---I am working on an order to send to HarperCollins now. Also I emailed Midnight House again wondering about my copies of Horrible Imaginings by Fritz Leiber. I see that DreamHaven lists it with their books in hand in their February catalog. I don't know when it may have actually shipped, but I am starting to wonder.
---Trying to be more sedulous, I have a few more used books catalogued:
Dick, Philip K. THE DIVINE INVASION, Timescape '81, 1st, vg-f in dj 45.00
Dick, Philip K. THE TRANSMIGRATION OF TIMOTY ARCHER, Timescape ('82), 1st, vg+/dj $45
Eddison, E.R. STYRBIORN THE STRONG, Boni '26, 1st (US), g-vg (pretty good) $75
Lafferty, R.A. LAFFERTY IN ORBIT, Broken Mirrors '91, 1st edn, vg-f in dj 15.00
Silverberg, Robert UNFAMILIAR TERRITORY, Scribners ('73), 1st, (stories), vg+ in dj 35.00
Tolkien, J.R.R. THE HOBBIT, Houghton Mifflin, 28th, (illus by author), vg+ in dj with $4.95 price $20
Walton, Evangeline THE VIRGIN AND THE SWINE: The Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi, Willett Clark '36, 1st, (author's first book), vg 25.00
Walton, Evangeline WITCH HOUSE, Arkham House '45, vg (no dj) 45.00
book club ($3 each):
misc. softcovers:
AMAZING STORIES, 6/76, (Big All New All Star issue; Asimov, Leiber, Del Rey, Malzberg, Ellison, Ted White, Benford, Dann, Young, Neville; more), vg-f 3.50
ANALOG, 5/79, (Card novelette; Delany on SF and literature), vg 1.00
ANALOG, 6/62, (The Weather Man by Theodore Thomas; more), vg 2.00
Auster, Paul IN THE COUNTRY OF LAST THINGS, Penguin Contemporary American Fiction '88, (one of the better modern attempts at describing hell), vg+ 12.00
Banks, Iain CANAL DREAMS, Abacus, 10th('94), vg-f 12.00
Banks, Iain ESPEDAIR STREET, Futura '88, (funniest, truest rock biopic yet), vg-f 10.00
Banks, Iain WALKING ON GLASS, Futura '88, (inexorably powerful feast of horrors, variously spiced with incest, conspiracy, and cheerful desriptions of torture...fine writing), vg-f 10.00
Bishop, Michael COUNT GEIGER'S BLUES, Orb, 6/94, (darkly comic tale of low culture--and high adventure), vg-f 8.50
Dick, Philip K.FLOW MY TEARS, THE POLICEMAN SAID, Vintage, 3rd, vg-f $8
Ellison, Harlan THE ESSENTIAL ELLISON: A 35-Year Retrospective, Morpheus, 5th(3/96), (1022 pages), f 20.00
FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION, THE MAGAZINE OF…, 1/73 to 7/77, 53 of 55 issues (missing 3/75 & 1/77), (includes Pohl, Silverberg, Knight & Ellison special issues; 25th Anniversary and other Oct anniversary issues; as well as a great deal else), vg+ or better the set, 125.00
Lafferty, R.A. various stories, five magazines with stories by Lafferty: Galaxy 12/62 & 11/73, F&SF 12/71, Fantastic 8/75 & Amazing/Fantastic 9/83, mostly vg+ as a set, 15.00
Lovecraft, H.P. SUPERNATURAL HORROR IN LETERATURE, Dover ('73), (unabridged and corrected republicatin of 1945 edition; new intro by E.F. Bleiler), vg+ 6.50
Moorcock, Michael GLORIANA or The Unfulfill'd Queen: Being a Romance, Avon, 4/79, f 8.50
Moorcock, Michael THE DANCERS AT THE END OF TIME, Millennium '93, (Eternal Champion #7; collects An Alien Heat, The Hollow Lands & The End of All Songs; 538 pages), vg-f 20.00
WEIRD TALES #290, spr/88, (Special Gene Wolfe Issue; others), vg+ 6.50