/$25

Hardcover -- 1-904619-47-9 £35/$50 signed by Hill

Slipcased hardcover -- 1-904619-48-7 £60/$90 signed by Hill and Golden and containing additional material

THE BUTTERFLIES OF MEMORY by Ian Watson (collection)

September 2005

Cover by

Intro by Paul McAuley

Deluxe -- 1-904619-50-9 £60/$90 signed by Watson and McAuley

Trade -- 1-904619-49-5 £35/$50 signed by Watson


SECRET STORIES by Ramsey Campbell (novel)

October 2005

Cover by

Intro by Jeremy Dyson

Deluxe -- 1-904619-52-5 £60/$90 signed by Campbell and Dyson

Trade -- 1-904619-51-7 £35/$50 signed by Campbell

MOBY JACK AND OTHER TALL TALES by Garry Kilworth (collection)

October 2005

Cover by

Intro by Rob Holdstock

Deluxe -- 1-904619-54-1 £60/$90 signed by Kilworth and Holdstock

Trade -- 1-904619-53-3 £35/$50 signed by Kilworth

PAST MAGIC by Ian MacLeod (collection)

October 2005

Cover by

Intro by

Deluxe -- 1-904619-56-8 £60/$90 signed by MacLeod and Introducer

Trade -- 1-904619-55-X £35/$50 signed by MacLeod


BABYLON by Richard Calder (novel)

November 2005

Cover by

Intro by K.J. Bishop

Deluxe -- 1-904619-58-4 £60/$90 signed by Calder and Bishop

Trade -- 1-904619-57-6 £35/$50 signed by Calder

THE FACE OF TWILIGHT by Mark Samuels (novella)

November 2005

Cover by

Intro by

Deluxe -- 1-904619-60-6 £25/$45 signed by Samuels and Introducer

Trade -- 1-904619-59-2 £10/$18 signed by Samuels

FISHIN’ WITH GRANDMA MATCHIE by Steven Erikson (novella)

November 2005

Cover by

Intro by Graham Joyce

Deluxe -- 1-904619-13-4 £25/$45 signed by Erikson and Joyce

Trade -- 1-904619-12-6 £10/$18 signed by Erikson


POSTSCRIPTS # 6 (Winter 2005/6)

December 2005

Cover by Debbie Hughes


£6/$10 paperback

£50/$80 signed hardcover (same ISBN)

WHERE OR WHEN by Steven Utley (collection)

December 2005

Cover by

Intro by Howard Waldrop

Deluxe -- 1-904619-62-2 £60/$90 signed by Utley and Waldrop

Trade -- 1-904619-61-4 £35/$50 signed by Utley


TIM POWERS BOOK compiled and edited by John Berlyne (non-fic)

February 2006

Cover by

Intro by John Berlyne

Deluxe -- 1-904619-76-2

Trade -- 1-904619-75-4


FAIN THE SORCEROR by Steve Aylett (novella)

March 2006

Cover by

Intro by

Deluxe -- 1-904619-64-9 £25/$45 signed by Aylett and Introducer

Trade -- 1-904619-63-0 £10/$18 signed by Aylett

IMPOSSIBLE STORIES by Zoran Zivkovic (collection)

April 2006

Cover by Hawk Alfedson

Intro by Gene Wolfe

Deluxe -- 1-904619-66-5 £60/$90 signed by Zivkovic and Wolfe

Trade -- 1-904619-65-7 £35/$50 signed by Zivkovic

BASIL COPPER bibliography by Stephen Jones (non-fic novella-length)

May 2006

Cover by

Intro by Steve Jones

Deluxe -- 1-904619-68-1 £25/$45 signed by Jones and Copper

Trade -- 1-904619-67-3 £10/$18 signed by Jones

THE VOYAGE OF NIGHT SHINING WHITE by Chris Roberson (novella)

June 2006

Cover by Stephan Martiniere

Intro by

Deluxe -- 1-904619-70-3 £25/$45 signed by Roberson and Introducer

Trade -- 1-904619-69-X £10/$18 signed by Roberson

FLAVORS OF MY GENIUS by Robert Reed (novella)

July 2006

Cover by

Intro by

Deluxe -- 1-904619-72-X £25/$45 signed by Reed and Introducer

Trade -- 1-904619-71-1 £10/$18 signed by Reed

UNTITLED COLLECTION by Lucius Shepard (collection)

October 2006

Cover by

Intro by China Mieville

Deluxe -- 1-904619-74-6 £60/$90 signed by Shepard and Mieville

Trade -- 1-904619-73-8 £35/$50 signed by Shepard


Saturday, February 5, 2005

02/05/05 SAT:
---Word from The Rose Press:
Hi Chris,
I think you really should be carrying Brian Aldiss JOCASTA. It is destined to become one of his most collectable books and looks just fabulous. Check it out at and let me know if you agree!
Best rgds,
Phillip Rose
London, England

Friday, February 4, 2005

02/04/05 FRI:
---Here today from PGW:
Sturgeon, Theodore THE MAN WHO LOST THE SEA: Volume X: The Complete Stories of…, North Atlantic '05, 1st, (years 1957 to 1960; Jonathan Lethem foreword), new in dj 35.00

---Word from Night Shade:
Hi all,

We're just beginning to ship out preorders on our two new Manly Wade Wellman titles.

Strangers on the Heights (also known as Beasts From Beyond) is all about weird cult activity, and our hero's intention to stop it. As a bonus, included is the novella "Nuisance Value," (also published as The Dark Destroyers).

Giants from Eternity is about a nasty alien goo that tries to invade the earth, and what scientists do to stop it. The bonus novella here is "The Timeless Tomorrow"

In other news, we've FINALLY received the limited edition of Leviathan 4, signed by all the contributors, and are busily shipping out those preorders as well. Not many left, so if you want one you should order now.

Look to see H.P. Lovecraft's Letters from New York, The Collected Jorkens vol. 3, The Boar and Dead in the West to be released in the next couple of months. Beyond that, look for the third Hodgson volume, The Ghost Pirates, as well as books from Terry Lamsley, Steven Erikson and more.

Regarding slipcases. Yes, we are working on them. The binder has the five volume Wellman set, and is supposed to be working on those cases. As soon as he gets done with those, he'll be working on the slipcase for the limited edition of Strangers on the Heights/Giants from Eternity. Most likely after that, it'll be the Jorkens cases. Sorry for the delay.

A quick word on timeframes. Like any other small press, we try to get books out as close to on-time as possible. Frequently we're affected by things that are simply beyond our control. For example, our largest single customer is Baker & Taylor, a large book wholesaler. And they have some issues with paying on time. But they are such a large part of our revenue that if we don't get a check, it's the difference between shipping a book now and shipping it a month from now.

So please bear with us. We will get out all the books, sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.

Jason Williams
Night Shade Books

Thursday, February 3, 2005

02/03/05 THU:
---A little catching up and re-stocking of titles from Tartarus:
Parker, Rosalie (foreword) STRANGE TALES, Tartarus, 2nd('04), as new in dj 30.00

Russell, R.B. GUIDE TO FIRST EDITION PRICES: 2004/5, Tartarus, 11/03, new 35.00

Samuels, Mark THE WHITE HANDS and Other Weird Tales, Tartarus '04, tpb reprint, new 18.00

---Back in stock:

Baker, Frank MISS HARGREAVES: A Fantasy, Tartarus '04, (orig: 1940), new / dj $55

Onions, Oliver GHOST STORIES, Tartarus, 2nd('03), (459 pages), new in dj 65.00

Walpole, Hugh TARNHELM: The Best Supernatural Stories of…, Tartarus '03, one of 500 copies, (George Gorniak intro; 363 + xiv pages), new in dj 65.00

WORMWOOD #3, aut/04, Tartarus, (on Peake, Woolrich, Wyndham, etc.), new 15.00
---I also tried for more of nos. 1 & 2, which I am sold out of, but did not receive any.

---Also this OP title:
Sarban THE SACRIFICE and Other Stories, Tartarus '02, as new in dj 55.00

Tuesday, February 1, 2005

02/01/05 TUE:
---Here today from TTA:
INTERZONE #196, 1-2/05, (Remaking the World with China Miéville; Winning Mars by Jason Stoddard, Paul Di Filippo, Neal Blaikie, David Ira Cleary, Will McIntosh, David Langford, Mike O’Driscoll; Sarah Ash interviewed), new 6.00

---Word from Mythos Books about a new publication:
Peter Cannon. THE LOVECRAFT CHRONICLES. Mythos Books, 2004, 1st, trade paperback. 192 pages. Horror legend H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) wasn't much of a ladies' man, as anyone knows who's read his ex-wife Sonia Davis's poignant account of their brief, doomed marriage. In his first novel, an episodic alternative history in the form of a memoir anthology, Lovecraft scholar and PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY Forecasts editor Cannon (LOVECRAFT REMEMBERED) sympathetically explores his subject's vexed relationships with three women. Lovecraft gets the best of two (fictional) female admirers-a spunky teenager and a Barbara Pym-ish spinster, each of whom serves as his secretary-but meets his match in Lyda Long, the real-life bride of his old pal and fellow pulp writer, Frank Belknap Long. Along the way Lovecraft publishes a story collection (which never quite happened in actuality) and realizes his dream of visiting England, where he meets renowned fantasist Arthur Machen. Those familiar with Cannon's chronicle of the Longs in their old age, Long Memories, won't be terribly surprised by the tragicomic denouement. The three first-person narrations, sepia-toned portraits in words, exude period atmosphere and expertly capture Lovecraft's complex character. Borrowing giddily from Stella Gibbons, Charlotte Brontë and George Gissing, Cannon extends and reinvents his life in ways sure to amuse (and provoke) serious Lovecraftians. Jason C. Eckhardt's illustrations complement the text perfectly. $15.00

and still available:

Howard, Robert E. (related) Ben Szumskyj, editor. ROBERT E. HOWARD -
THE POWER OF THE WRITING MIND. Mythos Books LLC, 2003, 1st, oversized
trade paperback, 76 pages. Introduction by Ben Szumskyj. "An
Introduction to the Life and Works of Robert E. Howard" and an interview
with Glenn Lord by Joe Marek; an untitled fantasy/Cthulhu Mythos style
story featuring John O'Dare by Robert E. Howard; "A Short History of the
Conan Typescripts" by Patrice Louniet; "The Devil's Woodchopper" by
Robert E. Howard; "Pages from 'As the Poet Says'" by Rusty Burke with
Leo Grin; "Three Autobiographical Letters" by Robert E. Howard (to
ARGOSY, and to Farnsworth Wright, and to Wilfred Blanch Talman; "And in
This Corner, Hailing from Nazareth, or, What the Eddas Don't Tell You"
by Scott Sheaffer (on Robert E. Howard's pagan/Viking/Celtic stories);
"Double Cross" by Robert E. Howard (an Ace Jessel & John Taverel boxing
story); "Am-Ra: Howard's Lost Hero" by Ben Szumskyj; "The Right Hook No.
1 Vol. 1" by Robert E. Howard, introduced by Tom Munnerlyn (unpublished
Robert E. Howard material from a zine produced by a nineteen-year old
Robert E. Howard); "Some People Who Have Had Influence Over Me" by
Robert E. Howard (a high school essay); afterword by Ben Szumskyj.
Profusely illustrated by Gary Gianni, Rick Cortes, Mark Schultz, Rick
McCollum, David Burton. $15.00

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